#POI Data Provider - Installation and Administration Guide Version 5.4 by Ari Okkonen, Adminotech Oy
The purpose of this document is to provide the required information for a system administrator in order to install and configure the POI (Points of Interest) Data Provider generic enabler reference implementation. The POI GE is implemented as a RESTful web service using PHP programming language. It is described in more detail in FIWARE.OpenSpecification.MiWi.POIDataProvider.
If you are installing a secure POI server, use directory "
" everywhere in stead of "/var/www/html
". -
All editor invocation commands in this document are for the Nano editor.
$ sudo nano ...
Of course, you are free to use your favorite editor to edit the files.
This document is associated to the latest release of the POI Data Provider. Links to versions related to earlier software releases are in the table below.
Release | Date | Description |
r3.3 | 2014-09-17 | Original release - a POI belongs to exactly one category |
r5.1 | 2016-04-07 | Dynamic POIs & Quality Boost |
r5.4 | 2016-09-09 | This release - Access Control |
The POI Data Provider should work on any modern PC computer that is capable of running Ubuntu Server 14.04. Therefore, the bare minimum requirements are:
- 300 MHz x86 processor
- 192 MiB of system memory (RAM) (256 MiB for a virtual installation)
- 1.4 GB of disk space
For a small practical deployment, the recommended system is:
- 1 GHz Dual core CPU
- 4 GB of system memory (RAM)
- 40 GB of disk space
The hardware needs of the POI Data Provider are mainly dominated by the databases (PostgreSQL and MongoDB), and as such the two most important factors are:
- memory size (the bigger the better)
- disk size
- disk speed (e.g. using SSD drives)
You can have a rough estimate for the required disk space by using the following formula:
size_on_disk = number_of_pois * 10KB
So, for example for one million (1000000) POIs, you get the following estimate for data size on disk:
size_on_disk = 1000000 * 10KB = 10000000 KB ~ 10GB
However, this estimate may be inaccurate for many cases, as the mean POI size can be much smaller or larger than 10 kilobytes.
The implementation and this installation guide have been tested with Ubuntu 14.04. Other Linux distribution may need modifications in installation procedure and configuration files.
In order to have the POI Data Provider up and running, the following software is required:
- PostgreSQL 9.3
- PostGIS 2.1.x spatial database extension
- MongoDB 2.0.x
- Apache HTTP Server 2.2.x
- (Or basically any HTTP server with PHP support)
- PHP 5.x
- PostgreSQL module
- MongoDB module
- JSON Schema for PHP 1.4.3 [1]
- pecl_http-1.7.6 module
Get up-to-date package lists from update servers:
$ sudo apt-get update
The required software packages can be installed using the 'apt-get' command-line package installation tool:
$ sudo apt-get install -y postgis postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1
$ sudo apt-get install mongodb
$ sudo apt-get install apache2
$ sudo apt-get install php5 php5-pgsql
$ sudo apt-get install git
The installation of the MongoDB module for PHP5. :
$ sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev gcc make
$ sudo pecl install mongo
The installation of the Pecl_HTTP module for PHP5. This enables use of HTTP requests to obtain dynamic data from other sites. Note the version, because the interface changes to the version 2, and the version 3 is totally incompatible with PHP5.
$ sudo apt-get install libcurl3-openssl-dev
$ sudo pecl install pecl_http-1.7.6
Add these lines to /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini:
You may use e.g.
$ sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
or some other editor.
Enable access control in per-directory basis. The POI DP uses .htaccess
file to protect external access keys for dynamic POIs.
Change the following line in the file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
within <Directory /var/www/>
AllowOverride None
---> Change to --->
AllowOverride All
Restart Apache web server:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Create GIS database user:
$ sudo -u postgres createuser gisuser
Answer "n" to all questions.
Create database owned by that user
$ sudo -u postgres createdb --encoding=UTF8 --owner=gisuser poidatabase
Activate PostGIS on the created database:
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d poidatabase -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis.sql $ sudo -u postgres psql -d poidatabase -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/contrib/postgis-2.1/spatial_ref_sys.sql $ sudo -u postgres psql -d poidatabase -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.3/contrib/postgis-2.1/postgis_comments.sql $ sudo -u postgres psql -d poidatabase -c "GRANT SELECT ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;" $ sudo -u postgres psql -d poidatabase -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO gisuser;"
Enable UUID functions for that database:
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d poidatabase -c 'create extension "uuid-ossp";'
Grant local access to the database:
Before you can access the database, you must edit PostgreSQL configuration to allow local unix socket connections (from the same computer where the database is running) without password.
Edit the file
and change the following line:# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all peer
---> Change to --->
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only local all all trust
Restart PostgreSQL
$ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
Fetch the POI Data Provider from GitHub:
$ git clone https://github.com/Chiru/FIWARE-POIDataProvider.git
Create required database tables using the provided script:
$ cd FIWARE-POIDataProvider/install_scripts $ ./create_tables.sh $ cd ../..
Choice between secure (https) and unsecure (http) access to the data provider depends on required confidentiality and dependability of the service. Plaintext http access is easily eavesdropped and intercepted. Do not use it for confidential or dependable data. Encrypted https access requires more determination to intercept. However, https requires more work to set up and manage. See: Wikipedia HTTPS. Choose either:
A. Unsecure (http)
Copy the folder
from the cloned project under the current working directory, e.g. to/var/www/html/poi_dp
$ sudo cp -r FIWARE-POIDataProvider/php /var/www/html/poi_dp
Installation of JSON Schema for PHP
$ wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar $ php composer.phar require justinrainbow/json-schema:1.4.3 $ sudo cp -r vendor /var/www/html/poi_dp/
More information about the JSON Schema for PHP implementation can be found at [3].
B. Secure (https)
Copy the folder
from the cloned project under the current working directory, e.g. to/var/www/ssl/poi_dp
$ sudo cp -r FIWARE-POIDataProvider/php /var/www/ssl/poi_dp
Installation of JSON Schema for PHP
$ wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar $ php composer.phar require justinrainbow/json-schema:1.4.3 $ sudo cp -r vendor /var/www/ssl/poi_dp/
More information about the JSON Schema for PHP implementation can be found at [3].
Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is required if the POI-DP client is a web application that is hosted on a different domain than the POI-DP backend. In practice this means that the POI-DP Apache server needs to add the following HTTP header for each response:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Rewrite is used to default the .php extension from service requests. E.g. http//www.example.org/poi_dp/radial_search -> http//www.example.org/poi_dp/radial_search.php .
Enable mod_headers and mod_rewrite Apache modules:
$ sudo a2enmod headers
$ sudo a2enmod rewrite
$ sudo service apache2 restart
.$ cd /var/www/html/poi_dp $ sudo cp site_info_t.json site_info.json
to show the correct data for your site. E.g.:$ sudo nano site_info.json
Optional feature - for confidential or dependable information
In general you have to enable the ssl mode in the server
$ sudo a2enmod ssl
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/ssl
Then you have to set up the secure certificate.
Professional secure sites need a certificate signed by a trusted authority. Obtaining a SSL certificate is explained at How To Order An SSL Certificate.
An experimental or hobby site can do with a self-signed certificate. Setting up a site with such can be done according to instructions at How To Create a SSL Certificate on Apache for Ubuntu 14.04.
Hint: the "Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name)" seems to need to be the domain name of your server.
Edit the server configuration.
$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf
Detailed editing instructions at How To Create a SSL .... NOTE: In default-ssl.conf set the DocumentRoot to point to the secure server root /var/www/ssl
DocumentRoot /var/www/ssl
User authentication is needed, if
- the server will contain confidential data not for anyone's eyes, or
- the REST interface will be used to add or update data.
NGSI-10 support does not contain access control. If not all the POIs in the server are open data, remove the directory /var/www/html/poi_dp/ngsi10/
Currently supported authentication services are:
- KeyRock
contains some hints for registering.
- Google requires a name server entry for your server. A numeric IP address does not work.
- KeyRock does not support CORS and so does not reveal the identity of the user to the client program.
Register the POI data provider to the authentication services suitable for your purposes. The redirect callback is {your_poi_server}/poi_dp/redirect_callback.html
, if needed. When you register, you get a client id to be used in authentication requests.
.$ sudo cp authenticate_t.html authenticate.html
- update signin-client_id values for the authentication services. Search for the string "*** REPLACE
" to find the right places, and read comments for some hints. E.g.:$ sudo nano authenticate.html
.$ sudo cp auth_conf_t.json auth_conf.json
The template looks about the following:
{ "description": [ "These permissions override those in the database.", "..." ], "open_data": false, "hard_auths": { "google:[email protected]": { "accounts": { "4d1a77c0-6cfb-4468-86fa-bff784012816": {"registration_time": 0} } }, "fiware_lab:j_d": { "accounts": { "4d1a77c0-6cfb-4468-86fa-bff784012816": {"registration_time": 0} } } }, "hard_users": { "4d1a77c0-6cfb-4468-86fa-bff784012816": { "name": "John Doe", "photo": "http://www.example.com/johndoe.jpg", "address": "Kotikatu 60 A 22, 90990 Oulu, Finland", "phone": "+356 8 999 999", "email": "[email protected]", "additional_emails": [], "permissions": { "admin": false, "add": false, "update": false, "view": false }, "identifications": { "google:[email protected]": true, "fiware_lab:j_d": true } } } }
The exemplary template represents one user account that can be logged in by both Google and Fiware Lab. UUIDs are used as the internal user Ids. Note that in this example the account has not been given any rights.
. E.g.:$ sudo nano auth_conf.json
Replace the template data according to the following notes:
- Settrue
, if anybody can view the datahard_auths
- These are authentications for the "root" users. These cannot be changed thru the API.- Keys of user authentications are of form <authentication provider>:<authentication_id> . E.g.
google:[email protected]
. The authentication_id is the one used by the authentication provider. - NOTE: You can use only the authentication providers supported by the software.
- These are user accounts that can be logged in using the authentication.- Keys of accounts are user Ids. These Ids are used to find user credentials and other user information under
. - The content of an account is the Unix time stamp of the registration time. You may use
{"registration_time": 0}
- Keys of accounts are user Ids. These Ids are used to find user credentials and other user information under
- Keys of user authentications are of form <authentication provider>:<authentication_id> . E.g.
- These are accounts for the "root" users. These cannot be changed thru the API.- Keys of user accounts are user Ids. You may use e.g. https://www.uuidgenerator.net/ for new Ids.
must be unique.email
is used to send the invitation to register.permissions
specify, what the user can do. The boolean valuetrue
enables the permission.admin
- can manage users.add
- can add POIs.update
- can modify and delete POI data.view
- can view POI data.
links back tohard_auths
. This section must exactly have the authentication keys that have this account as a choice. The content of a key istrue
, andadditional_emails
are for information only.
The Sanity Check Procedures are the steps that a System Administrator will take to verify that an installation is ready to be tested. This is therefore a preliminary set of tests to ensure that obvious or basic malfunctioning is fixed before proceeding to unit tests, integration tests and user validation.
You can do a quick test to see if everything is up and running by accessing the following URL:
For secure server use:
You should get a JSON structure representing a test POI as a response and possibly some general info about the site.
NOTE: Authorization is not needeed in radial_search
limited to category test_poi
You can use the following command to check if Apache HTTP server, PostgreSQL and MongoDB are running:
$ ps ax | grep 'postgres\|mongo\|apache2'
The output of the command should be something like the following:
8404 ? Ssl 37:07 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongodb.conf 12380 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 12381 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 12382 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 12383 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 12384 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 17966 ? Ss 0:20 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 18845 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 21262 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 21263 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start 27956 ? S 0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf 27958 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: writer process 27959 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: wal writer process 27960 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher process 27961 ? Ss 0:00 postgres: stats collector process 28100 pts/0 R+ 0:00 grep --color=auto postgres\|mongo\|apache2
The only required port open to the Internet is TCP port 80, used by HTTP protocol.
The POI Data Provider utilizes two database systems:
- PostgreSQL/PostGIS for storing and accessing data components with spatial data (fw_core data component)
- MongoDB for storing and accessing all other data components that do not require spatial searches
PostgreSQL has a database named 'poidatabase
'. It contains a table called 'fw_core
' and it contains the core information, such as name and location, about the POIs.
You can test if this table is succesfully created with the following commands:
$ psql -U gisuser poidatabase
poidatabase=> SELECT count(*) FROM fw_core;
If the table was created succesfully, this query should return '4', as there sould be four test POI entries created by the installation.
To exit PostgreSQL use:
poidatabase=> \q
MongoDB should also contain a database named 'poi_db
'. It should contain a collection named 'testData
' containing a single test POI entry, created by the installation.
You can test if MongoDB was succesfully configured with the following commands:
$ mongo
> use poi_db
> show collections
The show collections
command should list five POI data component collections created by the installation: fw_contact, fw_marker, fw_media, and fw_time.
To exit MongoDB use:
> exit
Demo Client is an optional feature.
The demo client allows you to immediately utilize your POI data provider. It shows POIs of selected categories on Google Maps background. It also allows you to add, modify, and delete individual POIs, if you have proper credentials.
NOTE: You need a Google Maps API key, because Google inc. requires you to obtain an API key for the application using Google Maps. You can obtain it from Get a Key/Authentication.
Copy the client:
$ sudo cp -r poi_mapper_client /var/www/html/pois
Edit the pois/index.html
replacing the string "YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY" with your actual API key.
$sudo nano /var/www/html/pois/index.html
E.g.: from
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
Now, the POI browser can be accessed using a web browser at {your_poi_server}/pois . The POIs can be added, edited, and deleted at {your_poi_server}/pois/edit_poi.html .
Configuring the basic access rights for hard users (those cannot be configured via web interface) is explained in the section Configuring the basic access rights.
To manage users log in (admin rights needed) to <your_poi_server>/poi_dp/user_management.html . Remember to log out when you are done.
- Press "New user"
- Press a plus sign to add a data field.
- Add and fill at least the fields name, email, and permissions.
- name must be unique
- email is a default address for sending the invitation to register
- permissions - check the boxes to grant permissions
- admin - can add, modify, and delete users
- add - can add POIs
- update - can modify and delete POIs
- view - can view POIs. Not needed for open data servers.
- Press Save - Note allow a pop-up, if prevented opening
- If the server cannot send the invitation mail, a pop-up email form appears. Check the subject and the message, and edit if needed. If automatic filling of an email is not available, you may copy the data from under the text "User added.". The registration URL is important. Send to the user.
- Right-click the user entry: User Name, email .
- Select Edit
- Edit data and Save.
You may remove accepted login authentications by unchecking entries under identifications. Keys of the identifications are of form <provider>:<id> .
Disabling removes all access rights and login authentications of the user. A disabled user cannot log in to the system. It is also impossible to re-register using an old invitation. This is the recommended method to remove users from the system.
- Right-click the user entry: User Name, email .
- Select Disable
Note: Deleting user data causes loss of historical "who updated this" information. Consider hitting Cancel and disabling the user instead.
Deleting a user is intended for removing erroneously created users who have not entered any data to the site.
- Right-click the user entry: User Name, email .
- Select DELETE!
This is intended for
- enabling a disabled user
- enabling another authentication for the user
Do this:
- Right-click the user entry: User Name, email .
- Select New Call to Register
Send the mail manually, if needed - just as in Adding a User.
The Diagnosis Procedures are the first steps that a System Administrator will take to locate the source of an error in a GE. Once the nature of the error is identified with these tests, the system admin will very often have to resort to more concrete and specific testing to pinpoint the exact point of error and a possible solution. Such specific testing is out of the scope of this section.
The amount of available resources depends on the size of the database and the usage rate of the service. The minimum recommended available resources are:
- Available memory: 4 GB
- Available disk space: 40 GB
The load value reported e.g. by the 'top' utility should not exceed the number of CPU cores in the system. If this happens, the performance of the system can dramatically drop.
Check that the HTTP port (80) [HTTPS port (443) in a secure server] is open and accessible from all the networks from which POI-DP will be used.
All the incoming and outgoing data of the POI Data Provider will go through TCP port 80 [SSL port 443 in a secure server]. The size of the flow is entirely dependant on the usage of the service, e.g. number of users.
The language key for the non-language-specific strings is changed from ""
to "__"
(two underscore characters. The reason is that the MongoDB database does not like zero-length keys. The keys in databases that are created with earlier versions of the POI-DP can be updated using the following command:
$ psql -U gisuser -d poidatabase -a -f FIWARE-POIDataProvider/install_scripts/update_fw_core_intl_to_5.1.sql