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Attractions Salon

Team Swee (Group 2) Deployed Website

This repository contains both the backend and frontend portions of the project.

Project Features (Backend API)

Users, Authentication, and Authorization


Schema defined in api/model/user.js User role is used in authorization


Defined in api/controllers/userController.js

  • GET /api/users Reads the current logged in user, returns 403 if not logged in.
  • GET /api/users/roles/:role Returns a list of users at the role, omitting sensitive data.
  • DELETE /api/users/:id Removes the user with given id :id (requires authorization)
  • PUT /api/users/:id Updates the user with given id :id: (requires authorization)
  • POST /api/users Creates a new user, requires captcha token
  • POST /api/login/reset Generates a forget password token for a provided email
  • POST /api/users/password/:token will update the password of the user tied to the token.

Card Routes

  • POST /api/users/card/:id creates a new card object for user :id (requires authorization)
  • POST /api/card generates a new card (for use with guest customers)
  • GET /api/card/:cardID returns a card with id :cardID (requires authorization)
  • GET /api/users/card/:userID returns all cards on user :userID (requires authorization)
  • DELETE /api/users/card/:userID removes a card from user :userID (requires authorization)
  • PUT /api/users/card/:userID/:cardID updates the card :cardID on user :userID (requires authorization)


  • POST /api/login creates a new login session for a given user
  • DELETE /api/logout destroys the current login session


Role-based Authorization Scheme defined in api/helpers/ability.js

userAbilities(user) will deterministically return the permissions of a given user.

The default module export will return currentUserAbilities(), which uses the session to determine the logged in (or guest) session's permissions.



Schema defined in api/model/appointment.js


Defined in api/controllers/appointmentController.js

  • GET /api/appointments/:id will return the information for a given appointment (requires authorization)
  • GET /api/appointments/users/:email returns the appointments for a user given by :email (requires authorization)
  • GET /api/appointments returns all appointments (requires authorization)
  • GET /api/appointments/status/:confirmed Get all appointments given their confirmation status (requires authorization)
  • DELETE /api/appointments/:id Deletes an appointment with id :id (requires authorization)
  • PUT /api/appointments/:id Updates a given appointment with id :id. If confirmed is set to true, this route will send confirmation emails. (requires authorization)
  • POST /api/appointments Creates a new appointment and sends request pending email.



Schema defined in api/model/service.js


Controller defined in api/controllers/serviceController.js

  • POST /api/services creates a new Service (requires authorization)
  • GET /api/services returns all services
  • GET /api/services/types/:type[/:subtype] returns all services given type (and optional subtype).
  • GET /api/services/types returns all used types and their respective subtypes.
  • PUT /api/services/:id updates a service given the id :id (requires authorization)
  • DELETE /api/services/:id removes a service with id :id (requires authorization)



Schema defined in api/model/review.js


Controller defined in api/controller/reviewController.js

  • POST /api/reviews creates a new review (requires authorization)
  • PUT /api/reviews/:id updates the review with id :id (requires authorization)
  • GET /api/reviews/:id returns the review with id :id
  • GET /api/reviews returns all reviews
  • DELETE /api/reviews/:id deletes the review with id :id (requires authorization)

Backend Structure

The backend uses a modular initialization function in order to load the server based upon the value of NODE_ENV (see "Environment Variables"). See api/config/initializers for the initialization function per environment state.

Serving the Frontend

The backend uses Express to serve the frontend in development and production. In development, the backend will proxy a connection to the react development server. In production, the backend will serve the built version of the app located in build/client/

Development Guide

Getting Started

This project requires NodeJS and uses Yarn as a package manager. After cloning,

# Move from master to the develop branch

git checkout develop

git pull

# Installs required packages

yarn install

# Starts both the backend and the frontend

yarn start

Environment Variables

In development, environment variables may be loaded using a .env file. See dotenv for more information.

  • NODE_ENV : The NodeJS environment vairable for determining runtime environment. Use this to differentiate running locally for in production.
  • PORT : When NODE_ENV is set to production, PORT is used for what port the backend will listen on. Defaults to 8080 in other environments.
  • STORE_KEY : When NODE_ENV is set to production, STORE_KEY is used to define the salt for hashing session keys.
  • DB_URL : The url of the MongoDB database to be used when NODE_ENV is set to production
  • DB_URL_DEV : The url of the MongoDB database to be used when NODE_ENV is set to development
  • DB_URL_TEST : The url of the MongoDB database to be used when NODE_ENV is set to test
  • LOGGING : The logging level to be displayed, the following are valid values: emerg, alert, crit, error, warning, notice, info, debug
  • SENDGRID_API_KEY : The api key used to connect to the Sendgrid API (email)
  • STRIPE_API_KEY : The api key used to connect to Stripe for billing.
  • RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY : The reCaptcha site key (public key)
  • RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY : The reCaptcha secret key (private key)

Git Structure

To keep things clean for the production environment, we will be using Git Flow. In summary, the master branch represents production ready versions, while the develop branch and feature branches represent in development work.

Keeping this Project Clean

One of the hardest parts of this project is going to be the fact that many of us are new to this, but still wanting to make something quality. Therefore, here are some things to have laid out now to keep in mind as you work.


This project environment is equipped with a style checker called ESLint. The point of a style checker is to have defined rules laid out about the style of code, and having a way to check if you are breaking any of these rules, with the goal of making everything look homogeneous.

If you are using VS Code, I recommend installing the eslint extension.

Regardless of using the extension or not, at anytime use yarn front-lint or yarn back-lint to run the style checking on either portion of the project.

Unit Tests

Both the frontend and backend are equipped with Jest for unit tests. Unit tests are very important on the backend, but due to the nature of the frontend I would recommend only unit testing certain complex components.

There is only a single testing command, yarn test, which will bring up a menu as described in the Project Commands section. The reasoning behind a single testing commands is because tests are important enough that is one team is failing their tests for any reason, everyone should be aware of it.

Project Structure


Contains the backend, including all controllers, models, start up files, and tests.


Contains the frontend, including all assets, pages, and tests.


The destination folder of any built versions of the project. When running the backend, the version of the server present in /build/api will be run.


Scripts generated by create react app. These get called when handling the frontend running, building, and project tests.

Project Commands

yarn start

Starts a local development instance of the project.

(Runs front-run and back-run)

yarn build

Builds a production ready version of the frontend and backend

yarn front-run

Starts the React dev server locally on port 3000

yarn front-lint

Runs style checking on the frontend

yarn front-build

Builds a production ready version of the frontend

yarn test

Enters the Jest test framework. This is a framework provided by Create React App.

yarn back-build

Runs builds a runnable version of the backend

yarn back-run

Runs task back-build and runs the built version

yarn back-lint

Runs style check on the backend