1.1 ttime
- Converts a timestamp to a human-readable timestring formatted as %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.
>>> ttime(1486572818.421858323, tzone=8)
'2017-02-09 00:53:38'
timestamp (float, optional): the timestamp float. Defaults to time.time().
tzone (int, optional): time compensation. Defaults to int(-time.timezone / 3600).
fmt (str, optional): strftime fmt. Defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".
str: time string formatted.
1.2 ptime
- Converts a timestring formatted as %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S back into a timestamp.
>>> ptime("2018-03-15 01:27:56", tzone=8)
timestring (str, optional): string like 2018-03-15 01:27:56. Defaults to ttime().
tzone (int, optional): time compensation. Defaults to int(-timezone / 3600).
fmt (_type_, optional): strptime fmt. Defaults to "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".
str: time string formatted.
1.3 slice_into_pieces
- Divides a sequence into “n” segments, returning a generator that yields “n” pieces.
>>> for chunk in slice_into_pieces(range(10), 3):
... print(chunk)
(0, 1, 2, 3)
(4, 5, 6, 7)
(8, 9)
seq (_type_): input a sequence.
n (_type_): split the given sequence into "n" pieces.
Generator[tuple, None, None]: a generator with tuples.
Iterator[Generator[tuple, None, None]]: a tuple with n of items.
1.4 slice_by_size
- Slices a sequence into chunks of a specified “size”, returning a generator that produces tuples of chunks.
>>> for chunk in slice_by_size(range(10), 3):
... print(chunk)
(0, 1, 2)
(3, 4, 5)
(6, 7, 8)
items (Sequence): _description_
size (int): _description_
Generator[tuple, None, None]: a generator with tuples.
Iterator[Generator[tuple, None, None]]: a tuple with n of items.
1.5 unique
- Removes duplicate elements from a sequence while preserving the original order efficiently.
>>> a = ['01', '1', '2']
>>> list(unique(a, int))
[1, 2]
>>> list(unique(a))
['01', '1', '2']
items (Sequence): raw sequence.
key (Callable): the function to normalize each item.
Generator[tuple, None, None]: a generator with unique items.
Iterator[Generator[tuple, None, None]]: the unique item.
1.6 retry
- A decorator that retries the decorated function up to “tries” times if the specified exceptions are raised.
>>> func = lambda items: 1/items.pop(0)
>>> items = [0, 1]
>>> new_func = retry(tries=2, exceptions=(ZeroDivisionError,))(func)
>>> new_func(items)
tries (int, optional): try n times, if n==1 means no retry. Defaults to 1.
exceptions (Tuple[Type[BaseException]], optional): only retry the given errors. Defaults to (Exception,).
return_exception (bool, optional): raise the last exception or return it. Defaults to False.
1.7 guess_interval
- Analyzes a sequence of numbers and returns the median, calculating intervals only if they are greater than or equal to the specified accuracy.
>>> # sorted_seq: [2, 10, 12, 19, 19, 29, 30, 32, 38, 40, 41, 54, 62]
>>> # diffs: [8, 7, 10, 6, 13, 8]
>>> # median: 8
>>> seq = [2, 10, 12, 19, 19, 29, 30, 32, 38, 40, 41, 54, 62]
>>> guess_interval(seq, 5)
1.8 get_hash
- Generates a hash string from the given input string.
>>> get_hash(123456, 10)
>>> get_hash('test')
>>> get_hash(['list_demo'], (5, 10))
>>> get_hash(['list_demo'], func=hashlib.sha256)
>>> get_hash(['list_demo'], 16, func=hashlib.sha256)
1.9 find_jsons
- A generator that locates valid JSON strings, supporting only dictionaries and lists.
>>> list(find_jsons('string["123"]123{"a": 1}[{"a": 1, "b": [1,2,3]}]'))
['["123"]', '{"a": 1}', '[{"a": 1, "b": [1,2,3]}]']
>>> list(find_jsons('string[]{}{"a": 1}'))
['[]', '{}', '{"a": 1}']
>>> list(find_jsons('string[]|{}string{"a": 1}', return_as='index'))
[(6, 8), (9, 11), (17, 25)]
>>> list(find_jsons('xxxx[{"a": 1, "b": [1,2,3]}]xxxx', return_as='object'))
[[{'a': 1, 'b': [1, 2, 3]}]]
1.10 code_inline
- Minifies Python source code into a single line.
>>> code1 = code_inline('def test_code1(): return 12345')
>>> code1
'import base64,gzip;exec(gzip.decompress(base64.b85decode("ABzY80RR910{=@%O;adIEiQ>q&QD1-)X=n2C`v6UEy`0cG%_|Z1psqiSP>oo000".encode("u8"))))'
>>> exec(code1)
>>> test_code1()
>>> code2 = code_inline("v=12345")
>>> code2
'import base64,gzip;exec(gzip.decompress(base64.b85decode("ABzY80RR910{<(sH8e6dF$Dk}<L9Rb0000".encode("u8"))))'
>>> exec(code2)
>>> v
source_code (str): python original code.
encoder (Literal['b16', 'b32', 'b64', 'b85'], optional): base64.encoder. Defaults to "b85".
new source code inline.
1.11 read_size
- Converts byte counts into a human-readable string. Setting shorten=True and precision=0.99 will trim unnecessary decimal places from the tail of floating-point numbers.
>>> (read_size(1023), read_size(1024))
('1023 B', '1 KB')
>>> (read_size(400.5, 1), read_size(400.5, 1, True), read_size(400.5, 1, True, 0.99))
('400.5 B', '400.5 B', '400 B')
>>> (read_size(511.55, 1, shorten=True, precision=0.999), read_size(512.55, 1, shorten=True, precision=0.999))
('511.6 B', '0.5 KB')
>>> (read_size(511, 1, shorten=True), read_size(512, 1, shorten=True))
('511 B', '0.5 KB')
>>> read_size(512, 1, sep='')
>>> read_size(1025, 1, shorten=False), read_size(1025, 1, shorten=True)
('1.0 KB', '1 KB')
>>> for i in range(0, 5):
... [1.1111 * 1024**i, i, read_size(1.1111 * 1024**i, rounded=i)]
[1.1111, 0, '1.0 B']
[1137.7664, 1, '1.1 KB']
[1165072.7936, 2, '1.11 MB']
[1193034540.6464, 3, '1.111 GB']
[1221667369621.9136, 4, '1.1111 TB']
b: bytes
rounded (int, optional): arg for round. Defaults to None.
shorten (bool): shorten unnecessary tail 0.
precision: (float): shorten precision, often set to 0.99.
sep (str, optional): sep between result and unit.
1.12 read_time
- Converts seconds into a more readable time duration string.
>>> read_time(0)
'0 secs'
>>> read_time(60)
'1 mins'
>>> for i in range(0, 6):
... [1.2345 * 60**i, read_time(1.2345 * 60**i, rounded=1)]
[1.2345, '1.2 secs']
[74.07, '1.2 mins']
[4444.2, '1.2 hours']
[266652.0, '3.1 days']
[15999120.0, '0.5 years']
[959947200.0, '30.4 years']
b: seconds
rounded (int, optional): arg for round. Defaults to None.
shorten (bool): shorten unnecessary tail 0.
precision: (float): shorten precision, often set to 0.99.
sep (str, optional): sep between result and unit.
1.13 Validator
- Validator for dataclasses.
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass, field
>>> @dataclass
... class Person(Validator):
... screen: dict = field(metadata={"callback": lambda i: i.clear() or {'s': 4}})
... name: str = field(default=None, metadata={"callback": str})
... age: int = field(default=0, metadata={"callback": int})
... other: str = ''
>>> # test type callback
>>> print(Person({"s": 3}, 1, "1"))
Person(screen={'s': 4}, name='1', age=1, other='')
>>> # test Validator.STRICT = False, `other` could be int
>>> Validator.STRICT = False
>>> Person({"s": 3}, "1", "1", 0)
Person(screen={'s': 4}, name='1', age=1, other=0)
>>> # test Validator.STRICT = True, raise TypeError, `other` should not be int
>>> Validator.STRICT = True
>>> try:
... Person({"s": 3}, "1", "1", 0)
... except TypeError as e:
... print(e)
`other` should be `str` but given `int`
>>> # test class Name
>>> @dataclass
... class Name(Validator):
... name: str
>>> @dataclass
... class Person(Validator):
... name: Name
>>> try:
... print(Person('name'))
... except TypeError as e:
... print(e)
`name` should be `Name` but given `str`
>>> # test typing.Dict[str, str]
>>> import typing
>>> @dataclass
... class Person(Validator):
... name: typing.Dict[str, str]
>>> try:
... print(Person('name'))
... except TypeError as e:
... print(e)
`name` should be `dict` but given `str`
1.14 stagger_sort
- Ensures that identical groups are ordered and evenly distributed, mitigating data skew. The function does not alter the original list and returns a generator.
>>> items = [('a', 0), ('a', 2), ('a', 1), ('b', 0), ('b', 1)]
>>> list(stagger_sort(items, sort_key=lambda i: (i[0], i[1]), group_key=lambda i: i[0]))
[('a', 0), ('b', 0), ('a', 1), ('b', 1), ('a', 2)]
>>> items = ['a-a', 'a-b', 'b-b', 'b-c', 'b-a', 'b-d', 'c-a', 'c-a']
>>> list(stagger_sort(items, sort_key=lambda i: (i[0], i[2]), group_key=lambda i: i[0]))
['a-a', 'b-a', 'c-a', 'a-b', 'b-b', 'c-a', 'b-c', 'b-d']
1.15 default_dict
- Initializes a dictionary with default zero values based on a subclass of TypedDict.
>>> class Demo(dict):
... int_obj: int
... float_obj: float
... bytes_obj: bytes
... str_obj: str
... list_obj: list
... tuple_obj: tuple
... set_obj: set
... dict_obj: dict
>>> item = default_dict(Demo, bytes_obj=b'1')
>>> item
{'int_obj': 0, 'float_obj': 0.0, 'bytes_obj': b'1', 'str_obj': '', 'list_obj': [], 'tuple_obj': (), 'set_obj': set(), 'dict_obj': {}}
>>> type(item)
<class 'morebuiltins.utils.Demo'>
>>> from typing import TypedDict
>>> class Demo(TypedDict):
... int_obj: int
... float_obj: float
... bytes_obj: bytes
... str_obj: str
... list_obj: list
... tuple_obj: tuple
... set_obj: set
... dict_obj: dict
>>> item = default_dict(Demo, bytes_obj=b'1')
>>> item
{'int_obj': 0, 'float_obj': 0.0, 'bytes_obj': b'1', 'str_obj': '', 'list_obj': [], 'tuple_obj': (), 'set_obj': set(), 'dict_obj': {}}
>>> type(item)
<class 'dict'>
1.16 always_return_value
- Got a function always return the given value.
>>> func = always_return_value(1)
>>> func(1, 2, 3)
>>> func(1, 2, c=3)
1.17 format_error
- Extracts frame information from an exception, with an option to filter out “-packages” details by default. To shorten your exception message.
- `error` (`BaseException`): The exception instance for which the stack trace information is to be extracted and formatted.
- `index` (`Union[int, slice]`, optional): Specifies which frames to include in the output. By default, it's set to `slice(-3, None, None)`, showing the last three frames. Can be an integer for a single frame or a slice object for a range of frames.
- `filter` (`Optional[Callable]`, optional): A callable that determines whether a given frame should be included. Defaults to `_tb_filter`, which typically filters out frames from "-packages". If set to `None`, no filtering occurs.
- `template` (`str`, optional): A string template defining how the error message should be formatted. It can include placeholders like `{trace_routes}`, `{error_line}`, and `{error.__class__.__name__}`. The default template provides a concise summary of the error location and type.
- `filename_filter` (`Tuple[str, str]`, optional): A tuple specifying the include and exclude strings of filename. Defaults to `("", "")`, which means no filtering occurs.
- `**kwargs`: Additional keyword arguments to be used within the formatting template.
A string representing the formatted error message based on the provided parameters and template.
>>> try:
... # test default
... 1 / 0
... except Exception as e:
... format_error(e)
'[<doctest>:<module>(3)] 1 / 0 >>> ZeroDivisionError(division by zero)'
>>> try:
... # test in function
... def func1(): 1 / 0
... func1()
... except Exception as e:
... format_error(e)
'[<doctest>:<module>(4)|<doctest>:func1(3)] def func1(): 1 / 0 >>> ZeroDivisionError(division by zero)'
>>> try:
... # test index
... def func2(): 1 / 0
... func2()
... except Exception as e:
... format_error(e, index=0)
'[<doctest>:<module>(4)] func2() >>> ZeroDivisionError(division by zero)'
>>> try:
... # test slice index
... def func2(): 1 / 0
... func2()
... except Exception as e:
... format_error(e, index=slice(-1, None, None))
'[<doctest>:func2(3)] def func2(): 1 / 0 >>> ZeroDivisionError(division by zero)'
1.18 Trie
- Transforms a standard dictionary into a trie structure that supports prefix matching.
>>> trie = Trie({"ab": 1, "abc": 2, b"aa": 3, ("e", "e"): 4, (1, 2): 5})
>>> trie
{'a': {'b': {'_VALUE': 1, 'c': {'_VALUE': 2}}}, 97: {97: {'_VALUE': 3}}, 'e': {'e': {'_VALUE': 4}}, 1: {2: {'_VALUE': 5}}}
>>> trie.match("abcde")
(3, 2)
>>> trie.match("abde")
(2, 1)
>>> trie.match(b"aabb")
(2, 3)
>>> trie.match("eee")
(2, 4)
>>> trie.match(list("eee"))
(2, 4)
>>> trie.match(tuple("eee"))
(2, 4)
>>> trie.match((1, 2, 3, 4))
(2, 5)
1.19 GuessExt
- Determines whether the input bytes of a file prefix indicate a compressed file format.
>>> cg = GuessExt()
>>> cg.get_ext(b"PK\x05\x06zipfiledemo")
1.20 xor_encode_decode
- Perform XOR encryption or decryption on the given data using a provided key.
This function encrypts or decrypts the data by performing an XOR operation
between each byte of the data and the corresponding byte of the key. The key
is repeated if necessary to cover the entire length of the data.
- data: The byte data to be encrypted or decrypted.
- key: The key used for encryption or decryption, also a sequence of bytes.
- The resulting byte data after encryption or decryption.
>>> original_data = b'Hello, World!'
>>> key = b'secret'
>>> encrypted_data = xor_encode_decode(original_data, key)
>>> encrypted_data
>>> decrypted_data = xor_encode_decode(encrypted_data, key)
>>> decrypted_data == original_data
1.21 is_running
- Check if the given process ID is running.
pid -- The process ID to check.
True if the process is running; False otherwise.
>>> is_running(os.getpid() * 10) # Assume process is not running
>>> is_running(os.getpid()) # Check if the current process is running
>>> is_running("not_a_pid") # Invalid PID input should be handled and return False
1.22 set_pid_file
- Sets a PID file to prevent multiple instances of a script or process from running concurrently.
If no path is specified, it constructs a default based on the calling script's location and naming convention.
The function checks for an existing PID file and verifies if the process is still running.
If the process is running and `raise_error` is True, it raises a RuntimeError; otherwise, it returns False.
Upon successful setup, it writes the current process ID (PID) to the file and schedules the file for deletion upon exit.
- path (Optional[Union[str, Path]]): The desired path for the PID file. Defaults to a generated path based on caller.
- raise_error (bool): Determines whether to raise an error if the PID file is already locked. Defaults to False.
- default_dir (str): The default directory for the PID file if none is provided. Defaults to "/dev/shm" or temp dir.
- default_name (str): The default base name for the PID file. Automatically generated with the caller filename if not provided.
- default_level (int): The number of directory levels to include in the default name from the caller's path.
- Path: The path of the PID file if successfully created or updated.
- False: If the PID file exists and the associated process is running, and `raise_error` is False.
- ValueError: If unable to determine the caller's path or set a default name for the PID file.
- RuntimeError: If `raise_error` is True and the PID file is locked by another process.
>>> path = set_pid_file() # Assuming this is the first run, should succeed
>>> path.name.endswith('doctest.py.pid')
>>> set_pid_file() # Simulating second instance trying to start, should raise error if raise_error=True
>>> path.unlink()
1.23 get_paste
- This module offers a simple utility for retrieving text from the system clipboard with tkinter.
get_paste() -> Union[str, None]
Usage Note:
While this function handles basic clipboard retrieval, for more advanced scenarios such as setting clipboard content or maintaining a persistent application interface, consider using libraries like `pyperclip` or running `Tkinter.mainloop` which keeps the GUI event loop active.
Set clipboard with tkinter:
_tk.mainloop() # this is needed
1.24 set_clip
- Copies the given text to the clipboard using a temporary file in a Windows environment.
This function writes the provided text into a temporary file and then uses the `clip.exe` command-line utility
to read from this file and copy its content into the clipboard.
text: str - The text content to be copied to the clipboard.
1.25 switch_flush_print
- Set builtins.print default flush=True.
>>> print.__name__
>>> switch_flush_print()
>>> print.__name__
>>> switch_flush_print()
>>> print.__name__
1.26 unix_rlimit
- Unix only. RLIMIT_RSS, RLIMIT_FSIZE to limit the max_memory and max_file_size
1.27 SimpleFilter
- Simple dup-filter with pickle file.
>>> for r in range(1, 5):
... try:
... done = 0
... with SimpleFilter("1.proc", 0, success_unlink=True) as sf:
... for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]:
... if sf.exist(i):
... continue
... if done > 2:
... print("crash!")
... raise ValueError
... print('[round %s]' % r, i, 'done', flush=True)
... sf.add(i)
... done += 1
... break
... except ValueError:
... continue
[round 1] 1 done
[round 1] 2 done
[round 1] 3 done
[round 2] 4 done
[round 2] 5 done
[round 2] 6 done
[round 3] 7 done
[round 3] 8 done
[round 3] 9 done
[round 4] 10 done
1.28 FileDict
- A dict that can be saved to a file.
>>> d = FileDict.load("test.json")
>>> d.get('a', 'none')
>>> d['a'] = 1
>>> d.save()
>>> d2 = FileDict.load("test.json")
>>> d2.get('a')
>>> d2.unlink()
>>> d = FileDict.load("test.pkl")
>>> d.get('a', 'none')
>>> d['a'] = 1
>>> d.save()
>>> d2 = FileDict.load("test.pkl")
>>> d2.get('a')
>>> d2.unlink()
1.29 PathLock
- A Lock/asyncio.Lock of a path, and the child-path lock will block the parent-path.
Ensure a path and its child-path are not busy. Can be used in a with statement to avoid race condition, such as rmtree.
import asyncio
import time
from threading import Thread
from morebuiltins.utils import Path, PathLock
def test_sync_lock():
parent = Path("/tmp")
child = Path("/tmp/child")
result = []
def parent_job():
with PathLock(parent):
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "parent done", flush=True)
def child_job():
with PathLock(child):
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "child done", flush=True)
t = Thread(target=parent_job)
# 2024-07-16 22:52:20 child done
# 2024-07-16 22:52:20 parent done
# child before parent
assert result == [child, parent], result
async def test_async_lock():
parent = Path("/tmp")
child = Path("/tmp/child")
result = []
async def parent_job():
async with PathLock(parent):
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "parent done", flush=True)
async def child_job():
async with PathLock(child):
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "child done", flush=True)
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
await asyncio.create_task(parent_job())
# 2024-07-16 22:52:21 child done
# 2024-07-16 22:52:21 parent done
# child before parent
assert result == [child, parent], result
1.30 i2b
- Convert an int to bytes of a specified length, commonly used in TCP communication.
n: The integer to convert.
length: The number of bytes to convert. Default is 0, which means the byte length is determined automatically based on the integer's bit length.
byteorder: The byte order, which can be "big" or "little". Default is "big".
signed: Whether the integer is signed. Default is False.
The converted byte sequence.
Length Maximum::
1 256B-1
2 64K-1
3 16M-1
4 4G-1
5 1T-1
6 64T-1
7 16E-1
8 256Z-1
9 32Y-1
10 4P-1
>>> i2b(0)
>>> i2b(1)
>>> i2b(1, length=2)
>>> i2b(255)
>>> i2b(256)
>>> i2b(256, length=3)
>>> i2b(256, byteorder="little")
>>> i2b(256, length=3, signed=True)
1.31 b2i
- Convert a byte sequence to an integer.
b: The byte sequence to convert.
byteorder: The byte order, which can be "big" or "little". Default is "big".
signed: Whether the integer is signed. Default is False.
The converted integer.
>>> b2i(b'\x01')
>>> b2i(b'\x00\x01')
>>> b2i(b'\x00\x01', byteorder="little")
>>> b2i(b'\xff')
>>> b2i(b'\x01\x00')
>>> b2i(b'\x00\x01\x00')
>>> b2i(b'\x00\x01\x00', signed=True)
>>> b2i(b'\x00\x01\x00', signed=False)
1.32 get_hash_int
- Generates a int hash(like docid) from the given input bytes.
>>> get_hash_int(1)
>>> get_hash_int("string")
>>> get_hash_int(b'123456', 16)
>>> get_hash_int(b'123', 10)
>>> get_hash_int(b'123', 13, func=hashlib.sha256)
>>> get_hash_int(b'123', 13, func=hashlib.sha512)
>>> get_hash_int(b'123', 13, func=hashlib.sha1)
1.33 iter_weights
- Generates an element sequence based on weights.
This function produces a sequence of elements where each element's frequency of occurrence
is proportional to its weight from the provided dictionary. Elements with higher weights
appear more frequently in the sequence. The total cycle length can be adjusted via the
`loop_length` parameter. The `round_int` parameter allows customization of the rounding
function to control the precision of weight calculations.
Keys with weights greater than 0 will be yielded.
- weight_dict: A dictionary where keys are elements and values are their respective weights.
- loop_length: An integer defining the total length of the repeating cycle, defaulting to 100.
- round_int: A function used for rounding, defaulting to Python's built-in `round`.
A generator that yields a sequence of elements distributed according to their weights.
>>> list(iter_weights({"6": 6, "3": 3, "1": 0.4}, 10))
['6', '3', '6', '3', '6', '3', '6', '6', '6']
>>> list(iter_weights({"6": 6, "3": 3, "1": 0.9}, 10))
['6', '3', '1', '6', '3', '6', '3', '6', '6', '6']
>>> list(iter_weights({"6": 6, "3": 3, "1": 0.9}, 10, round_int=int))
['6', '3', '6', '3', '6', '3', '6', '6', '6']
>>> from itertools import cycle
>>> c = cycle(iter_weights({"6": 6, "3": 3, "1": 1}, loop_length=10))
>>> [next(c) for i in range(20)]
['6', '3', '1', '6', '3', '6', '3', '6', '6', '6', '6', '3', '1', '6', '3', '6', '3', '6', '6', '6']
1.34 get_size
- Recursively get size of objects.
obj: object of any type
seen (set): set of ids of objects already seen
iterate_unsafe (bool, optional): whether to iterate through generators/iterators. Defaults to False.
int: size of object in bytes
>>> get_size("") > 0
>>> get_size([]) > 0
>>> def gen():
... for i in range(10):
... yield i
>>> g = gen()
>>> get_size(g) > 0
>>> next(g)
>>> get_size(g, iterate_unsafe=True) > 0
>>> try:
... next(g)
... except StopIteration:
... "StopIteration"
1.35 base_encode
- Encode a number to a base-N string.
num (int): The number to encode.
alphabet (str, optional): Defaults to "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".
str: The encoded string.
>>> base_encode(0)
>>> base_encode(1)
>>> base_encode(10000000000000)
>>> base_encode(10000000000000, "0123456789")
1.36 base_decode
- Decode a base-N string to a number.
string (str): The string to decode.
alphabet (str, optional): Defaults to "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".
int: The decoded number.
>>> base_decode("0")
>>> base_decode("1")
>>> base_decode("2Q3rKTOE")
>>> base_decode("10000000000000", "0123456789")
1.37 gen_id
- Generate a unique ID based on the current time and random bytes
rand_len (int, optional): Defaults to 4.
str: The generated ID.
>>> a, b = gen_id(), gen_id()
>>> a != b
>>> import time
>>> ids = [time.sleep(0.000001) or gen_id() for _ in range(1000)]
>>> len(set(ids))
1.38 timeti
- Return the number of iterations per second for a given statement.
stmt (str, optional): Defaults to "pass".
setup (str, optional): Defaults to "pass".
timer (optional): Defaults to timeit.default_timer.
number (int, optional): Defaults to 1000000.
globals (dict, optional): Defaults to None.
int: The number of iterations per second.
>>> timeti("1 / 1") > 1000000
>>> timeti(lambda : 1 + 1, number=100000) > 100000
2.1 ScheduleTimer
- The ScheduleTimer class facilitates the creation and evaluation of datetime patterns for scheduling purposes.
It includes mechanisms to parse patterns involving logical operations (AND, OR) and comparison checks (equality, inequality, arithmetic, and custom range checks).
Comparison Operators:
Equality (= or ==): Tests for equality between datetime parts.
Example: "hour=12" checks if it's exactly 12 o'clock.
Inequality (!=): Ensures inequality between datetime parts.
Example: "minute!=30" for minutes not being 30.
Less Than (<): Requires the left datetime part to be less than the right.
Example: "day<15" for days before the 15th.
Less Than or Equal (<=): Allows the left datetime part to be less or equal to the right.
Example: "month<=6" covers January to June.
Greater Than (>): Ensures the left datetime part is greater than the right.
Example: "hour>18" for evenings after 6 PM.
Greater Than or Equal (>=): Allows the left datetime part to be greater or equal to the right.
Example: "weekday>=MO" starts from Monday.
Division Modulo (/): Divisibility check for the left digit by the right digit in datetime format.
Example: "minute/15" checks for quarter hours.
Range Inclusion (@): Confirms if the left time falls within any defined ranges in the right string.
Example: "hour@9-11,13-15" for office hours.
Logical Operators:
AND (&): Both conditions must hold true.
Example: "hour=12&minute=30" for exactly 12:30 PM.
OR (; or |): At least one of the conditions must be true.
Example: "hour=12;hour=18" for noon or 6 PM.
Negation (!): Inverts the truth of the following condition. At the start of the pattern, the condition is negated.
Example: "!hour=12" excludes noon.
>>> start_date = datetime.strptime("2023-02-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
>>> list(ScheduleTimer.iter_datetimes("%M=05|%M=15", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str))
['2023-02-01 00:05:00', '2023-02-01 00:15:00', '2023-02-01 01:05:00']
>>> list(ScheduleTimer.iter_datetimes("%H:%M=15:30", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str))
['2023-02-01 15:30:00', '2023-02-02 15:30:00', '2023-02-03 15:30:00']
>>> list(ScheduleTimer.iter_datetimes("%H:%M=15:30&%d=15", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str))
['2023-02-15 15:30:00', '2023-03-15 15:30:00', '2023-04-15 15:30:00']
>>> list(ScheduleTimer.iter_datetimes("%H:%M=15:30&%d>=15", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str))
['2023-02-15 15:30:00', '2023-02-16 15:30:00', '2023-02-17 15:30:00']
>>> list(ScheduleTimer.iter_datetimes("%M@15-16&%d>=15", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str))
['2023-02-15 00:15:00', '2023-02-15 00:16:00', '2023-02-15 01:15:00']
>>> list(ScheduleTimer.iter_datetimes("%M/15", count=5, start_date=start_date, callback=str))
['2023-02-01 00:00:00', '2023-02-01 00:15:00', '2023-02-01 00:30:00', '2023-02-01 00:45:00', '2023-02-01 01:00:00']
2.2 Crontab
- Crontab python parser.
>>> start_date = datetime.strptime("2023-02-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
>>> list(Crontab.iter_datetimes("*/15 * * * *", count=10, start_date=start_date, callback=lambda i: i.strftime("%M")))
['00', '15', '30', '45', '00', '15', '30', '45', '00', '15']
>>> list(Crontab.iter_datetimes("* * * * 2,4,6", count=10, start_date=start_date, callback=lambda i: i.strftime("%a")))
['Thu', 'Sat', 'Tue', 'Thu', 'Sat', 'Tue', 'Thu', 'Sat', 'Tue', 'Thu']
>>> list(Crontab.iter_datetimes("0 0 11-19/4,8,30 * *", count=10, start_date=start_date, callback=lambda i: i.strftime("%m-%d")))
['02-08', '02-11', '02-15', '02-19', '03-08', '03-11', '03-15', '03-19', '03-30', '04-08']
>>> list(Crontab.iter_datetimes("* * * * *", count=1, start_date=start_date))
[datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 1, 0, 0)]
>>> list(Crontab.iter_datetimes("5 4-5,6-9/2 5,6 * 3,5", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str))
['2023-04-05 04:05:00', '2023-04-05 05:05:00', '2023-04-05 06:05:00']
>>> list(Crontab.iter_datetimes("0 0 1 8,9,10 *", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str, yield_tries=True))
[(7, '2023-08-01 00:00:00'), (120, '2023-09-01 00:00:00'), (232, '2023-10-01 00:00:00')]
>>> list(Crontab.iter_datetimes("0 0 1 11 *", count=3, start_date=start_date, callback=str, yield_tries=True))
[(10, '2023-11-01 00:00:00'), (133, '2024-11-01 00:00:00'), (256, '2025-11-01 00:00:00')]
3.1 lru_cache_ttl
- A Least Recently Used (LRU) cache with a Time To Live (TTL) feature.
maxsize (int): maxsize of cache
ttl (Optional[Union[int, float]], optional): time to live. Defaults to None.
controls (bool, optional): set cache/ttl_clean attributes. Defaults to False.
auto_clear (bool, optional): clear dead cache automatically. Defaults to True.
timer (callable, optional): Defaults to time.time.
callable: decorator function
>>> import time
>>> # test ttl
>>> values = [1, 2]
>>> @lru_cache_ttl(1, 0.1)
... def func1(i):
... return values.pop(0)
>>> [func1(1), func1(1), time.sleep(0.11), func1(1)]
[1, 1, None, 2]
>>> # test maxsize
>>> values = [1, 2, 3]
>>> func = lambda i: values.pop(0)
>>> func1 = lru_cache_ttl(2)(func)
>>> [func1(i) for i in [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]]
[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
>>> # test auto_clear=True, with controls
>>> values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> func = lambda i: values.pop(0)
>>> func1 = lru_cache_ttl(5, 0.1, controls=True, auto_clear=True)(func)
>>> [func1(1), func1(2), func1(3)]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> time.sleep(0.11)
>>> func1(3)
>>> len(func1.cache)
>>> # test auto_clear=False
>>> values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> @lru_cache_ttl(5, 0.1, controls=True, auto_clear=False)
... def func1(i):
... return values.pop(0)
>>> [func1(1), func1(2), func1(3)]
[1, 2, 3]
>>> time.sleep(0.11)
>>> func1(3)
>>> len(func1.cache)
3.2 threads
- Quickly convert synchronous functions to be concurrency-able. (similar to madisonmay/Tomorrow)
>>> @threads(10)
... def test(i):
... time.sleep(i)
... return i
>>> start = time.time()
>>> tasks = [test(i) for i in [0.1] * 5]
>>> len(test.pool._threads)
>>> len(test.tasks)
>>> for i in tasks:
... i.result() if hasattr(i, 'result') else i
>>> time.time() - start < 0.2
>>> len(test.pool._threads)
>>> len(test.tasks)
>>> test.pool.shutdown() # optional
3.3 bg_task
- Avoid asyncio free-flying tasks, better to use the new asyncio.TaskGroup to avoid this in 3.11+. python/cpython#91887
coro (Coroutine)
_type_: Task
3.4 NamedLock
- Reusable named locks, support for timeouts, support for multiple concurrent locks.
def test_named_lock():
def test_sync():
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from threading import Lock, Semaphore
def _test1():
with NamedLock("_test1", Lock, timeout=0.05) as lock:
return bool(lock)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(10) as pool:
tasks = [pool.submit(_test1) for _ in range(3)]
result = [i.result() for i in tasks]
assert result == [True, False, False], result
assert len(NamedLock._SYNC_CACHE) == 1
assert len(NamedLock._SYNC_CACHE) == 0
def _test2():
with NamedLock("_test2", lambda: Semaphore(2), timeout=0.05) as lock:
return bool(lock)
with ThreadPoolExecutor(10) as pool:
tasks = [pool.submit(_test2) for _ in range(3)]
result = [i.result() for i in tasks]
assert result == [True, True, False], result
def test_async():
import asyncio
async def main():
async def _test1():
async with NamedLock("_test1", asyncio.Lock, timeout=0.05) as lock:
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
return bool(lock)
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(_test1()) for _ in range(3)]
result = [await i for i in tasks]
assert result == [True, False, False], result
assert len(NamedLock._ASYNC_CACHE) == 1
assert len(NamedLock._ASYNC_CACHE) == 0
async def _test2():
async with NamedLock(
"_test2", lambda: asyncio.Semaphore(2), timeout=0.05
) as lock:
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)
return bool(lock)
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(_test2()) for _ in range(3)]
result = [await i for i in tasks]
assert result == [True, True, False], result
3.5 FuncSchema
- Parse the parameters and types required by a function into a dictionary, and convert an incoming parameter into the appropriate type.
>>> def test(a, b: str, /, c=1, *, d=["d"], e=0.1, f={"f"}, g=(1, 2), h=True, i={1}, **kws):
... return
>>> FuncSchema.parse(test, strict=False)
{'a': {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': <class 'inspect._empty'>}, 'b': {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': <class 'inspect._empty'>}, 'c': {'type': <class 'int'>, 'default': 1}, 'd': {'type': <class 'list'>, 'default': ['d']}, 'e': {'type': <class 'float'>, 'default': 0.1}, 'f': {'type': <class 'set'>, 'default': {'f'}}, 'g': {'type': <class 'tuple'>, 'default': (1, 2)}, 'h': {'type': <class 'bool'>, 'default': True}, 'i': {'type': <class 'set'>, 'default': {1}}, 'kws': {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': <class 'inspect._empty'>}}
>>> def test(a):
... return
>>> try:FuncSchema.parse(test, strict=True)
... except TypeError as e: e
TypeError('Parameter `a` has no type and no default value.')
>>> def test(b: str):
... return
>>> FuncSchema.parse(test, strict=True)
{'b': {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': <class 'inspect._empty'>}}
>>> FuncSchema.parse(test, strict=True, fill_default=True)
{'b': {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': ''}}
>>> def test(**kws):
... return
>>> try:FuncSchema.parse(test, strict=True)
... except TypeError as e: e
TypeError('Parameter `kws` has no type and no default value.')
>>> def test(*args):
... return
>>> try:FuncSchema.parse(test, strict=True)
... except TypeError as e: e
TypeError('Parameter `args` has no type and no default value.')
>>> FuncSchema.convert("1", int)
>>> FuncSchema.convert("1", str)
>>> FuncSchema.convert("1", float)
>>> FuncSchema.convert(0, bool)
>>> FuncSchema.convert('1', bool)
>>> FuncSchema.convert('[[1, 1]]', dict)
{1: 1}
>>> FuncSchema.convert('{"1": "1"}', dict)
{'1': '1'}
>>> FuncSchema.convert('[1, 1]', set)
>>> FuncSchema.convert('[1, 1]', tuple)
(1, 1)
>>> FuncSchema.convert('[1, "1"]', list)
[1, '1']
>>> FuncSchema.to_string(1)
>>> FuncSchema.to_string("1")
>>> FuncSchema.to_string(1.0, float)
>>> FuncSchema.to_string(False)
>>> FuncSchema.to_string(True)
>>> FuncSchema.to_string({1: 1})
'{"1": 1}'
>>> FuncSchema.to_string({'1': '1'})
'{"1": "1"}'
>>> FuncSchema.to_string({1})
>>> FuncSchema.to_string((1, 1))
'[1, 1]'
>>> FuncSchema.to_string([1, '1'])
'[1, "1"]'
3.6 InlinePB
- Inline progress bar.
with InlinePB(100) as pb:
for i in range(100):
# Progress: 41 / 100 41% [|||||| ] | 33 units/s
with InlinePB(100) as pb:
for i in range(1, 101):
# Progress: 45 / 100 45% [|||||| ] | 33 units/s
3.7 SizedTimedRotatingFileHandler
- TimedRotatingFileHandler with maxSize, to avoid files that are too large.
import logging
import time
from morebuiltins.functools import SizedTimedRotatingFileHandler
logger = logging.getLogger("test1")
h = SizedTimedRotatingFileHandler(
"logs/test1.log", "d", 1, 3, maxBytes=1, ensure_dir=True
h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"))
for i in range(5):
logger.warning(str(i) * 102400)
# 102434 test1.log
# 102434 test1.log.20241113_231000
# 102434 test1.log.20241113_231001
# 102434 test1.log.20241113_231002
logger = logging.getLogger("test2")
h = SizedTimedRotatingFileHandler(
"logs/test2.log", "d", 1, 3, maxBytes=1, compress=True
h.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"))
for i in range(5):
logger.warning(str(i) * 102400)
# 102434 test2.log
# 186 test2.log.20241113_231005.gz
# 186 test2.log.20241113_231006.gz
# 186 test2.log.20241113_231007.gz
3.8 get_type_default
- Get the default value for a type. {int: 0, float: 0.0, bytes: b"", str: "", list: [], tuple: (), set: set(), dict: {}}
3.9 func_cmd
- Handle function with argparse, typing-hint is nessessary.
def test(str: str, /, int=1, *, list=["d"], float=0.1, set={"f"}, tuple=(1, 2), bool=True, dict={"k": 1}):
"""Test demo function.
str (str): str.
int (int, optional): int. Defaults to 1.
list (list, optional): list. Defaults to ["d"].
float (float, optional): float. Defaults to 0.1.
set (dict, optional): set. Defaults to {"f"}.
tuple (tuple, optional): tuple. Defaults to (1, 2).
bool (bool, optional): bool. Defaults to True.
dict (dict, optional): dict. Defaults to {"k": 1}.
# raise ValueError if auto_default is False and user do not input nessessary args.
func_cmd(test, auto_default=False)
CMD args:
> python app.py
ValueError: `str` has no default value.
> python app.py --str 1 --int 2 --float 1.0 --list "[1,"a"]" --tuple "[2,"b"]" --set "[1,1,2]" --dict "{"k":"v"}"
{'str': '1', 'int': 2, 'list': [1, 'a'], 'float': 1.0, 'set': {1, 2}, 'tuple': (2, 'b'), 'bool': True, 'dict': {'k': 'v'}}
> python app.py -s 1 -i 2 -f 1.0 -l "[1,"a"]" -t "[2,"b"]" -s "[1,1,2]" -d "{"k":"v"}"
{'str': '[1,1,2]', 'int': 2, 'list': [1, 'a'], 'float': 1.0, 'set': {'f'}, 'tuple': (2, 'b'), 'bool': True, 'dict': {'k': 'v'}}
> python app.py -h
usage: Test demo function.
str (str): str.
int (int, optional): int. Defaults to 1.
list (list, optional): list. Defaults to ["d"].
float (float, optional): float. Defaults to 0.1.
set (dict, optional): set. Defaults to {"f"}.
tuple (tuple, optional): tuple. Defaults to (1, 2).
bool (bool, optional): bool. Defaults to True.
dict (dict, optional): dict. Defaults to {"k": 1}.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s STR, --str STR {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': <class 'inspect._empty'>}
-i INT, --int INT {'type': <class 'int'>, 'default': 1}
-l LIST, --list LIST {'type': <class 'list'>, 'default': ['d']}
-f FLOAT, --float FLOAT
{'type': <class 'float'>, 'default': 0.1}
-se SET, --set SET {'type': <class 'set'>, 'default': {'f'}}
-t TUPLE, --tuple TUPLE
{'type': <class 'tuple'>, 'default': (1, 2)}
-b BOOL, --bool BOOL {'type': <class 'bool'>, 'default': True}
-d DICT, --dict DICT {'type': <class 'dict'>, 'default': {'k': 1}}
3.10 file_import
- Import function from file path.
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> file_path = Path(__file__).parent / "utils.py"
>>> list(file_import(file_path, ["get_hash", "find_jsons"]).keys())
['get_hash', 'find_jsons']
3.11 RotatingFileWriter
- RotatingFileWriter class for writing to a file with rotation support.
>>> # test normal usage
>>> writer = RotatingFileWriter("test.log", max_size=10 * 1024, max_backups=1)
>>> writer.write("1" * 10)
>>> writer.path.stat().st_size
>>> writer.flush()
>>> writer.path.stat().st_size
>>> writer.clean_backups(writer.max_backups)
>>> writer.unlink_file()
>>> # test rotating
>>> writer = RotatingFileWriter("test.log", max_size=20, max_backups=2)
>>> writer.write("1" * 15)
>>> writer.write("1" * 15)
>>> writer.write("1" * 15, flush=True)
>>> writer.path.stat().st_size
>>> len(writer.backup_path_list())
>>> writer.clean_backups(writer.max_backups)
>>> writer.unlink_file()
>>> # test no backups
>>> writer = RotatingFileWriter("test.log", max_size=20, max_backups=0)
>>> writer.write("1" * 15)
>>> writer.write("1" * 15)
>>> writer.write("1" * 15, flush=True)
>>> writer.path.stat().st_size
>>> len(writer.backup_path_list())
>>> writer.clean_backups(writer.max_backups)
>>> len(writer.backup_path_list())
>>> writer = RotatingFileWriter("test.log", max_size=20, max_backups=3)
>>> writer.print("1" * 100)
>>> writer.unlink(rotate=False)
>>> len(writer.backup_path_list())
>>> writer.unlink(rotate=True)
>>> len(writer.backup_path_list())
>>> writer = RotatingFileWriter("test.log", max_size=20, max_backups=3, compress=True)
>>> writer.print("1" * 100)
>>> len(writer.backup_path_list())
>>> writer.unlink(rotate=True)
>>> len(writer.backup_path_list())
3.12 get_function
- Get the function object from entrypoint.
>>> get_function("urllib.parse:urlparse").__name__
3.13 to_thread
- Asynchronously run function func in a separate thread, same as asyncio.to_thread
in python 3.9+.
4.1 IPCEncoder
- An abstract base class for all encoders; implementing the necessary communication protocol requires only the definition of two abstract methods. Be mindful that varying header lengths will impact the maximum packaging size.
4.4 SocketLogHandlerEncoder
- For a practical demonstration, refer to the test code: morebuiltins/ipc.py:_test_ipc_logging.
async def _test_ipc_logging():
import logging
host = ""
port = 8090
async with SocketServer(host=host, port=port, encoder=SocketLogHandlerEncoder()):
# socket logger demo
# ==================
logger = logging.getLogger("test_logger")
h = SocketHandler(host, port)
logger.info("test socket")
# ==================
# ensure test case
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
assert pickle.loads(h.sock.recv(100000)[4:])["name"] == logger.name
And provide a simple implementation for generating logs for coroutine code with Client usage.
4.5 SocketServer
- To see an example in action, view the test code: morebuiltins/ipc.py:_test_ipc.
async def test_client(host="", port=8090, encoder=None, cases=None):
async with SocketClient(host=host, port=port, encoder=encoder) as c:
for case in cases:
await c.send(case)
response = await c.recv()
if globals().get("print_log"):
print("[Client]", "send:", repr(case), "=>", "recv:", repr(response))
assert case == response or str(case) == response, [case, response]
await c.send("[shutdown server]")
async def _test_ipc():
import platform
JSONEncoder._DUMP_KWARGS["default"] = str
for enc, cases in [
[PickleEncoder, [123, "123", None, {"a"}, ["a"], ("a",), {"a": 1}]],
[JSONEncoder, [123, "123", None, {"a"}, ["a"], {"a": 1}]],
encoder = enc()
if platform.system() == "Linux":
# test unix domain socket
print("Test Linux Unix Domain Socket")
host = "/tmp/uds.sock"
port = None
async with SocketServer(host=host, port=port, encoder=encoder):
await test_client(host, port=None, encoder=encoder, cases=cases)
# test socket
host = ""
port = 8090
async with SocketServer(host=host, port=port, encoder=encoder):
await test_client(host="", port=8090, encoder=encoder, cases=cases)
4.7 find_free_port
- Finds and returns an available port number.
- host: The host address to bind, default is "".
- port: The port number to attempt binding, default is 0 (for OS allocation).
- If a free port is found, it returns the port number; otherwise, returns None.
>>> free_port = find_free_port()
>>> isinstance(free_port, int)
5.1 req
- A basic mock for requests, performant albeit simplistic.
>>> import time
>>> r = req.get("https://postman-echo.com/get?a=2", timeout=3, params={"b": "3"})
>>> r.url
>>> r.ok
>>> r.status_code
>>> r.text.startswith('{')
>>> r = req.post("https://postman-echo.com/post?a=2", timeout=3, params={"b": "3"}, data=b"mock data")
>>> r.json()["data"]
'mock data'
>>> r.json()["args"]
{'a': '2', 'b': '3'}
>>> r = req.post("https://postman-echo.com/post?a=2", timeout=3, json={"data": "yes json"})
>>> r.json()["json"]
{'data': 'yes json'}
5.2 DomainParser
- Extracts the Second-level domain (SLD) from a provided hostname or URL.
>>> domain_parser = DomainParser()
>>> domain_parser.parse_hostname("github.com")
>>> domain_parser.parse_hostname("www.github.com")
>>> domain_parser.parse_hostname("www.api.github.com.cn")
>>> domain_parser.parse_hostname("a.b.c.kawasaki.jp")
>>> domain_parser.parse_hostname("a.b.c.city.kawasaki.jp")
>>> domain_parser.parse_hostname("a.bbbbbb.cccccc")
>>> domain_parser.parse_hostname("a.bbbbbb.cccccc", default="b.c")
>>> domain_parser.parse_url("https://github.com/ClericPy/morebuiltins")
5.3 unparse_qsl
- Provides the inverse operation of parse_qsl, converting query string lists back into a URL-encoded string.
5.4 update_url
- Organizes the query arguments within a URL to standardize its format.
>>> update_url('http://www.github.com?b=1&c=1&a=1', {"b": None, "c": None}) # remove params
>>> update_url("http://www.github.com?b=1&c=1&a=1", a="123", b=None) # update params with kwargs
>>> update_url('http://www.github.com?b=1&c=1&a=1', sort=True) # sort params
>>> update_url("http://www.github.com?b=1&c=1&a=1", {"a": "999"}) # update params
>>> update_url("http://www.github.com?b=1&c=1&a=1", replace_kwargs={"netloc": "www.new_host.com"}) # update netloc
replace_kwargs is a dict to update attributes before sorting (such as scheme / netloc...).
5.6 make_response
- Generates an HTTP response based on the provided parameters.
:param body: The response body which can be a string, bytes, list, or dictionary. Default is an empty string.
:param status: The HTTP status code. Default is 200.
:param protocol: The HTTP protocol version. Default is "HTTP/1.1".
:param headers: A dictionary of HTTP response headers. Default is None.
:param encoding: The encoding to use. Default is "utf-8".
:return: A byte sequence representing the constructed HTTP response.
5.7 custom_dns
- Custom the DNS of socket.getaddrinfo, only effect current thread.
[WARNING] This will modify the global socket.getaddrinfo.
>>> from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
>>> # this only effect current thread
>>> custom_dns({"": ("", 80), ("", 80): ("", 443)})
>>> socket.getaddrinfo('', 80)[0][-1]
('', 443)
>>> socket.getaddrinfo('', 8888)[0][-1]
('', 80)
>>> ThreadPoolExecutor().submit(lambda : socket.getaddrinfo('', 8888)[0][-1]).result()
('', 8888)
>>> # this effect global socket.getaddrinfo
>>> custom_dns({"": ("", 80), ("", 80): ("", 443)}, thread=False)
>>> ThreadPoolExecutor().submit(lambda : socket.getaddrinfo('', 8888)[0][-1]).result()
('', 80)
custom_dns(custom={("MY_PROXY_HOST", 80): ("xxxxxxxxx", 43532)})
"https://www.github.com/", proxies={"all": "http://MY_PROXY_HOST"}
6.1 download_python
- Download python portable interpreter from https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases. python -m download_python -i
or python -m download_python -a
(auto download the latest version matched the current platform: x86_64+install_only) or python -m download_python -auto -k 3.11 -u
λ python -m download_python -i
[10:56:17] Checking https://api.github.com/repos/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/latest
[10:56:19] View the rules:
[10:56:19] Got 290 urls from github.
[290] Enter keywords (can be int index or partial match, defaults to 0):
0. windows
1. linux
2. darwin
[10:56:24] Filt with keyword: "windows". 290 => 40
[40] Enter keywords (can be int index or partial match, defaults to 0):
0. 3.12.3
1. 3.11.9
2. 3.10.14
3. 3.9.19
4. 3.8.19
[10:56:25] Filt with keyword: "3.12.3". 40 => 8
[8] Enter keywords (can be int index or partial match, defaults to 0):
0. x86_64
1. i686
[10:56:28] Filt with keyword: "x86_64". 8 => 4
[4] Enter keywords (can be int index or partial match, defaults to 0):
0. shared-pgo-full.tar.zst
1. shared-install_only.tar.gz
2. pgo-full.tar.zst
3. install_only.tar.gz
[10:56:33] Filt with keyword: "install_only.tar.gz". 4 => 1
[10:56:33] Download URL: 39.1 MB
File path to save(defaults to `./cpython-3.12.3+20240415-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc-install_only.tar.gz`)?
or `q` to exit.
[10:56:38] Start downloading...
[10:56:44] Downloading: 39.12 / 39.12 MB | 100.00% | 11.3 MB/s | 0s
[10:56:44] Download complete.
7.1 TKit
- Tkinter kit for dialog usages.
def examples():
while True:
TKit.ask(0, "0")
TKit.ask(1, "1")
TKit.ask(2, "2")
if TKit.ask(True, "Choose NO", default="no") is True:
TKit.ask(0, "Wrong choice")
if (
TKit.ask((["1"], ["2", "3"], "4", ["5", "6", "7"]), message="Choose 3:")
!= "3"
TKit.ask(1, "Wrong choice")
if TKit.ask(
[["1"], ["2", "3"], "4", ["5", "6", "7"]],
message="Choose 3 and 6:",
) != ["3", "6"]:
TKit.ask(2, "Wrong choice")
result = TKit.ask("Input text 1 (press Enter to submit):")
if result != "1":
TKit.ask(2, "Wrong text %s" % repr(result))
result = TKit.ask("Input text 1\\n (press Ctrl-Enter to submit):", textarea=1)
if result != "1\n":
TKit.ask(2, "Wrong text %s" % repr(result))
def test_text(flush=False):
import time
for i in range(50):
print(f"Test print flush={flush} -- {i}", flush=flush)
return "OK"
with TKit.text_context(
__resize_kwargs={"title": "The Title", "toolwindow": True},
__text_kwargs={"font": "_ 15"},
) as result:
TKit.info("result=%s" % result)
with TKit.text_context(
__resize_kwargs={"title": "The Title", "toolwindow": True},
__text_kwargs={"font": "_ 15"},
) as result:
TKit.warn("result=%s" % result)
8.1 SimpleEmail
- SimpleEmail Sender.
with SimpleEmail("smtp.gmail.com", 465, "[email protected]", "PASSWORD") as s:
"This is Title",
"This is body text or file path(.md/.txt)",
"Author<[email protected]>",
"[email protected]",
9.1 LogServer
- Log Server for SocketHandler, create a socket server with asyncio.start_server. Update settings of rotation/formatter with extra: {"max_size": 1024**2, "formatter": logging.Formatter(fmt="%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(message)s")}
Server side:
python -m morebuiltins.cmd.log_server --log-dir=./logs --host --port 8901
Client side:
import logging
import logging.handlers
logger = logging.getLogger("client")
h = logging.handlers.SocketHandler("", 8901)
for _ in range(5):
"hello world!",
"max_size": 1024**2,
"formatter": logging.Formatter(
fmt="%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(message)s"
# [client] 2024-08-10 19:30:07,113 - temp3.py - hello world!
# [client] 2024-08-10 19:30:07,113 - temp3.py - hello world!
# [client] 2024-08-10 19:30:07,113 - temp3.py - hello world!
# [client] 2024-08-10 19:30:07,113 - temp3.py - hello world!
# [client] 2024-08-10 19:30:07,114 - temp3.py - hello world!
More docs:
python -m morebuiltins.cmd.log_server -h
usage: log_server.py [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--name NAME] [--server-log-args SERVER_LOG_ARGS] [--handle-signals HANDLE_SIGNALS] [--max-queue-size MAX_QUEUE_SIZE]
[--max-queue-buffer MAX_QUEUE_BUFFER] [--log-stream LOG_STREAM]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST
--port PORT
--log-dir LOG_DIR log dir to save log files, if empty, log to stdout with --log-stream
--name NAME log server name
--server-log-args SERVER_LOG_ARGS
max_size,max_backups for log files, default: 10485760,5 == 10MB each log file, 1 name.log + 5 backups
--handle-signals HANDLE_SIGNALS
--max-queue-size MAX_QUEUE_SIZE
max queue size for log queue, log will be in memory queue before write to file
--max-queue-buffer MAX_QUEUE_BUFFER
chunk size of lines before write to file
--log-stream LOG_STREAM
log to stream, if --log-stream='' will mute the stream log
10.1 ProxyChecker
- A command line toolkit to check available proxies.
1. clipboard usage:
> input-text from clipboard, and set the result to clipboard. `-l 2` means try 2 loops
> python -m morebuiltins.cmd.proxy_checker -c -l 2
2. input-file output-file usage:
> input-text from file, and set the result to output-file
> python -m morebuiltins.cmd.proxy_checker -i input.txt -o output.txt
> output to stdout
> python -m morebuiltins.cmd.proxy_checker -i input.txt
3. stdin usage:
> cat file.txt | python -m morebuiltins.cmd.proxy_checker > stdout.txt
> cat file.txt | python -m morebuiltins.cmd.proxy_checker -o output.txt
python -m morebuiltins.cmd.proxy_checker -h
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout of each request
-l LOOP, --loop LOOP Loop the test to validate the successful results each time until the desired number of iterations is reached.
--retry RETRY retry times
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
input text file path
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
output text file path
-c, --from-clipboard text from clipboard, ignore -i. if --output-file not set, output to clipboard
-q, --quiet mute the progress in stderr
11.2 handle_cli
- Command Line Interface: interactive mode
func: a callable function
11.3 handle_web
- Function to Web UI.
function: callable function
bind (str, optional): Defaults to "".
open_browser (bool, optional): auto open browser. Defaults to False.
keepalive_timeout (int, optional): shutdown if no request after timeout. Defaults to 60.
11.4 handle_tk1
- Function to tkinter UI. (interactive mode)
11.5 handle_tk2
- Function to tkinter UI.
12.1 parse_deps
- Parse dependencies of a project directory, and find circular dependencies.
project_dir (str): Path to the project directory.
ignore_stds (bool, optional): Whether to ignore dependencies from the standard library. Defaults to True.
format_path (bool, optional): Whether to format the paths. Defaults to True.
pattern_list (tuple, optional): List of patterns to match files. Defaults to ("*.py",).
dict: A dictionary containing the project directory, circular dependencies, and dependencies.
import json
import multiprocessing
from pathlib import Path
project_dir = Path(multiprocessing.__file__).parent
result = parse_deps(
dependencies = sorted(
key=lambda i: (len(i[1]), i[0]),
print("project_dir:", project_dir.as_posix(), flush=True)
print("circular_dependency:", result["circular_dependency"], flush=True)
for source, deps in dependencies:
print(source, f"({len(deps)})", flush=True)
for i in deps:
print("\t", i, flush=True)
# project_dir: D:/python311/Lib/multiprocessing
# circular_dependency: [('./connection.py', './context.py'), ('./context.py', './forkserver.py'), ('./context.py', './managers.py'), ('./context.py', './popen_forkserver.py'), ('./context.py', './popen_spawn_posix.py'), ('./context.py', './popen_spawn_win32.py'), ('./context.py', './sharedctypes.py'), ('./context.py', './spawn.py'), ('./dummy/__init__.py', './pool.py')]
# ./context.py (13)
# ./connection.py
# ./forkserver.py
# ./managers.py
# ./pool.py
# ./popen_fork.py
# ./popen_forkserver.py
# ./popen_spawn_posix.py
# ./popen_spawn_win32.py
# ./queues.py
# ./sharedctypes.py
# ./spawn.py
# ./synchronize.py
# ./util.py
# ./synchronize.py (2)
# ./heap.py
# ./resource_tracker.py
# ./resource_sharer.py (2)
# ./connection.py
# ./context.py
# ./queues.py (2)
# ./synchronize.py
# ./util.py
# ./pool.py (2)
# ./connection.py
# ./dummy/__init__.py
# ./dummy/__init__.py (2)
# ./dummy/connection.py
# ./pool.py
# ./util.py (1)
# test
# ./spawn.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./sharedctypes.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./reduction.py (1)
# ./resource_sharer.py
# ./process.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./popen_spawn_win32.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./popen_spawn_posix.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./popen_forkserver.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./managers.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./heap.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./forkserver.py (1)
# ./context.py
# ./connection.py (1)
# ./context.py
13.1 EventTemplate
- Event template for event sourcing
14.1 SqliteSQL
- Sqlite SQL generator
15.1 service_handler
- Generate and manage systemd service files
Example usage:
1. Create, enable and start service:
python -m morebuiltins.cmd.systemd.service -name myservice -enable -Description "My service" -ExecStart "/bin/bash myscript.sh"
2. Stop, disable and remove service:
python -m morebuiltins.cmd.systemd.service -name myservice -disable
3. Print service file content:
python -m morebuiltins.cmd.systemd.service -name myservice -Description "My service" -ExecStart "/bin/bash myscript.sh" -Type simple
16.1 timer_handler
- Parse arguments and manage systemd timer files.
If -enable or -disable is not set, print timer and service file content.
Examples usage:
1. enable & start timer
- python -m morebuiltins.cmd.systemd.timer -name mytimer -enable -OnCalendar '*:0/15' -ExecStart '/bin/echo hello'
2. disable & stop timer
- python -m morebuiltins.cmd.systemd.timer -name mytimer -disable
3. print timer and service file content
- python -m morebuiltins.cmd.systemd.timer -name mytimer -OnCalendar '*:0/15' -ExecStart '/bin/echo hello'