It'll hurt when you have to upgrade, but it won't kill you
This project aims to make Material Design components available that have not been officially implemented by Ember Paper. The goal is to build temporary components that closely follow Ember Paper and Angular Material conventions. This will help the transition to officially supported components, but there are no guarantees!
This project depends on Ember Paper and Ember-cli
Add the following to your package.json
file's devDependencies
"ember-paper-cuts": "git://"
<th class="icon-column"></th>
{{#each models as |item|}}
{{#paper-column icon="true"}}
{{some-avatar src=item.image}}
Dropdown menu items
Styled for used in a menu-bar-style menu, with optional checkmark or other icon and command key shortcut.
{{#paper-menu position="target bottom" width=2 dense=true as |menu|}}
{{#paper-button target=menu action="toggleMenu" icon-button=true}}
{{paper-icon "create" class="md-menu-origin"}}
action=(action "toggleDone")
Mark as done
action=(action "togglePageBreak")
Start new page
Use this extension at your own risk.