notebook filename | 07_projected_maps_buoys.Rmd
history | Created March 2020
The CoastWatch program provides ocean satellite data and also non-satellite data that may be useful for ocean scientists. In exercise, we will obtain cruise track data from a research ship, in-situ buoy data, and satellite sea surface temperature data from the PolarWatch ERDDAP data server and then map all three types of the data on a map in an Alaska Albers projection.
The exercise demonstrates the following techniques:
- Finding and accessing in-situ buoy data in ERDDAP
- Accessing satellite data from ERDDAP
- Making projected maps of ship tracks, buoy locations and satellite data
Key R packages/functions used:
- rerddap::info - to retrieve information about a dataset from ERDDAP
- rerddapXtracto::xtracto_3D - to extract satellite data from ERDDAP
- rerddap::tabledap - to extract ship track and buoy data from ERDDAP
- oce - to plot data from ERDDAP on a projected map
Datasets used:
- NOAA Geo-polar Blended Sea Surface Temperature daily satellite data, ‘nesdisGeoPolarSSTN5NRT’
- NDBC Buoys, ‘cwwcNDBCMet’
- A Ship Track from the R/V Healy ‘fsuResearchShipNEPP’
These datasets are all provided in ERDDAP with lat-lon coordinates. For an example of working with datasets provided in projected (ie. polar stereographic) coordinates see the “Mapping projected datasets” exercise in this tutorial.
# Function to check if pkgs are installed, install missing pkgs, and load
pkgTest <- function(x)
if (!require(x,character.only = TRUE))
if(!require(x,character.only = TRUE)) stop(x, " :Package not found")
list.of.packages <- c( "ncdf4","parsedate", "rerddap", "plotdap", "sp", "httr",
"lubridate", "gridGraphics", "mapdata", "cmocean",
"ggplot2", "RColorBrewer", "grid", "PBSmapping", "oce",
"ocedata", "rerddapXtracto")
# create list of installed packages
pkges = installed.packages()[,"Package"]
for (pk in list.of.packages) {
Get a track from the research ship Healy in Alaska. This dataset is in the PolarWatch ERDDAP with dataset id ‘fsuResearchShipNEPP’. Here we pull the track for a segment of data from June 2011.
# View variable names to help form the track request
shipDataInfo <- rerddap::info('fsuResearchShipNEPP')
# Use details reurned from the info request to form a request for the track
ship.df <- tabledap(shipDataInfo, fields = c('latitude', 'longitude', 'time','airTemperature'), 'time>=2011-06-21T00:00:00Z', 'time<=2011-06-29T00:00:00Z')
## info() output passed to x; setting base url to:
Visualize the ship track
Here we demonstrate viewing the track in Alaska Albers projection which is commonly used by local scientists. See the Fish and Wildlife reference link for more info on projections in Alaska.
The oce package is great for making maps in a variety of projections. The oce::mapPlot function accepts projections in a number of formats, see the mapPlot reference below for more details. Here we specify the projection with the proj4 string for Alaska Albers EPSG:6393.
# define map extents
ylim <- c(53,69)
xlim <- c(-179,-130)
data("coastlineWorldMedium") # included in ocedata
# set plot margins
par(mar=c(2, 2, 3, 1))
# define projection with proj4 string for Alaska Albers EPSG:6393
epsg6393 = '+proj=aea +lat_1=55 +lat_2=65 +lat_0=50 +lon_0=-154 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs'
## make a base
clip = TRUE,
main=" Ship Track \n Alaska Albers Projection "
## add ship track
mapLines(longitude = as.numeric(ship.df$longitude),
latitude = as.numeric(ship.df$latitude),
col = "black", lwd = 4)
See if any NDBC buoys have data available in this area and add them to the map. Request NDBC buoy data with the rerddap::tabledap function, using the same temporal and spatial coverages as our satellite data request. Here we request the station, latitude, longitude, and time and then put the data into a data frame.
buoysDatasetId <- 'cwwcNDBCMet'
# Request the NDBC buoy data
buoys <- tabledap(
fields=c('station', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'time', 'wtmp'),
'time>=2011-06-21', 'time<=2011-06-29',
buoys$wtmp <- as.numeric(buoys$wtmp)
# Create dataframe
buoys.df <-data.frame(
time=strptime(buoys$time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
# Subset buoys to only show those with data at night, to correspond with the satellite data.
# Night hours are 2000 - 0700 local = (0400 - 1500 GMT)
nightbuoy.df <- subset(buoys.df,hour(time)==8)
#nightbuoy.df <- subset(nightbuoy.df,hour(time)<15)
#set sst colors to scale of 0 to 1
nightbuoy.df$col[nightbuoy.df$col <= 0] = 0
nightbuoy.df$col[nightbuoy.df$col > 1] = 1
# See how many buoys were found
## [1] 22
Make a map with both the ship track and buoy locations
## draw scalebar
Zlim = c(0,12)
drawPalette(zlim = Zlim,
breaks = seq(0,12,2),
col= oceColorsTemperature,
at = seq(0,12,2),
pos = 4,
drawTriangles = FALSE)
## make a base
clip = TRUE,
main="Healy Track and NDBC Buoys \n Alaska Albers Projection "
## add ship track
mapLines(longitude = as.numeric(ship.df$longitude),
latitude = as.numeric(ship.df$latitude),
col = "black", lwd = 4)
numColors <- 6
mypalette <- rev(cmocean('thermal')(numColors))
## add the locations of the NDBC buoys
# mapPoints(longitude = buoys.df$longitude,
# latitude = buoys.df$latitude,
# col = "#0099cc", pch = 20, cex = 1.25)
mapPoints(longitude = nightbuoy.df$longitude,
latitude = nightbuoy.df$latitude,
col = mypalette[as.integer(1+(numColors-1)*nightbuoy.df$col)],
pch = 20, cex = 1.25)
- Request metadata for the Geo-Polar Blended SST dataset using the rerddap::info function.
- Use the returned info about dimensions and variable names to form a data request.
- The satellite dataset id is nesdisGeoPolarSSTN5NRT
# Request and view info about satellite dataset
satdataInfo <- rerddap::info('nesdisGeoPolarSSTN5SQNRT')
## <ERDDAP info> nesdisGeoPolarSSTN5SQNRT
## Base URL:
## Dataset Type: griddap
## Dimensions (range):
## time: (2002-09-01T12:00:00Z, 2021-05-17T12:00:00Z)
## latitude: (-89.975, 89.975)
## longitude: (-179.975, 179.975)
## Variables:
## analysed_sst:
## Units: degree_C
## analysis_error:
## Units: degree_C
## mask:
## sea_ice_fraction:
## Units: 1
Extract Satellite SST Data
Using information returned from the rerddap::info request, form a data request using rerddapXtracto::rxtracto_3D. Here we request SST data for June 24, 2011 using the same extents that we used to define our map.
# Set the parameter and spatial extent for the satellite data request
satMap <- rxtracto_3D(satdataInfo, xcoord=xlim, ycoord=ylim, parameter=parameter, tcoord=c('2011-06-24','2011-06-24'))
## info() output passed to x; setting base url to:
satMap$sat_sst <- drop(satMap$sat_sst)
Make Map with Ship Track, Buoys and Satellite SST
# set plot margins
par(mar=c(2, 2, 4, 1))
## draw scalebar
Zlim = c(0,12)
drawPalette(zlim = Zlim,
breaks = seq(0,12,2),
col= oceColorsTemperature,
at = seq(0,12,2),
pos = 4,
drawTriangles = FALSE)
## make a base
clip = TRUE,
main=" Healy Ship Track, NDBC Buoys and Satellite SST \n Alaska Albers Projection "
## overlay gridded sst layer
## The oce package incorporates cmocean colormaps
mapImage(longitude = satMap$longitude,
latitude = satMap$latitude,
z = satMap$analysed_sst[,,1],
zlim = Zlim,
col = oceColorsTemperature)
## add a land polygon on top of the data
## add ship track
mapLines(longitude = as.numeric(ship.df$longitude),
latitude = as.numeric(ship.df$latitude),
col = "black", lwd = 4)
# create points colormap
numColors <- 6
pointsPalette <- rev(cmocean('thermal')(numColors))
mapPoints(longitude = nightbuoy.df$longitude,
latitude = nightbuoy.df$latitude,
col = pointsPalette[as.integer(1+(numColors-1)*nightbuoy.df$col)],
pch = 20,
cex = 1.25)
Projected Datasets R Notebook - Access and plot polar stereographic ice datasets from ERDDAP
ERDDAP Training Course Book - Using the features of ERDDAP
Dan Kelley, OCE Vignettes - Using Map Projections,Feb 21, 2020,
Dan Kelley, R Documentation from oce v1.2.0, mapPlot function, accessed March 11, 2020,
Masumbuko Semba, Mapping with oce, 2/13/2019,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska Region, A Geodesy Primer, November 08, 2019,