Releases: ConsideredHamster/YetAnotherPixelDungeon
Releases · ConsideredHamster/YetAnotherPixelDungeon
Version 0.3.0
- all classes are unlocked by default now
- added in-game tutorial, it is available from the game menu
- added in-game changelog, it is available from the title screen
- added third quickslot, improved quickslot selection by pressing on item in inventory
- you can read potion/scroll/ring/wand descriptions from the journal
- had to remove "Rankings" button from game menu when dead
- the "examine" button now searches on a single tap and examines on a long press
- respawn time is now increased on every mob respawned instead of every mob killed
- base respawn time was increased from 30/35/40/45/50 to 40/45/50/55/60 turns
- hearing other mobs will not reveal their location anymore
- evil eyes now will stop running away when not on full health
- succubi now will charm you only for 3-6 turns instead of 5-10 turns
- Goo now will not regenerate health from standing on the water while enraged
- spawns of Goo now have random amounts of health, depending on difficulty
- while frozen, Goo is now more susceptible only to physical damage
- Goo is now more susceptible to shock and energy damage
- decreased chance to succesfully block
- counter attacks now deal bonus 50% damage
- "blocked" now means that the attack was blocked
- "parried" now means that the attack was blocked and you can counterattack
- accuracy is now decreased by 12.5% for every tile of distance except first one
- dexterity is now decreased by 6.25% for every occupied/impassable adjacent tile instead of 10%
- combo attacks now apply their bonus damage before it will be decreased by armor class
- combo attacks now increase damage by 12.5% per stack after first two
- attacks on targets which are out of field of view are automatic misses
- decreased weight penalties reduction from excessive strength to 2.5% per point of strength
- decreased proc chance of Revival enchantment from 10% per level to 6.25% per level
- explosions and thunderstorms now deal only half damage to the player character
- reworked item generation algorithm, now it will spawn less cursed items for expected items
- there are now at least one guaranteed spawn of ammunition/explosives in every chapter
- items which are known to be not cursed are now sold for appropriate price
- items which are known to be enchanted are now sold for appropriate price
- added chance to prevent cursed item from being equipped which depends on your detection
- upgrade level of ambitious imp reward now depends on amount of completed quests
- removed ring of Haste from the game, it was overpowered and unbalanceable
- added ring of Durability, which makes your equipment and ammunition last longer
- scrolls of Enchantment now dispel 1-3 negative levels from cursed item and keep item enchantment
- scrolls of Banishment now do not dispel enchantments on cursed items if item is still cursed
- scrolls of Transmutation will not work on cursed items anymore
- scrolls of Transmutation now can work on ranged/flintlock weapons
- potions of Blessing now dispel only 1-3 negative levels when thrown
- potions of Blessing now affect all of your inventory when thrown
- bridge rooms now will always have basic doors
- burned rooms now will have increased chance of having secret doors
- garden rooms will not have their doors to be secret when generated on the first depth
- items from behind the storage rooms now will always spawn in one heaps
- increased travelling speed of missiles
- added visual clue that item is revealed to be non-cursed
- added messages when spawns of Goo become entranced or absorbed
- added some text, visual and audio clues to blocking/parrying and sneak/counter attacks
- DM-300 now causes screen to shake when moves while enraged
- fixed shopkeepers being visible from anywhere
- fixed succubi teleporting to occupied tiles
- fixed closed doors being shown as opened
- fixed Goo's damage being slightly lower than it should have been
- equipped light one-handed weapons will be now become unequipped if transmuted into something else
Version 0.2.9f
- changed some descriptions
- added messages when being awakened
- decreased chance of finding a cursed item
- throwing/shooting now happens only at the end of attacking animation
- scrolls of Banishment now can remove several negative levels when used
- scrolls of Banishment now remove negative levels even if item was enchanted
- removed minimum teleportation distance for a scrolls of Phase Warp
- removed chance to erase known map when using scrolls of Phase Warp
- fixed scrolls of Banishment not affecting equipped items sometimes
- fixed strength requirement sometimes incorrectly being shown with a "?" symbol
- fixed mimics attacking you when devouring items sometimes
- fixed teleportation issues in first two boss levels
- attack button now should be more stable
- fixed flying enemies not ignoring chasms and traps
- fixed scroll prices and rarities
- fixed other minor or unlikely bugs
- fixed several typos
Version 0.2.9e
- Fixed game freezing during generating boss levels if there were items dropped into a into a chasm on a previous depth
- Fixed incorrect strength requirement shown when weapon in the off hand was identified, but item in the main hand was not
- Fixed wands from heros' remains not having their sprite synced with current wand materials
Version 0.2.9d
- Game now identifies items before saving your equipment in ranking file
- Mimic chest and cursed remains will not be spawned on the first floor now
- Fixed game crashing when hitting yourself with wands or ranged weapons
- Fixed lightning traps being triggered twice when they shock your weapon out of your hands
- Fixed scrolls appearing on the top of bookshelves when examining bookshelves
- Fixed minor problem where moving characters were basically at two places at once for a short moment
- Warlocks and shamans spellcasting effects are not visible through fog of war anymore
- Fixed some other minor things
Version 0.2.9c
- attack indicator now targets nearby mobs first
- attack indicator now changes its target after ranged attacks
- fixed Goo particles being visible through fog of war
- fixed attack button crashing the game
- fixed wraiths/Tengu teleportation issues