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Bioware Campaign database migration tool

Tool for migrating NWN2 campaign database files (Visual FoxPro) to a MySQL database

A complete migration can be performed with these two command-line tools:

  • nwn2-camtosql: Migrates data from the campaign database to the MySQL database.
  • nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts: Generate a NWScript wrapper for querying the MySQL database and modify NSS scripts to use the wrapper instead of Get/SetCampaignXxx.

Command-line tools are meant to be executed with a terminal emulator. On Windows you should use either cmd, powershell, git bash or msys2. It is also handy to write a script for the migration, like a .bat or a .sh file that can be executed by double clicking it on Windows (make sure you have git bash if you want to execute .sh files).


This tool will parse all player characters in the provided vault (with the --vault argument) to generate a list of PC identifier in the same format as stored in the campaign database (account name + character name, truncated to 32 character if longer, and tabbed with spaces if smaller). Then it will parse all FoxPro databases provided as argument and, if the character matches a known PC identifier (or if the identifier is empty), will issue SQL statements to copy the data into MySQL.

Campaign data that does not match any known PC identifier (it often happens if the player has deleted some characters) will not be migrated to MySQL. If the --reject-file argument is provided, these variables will be stored in a JSON format.

The tool does not modify the FoxPro campaign database files in any way.


This tool generates the correct NWScript include file to replace Bioware's campaign functions with similar functions sending the data to MySQL, and changes your module scripts to use the new campaign functions (adds a #include atop of the file and changes campaign function calls).

The following function are provided as replacements by adding SQL at the end of the function name:

  • GetCampaignXxx and SetCampaignXxx function for string, float, int, vector, location. The provided SetCampaignLocationSQL will store the area reference as a tag instead as an object ID, making it more reliable than SetCampaignLocation as long as the area tag is unique.
  • DeleteCampaignVariable
  • StoreCampaignObject, RetrieveCampaignObject
  • PackCampaignDatabase, DestroyCampaignDatabase

Migration workflow

If your module is versioned (using Git, SVN, Perforce, etc.), you may want to run nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts ahead of time on your development machine, and commit/upload the changes. See step 4. for this.

  1. Shut down NWN2 server
  2. Make a backup of your MySQL database (mysqldump -u root -p nwnx > backup.sql).
  3. Run the nwn2-camtosql tool to copy campaign data to MySQL. This can take some time, especially on hard drives. I personally downloaded the production data (MySQL, campaign databases and servervault) to my dev machine, did the migration on my dev machine and then imported back the migrated SQL data to the production server (it took ~15min on my machine, while it would probably have lasted 1h30 on the slow hard drives of the server).
  4. If not already, run nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts to upgrade your module scripts to use the migrated SQL data. The tool will not compile the modified scripts, so you must re-compile all module scripts once the tool has finished. You can do this while 3. is running.
  5. Once both 3. and 4. are finished, you can restart the NWN2 server.


  • GetCampaignXxxSQL functions will raise a SQL error if the campaign SQL table does not exist. Their behavior however still follows GetCampaignXxx behavior by returning the default type value. The table is automatically created when SetCampaignXxxSQL is called.
  • Don't forget to rebuild scripts after executing nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts


The --help flag prints out the documentation for these scripts:

./nwn2-camtosql --help
# Migrate Bioware Campaign database (foxpro) to a MySQL server
# Usage: nwn2-camtosql [options] dbf_files
#  - options: See below
#  - dbf_files: list of DBF campaign files to migrate
# Note: One SQL table will be created for each database file (i.e. for each 'sCampaignName'), unless --sql-table-name
#  tablename is provided.
# Options with * are required
#  * -v            --vault  Vault containing all known player characters.
#  *                 --sql  MySQL connection string. If set to 'none', no SQL commands will be issued.
#                           Example: host=localhost;port=3306;user=yourname;pwd=pass123;db=nwnx
#       --sql-table-prefix  Prefix to add before the name of each created SQL table
#         --sql-table-name  Set this parameter to migrate every campaign database to a single SQL table with this name.
#                           Incompatible with --sql-table-prefix
#         --sql-constraint  SQL foreign key constraint definition for created tables.
#                           Can be specified multiple times to add several constraints
#                           Any occurence of '{{TABLE_NAME}}' will be replaced with the created table name.
#                           Example: 'KEY `fk_{{TABLE_NAME}}` (`account_name`, `character_name`), CONSTRAINT
#                           fk_{{TABLE_NAME}} FOREIGN KEY (`account_name`, `character_name`) REFERENCES
#                           `character`(`account_name`, `name`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE'
#        --sql-register-pc  SQL query for registering a player characterif it is not registered
#                           The following tokens will be replaced: {{ACCOUNT}}, {{CHARNAME}}
#            --reject-file  Path to a file that will contains the variables having an unknown player character ID that
#                           have been discarded. The file is in JSON format
#               --imscared  Extra info (like sql queries) and stop update on warnings
#    -h             --help  This help information.

./nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts --help
# Change your module scripts so they use the MySQL database instead of the campaign database
# Usage: nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts [options] [dir|file]
#  -o           --output  Output directory for the script library and unittest files. If not provided, only the library
#                         will be written to stdout.
#         --library-name  Include script name. Defaults to '_cam_sql_db'
#     --sql-table-prefix  See camdb-migrate --help
#       --sql-table-name  See camdb-migrate --help
#       --sql-constraint  See camdb-migrate --help
#  -h             --help  This help information.


Migrate each campaign database to a SQL table

# Set bash to be case insensitive
shopt -s nocasematch

nwn2-camtosql \
    --vault "path_to_servervault" \
    --sql "host=localhost;user=nwnx;pwd=123;db=nwnx" \
    Documents/Neverwinter Nights 2/database/*.dbf

nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts \
    Documents/Neverwinter Nights 2/modules/YourMod/*.nss

Selectively merge multiple campaign databases into one SQL table

On my server I have a lot of PCTools campaign database files, which names are in the format 'pctools--_', and containing only a handful of variables.

The preferred behavior for migration is to create one SQL table for each campaign database file, however in this case it's preferable to merge all PCTools campaign databases into one single SQL table.

# Set bash to be case insensitive
shopt -s nocasematch

# Migrate campaign databases to MySQL
# All PC-tools-related databases will be migrated to the SQL table cam_pctools
nwn2-camtosql \
    --vault "path_to_servervault" \
    --sql "host=localhost;user=nwnx;pwd=123;db=nwnx" \
    --sql-table-name cam_pctools \

# Modify scripts to use one single table instead
# This will create a new library script '_cam_sql_db_pctools' for making query
# to this table
nwn2-camtosql-upgrade-scripts \
    --sql-table-name cam_pctools \
    --library-name _cam_sql_db_pctools \
    gui_hss_pc_tool.nss hss_pctools_pc_loaded.nss

Bash script

This script was used for migrating my own server database.


dub build -b release
dub build -b release :upgrade-scripts