116 commits
to production
since this release
What's Changed
- P2sprint11 release to NFT by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #841
- P2sprint12 release to sandbox by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #874
- P2sprint12 release to sandbox by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #881
- P2sprint14 release to sandbox by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #939
- RE: Dev release note-20220916 (sprint 14) by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #945
- P2sprint15 release to sandbox by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1031
- P2sprint15 by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1195
- Test release from p2sprint16 by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1277
- Release_p3sprint3_on_20_01_2023_to_testing by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1385
- sandbox deployment from main (p3sprint3) by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1410
- Testing release from p3sprint4 by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1415
- sandbox release from main (p3sprint4) by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1416
- P3sprint5 release to sandbox by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1451
- p3sprint5 release to testing by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1466
- p3sprint5 release to testing by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1468
- sandbox release from p3sprint5 by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1482
- PPG-Test release from p3sprint6 on15-03-2023-0002AM by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1573
- 4890-Buyer-Both-roles-are-not-assigned-to-Org-admin-one-time-job-runs… by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1583
- Revert "4890-Buyer-Both-roles-are-not-assigned-to-Org-admin-one-time-job-runs…" by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1586
- P3sprint6 release to sandbox by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1592
- P3sprint7 merge with main on 03-04-2023 by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1597
- Feature/ppg 212 dev non associated email domain check via managed groups by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1599
- Feature/ppg 212 dev non associated email domain check via managed groups by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1604
- Task 5084: PPG 212- Dev -Non-Associated Email Domain Check via Managed Groups by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1606
- Feature/ppg 212 dev non associated email domain check via managed groups by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1608
- Feature/ppg 212 dev non associated email domain check via managed groups by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1610
- Bug 5112: UAT- Manage my account - fails to remove 'Pending Approval' tag after is approved. by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1613
- Feature/ppg 212 dev non associated email domain check via managed groups by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1617
- PPG-212 bug fix by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1619
- Bug 5125: Manage Groups :Access denied for Fleet Portal message is di… by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1620
- Typo fixed by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1622
- Bug 5141: Manage User API : email link shows removed message if fleet request created user or group role updated by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1623
- P3sprint7 release to testing on 12-04-2023 18-03 PM by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1624
- PR-bugs-5147, 5124, 5116 are fixed by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1625
- Feature/5116 group user api bug by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1626
- PR-5157-Approved fleet users are getting new requests for approval when a group deleted and added. by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1629
- Bug 5177 by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1631
- P3sprint8 merge with main by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1630
- Task 5017: PPON -PPG 59/60-Dev -End to end testing once CII dev is complete by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1632
- Task 5128 codeclimate backend issue by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1633
- RMI name and key changes by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1634
- RMI key and name changes. by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1636
- RMI description changes by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1637
- Task 5127: SNYK critical bug in Serilog in ccs-sso repo by @jukibaskar-bc in #1638
- Feature/5123 manage groups UI accordiance is showing incorrectly when user edit add user by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1639
- Task 5127: SNYK critical bug in Serilog in ccs-sso repo by @jukibaskar-bc in #1640
- Feature/5123 manage groups UI accordiance is showing incorrectly when user edit add user by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1641
- RMI description changes by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1643
- Data migration description change by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1644
- Feature/task 5133 ppg 40 the manage groups functionality changes api changes by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1645
- codeclimate config added by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1646
- Data migration service description change by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1648
- P3sprint8 merge with Main by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1649
- 5167 issue with create/update user api groupid not passed error resol… by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1657
- PPON Job changes for s8 by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1655
- Fixed Bug 5536 Manage User/Manage my Account - Group Access tab - Services are not displayed in order by @jukibaskar-bc in #1658
- 5167 issue with create/update user api groupid not passed error by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1659
- Task 5130: PPG-123 - Data migration - API development and other points by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1660
- Task 5130: PPG-123 - Data migration - API development and other points by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1661
- 5516 new email generated bug solved by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1662
- Bug 5587: Data Migration - API returns 500 error when no file uploade… by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1665
- Manage Group Bugs - 5559 | 5550 by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1666
- PR-patch for the fix 5516 and 5123- are completed by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1668
- PR-sprint-8-5516-5123-Missing Unit test file by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1669
- Bug 5559 | 5550 by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1670
- P3sprint7 release to sandbox by @boobalanmurugan-bc in #1671
- P3sprint9 merge with Main on 08-05-2023 by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1672
- Added DB script for task 5543 fleet portal content change by @jukibaskar-bc in #1673
- Task 5557: Admin label to to shown for users who got admin credetntia… by @madhumathivenkatesan-bc in #1675
- PR-4921 sprint 9 user profiles v1 delegate user throwing incorrect error response message by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1677
- Bug 5548: Manage my account - Org user with admin service via group - Group section is displayed as org user instated of org admin by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1680
- PR-5407 code climate issue p3sprint8 by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1684
- Task 5667: PPON is not expected to issue for Unactivated Organisation by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1685
- PR-ppg 130 sprint8 fix auth0 rate limit issue caused by wrapper by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1688
- Issue introduced as part of code reflector resolved. by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1689
- P3sprint10 merge with main by @ponselvamsakthivel-bc in #1691
- User delegation event log changes by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1694
- Fix delegation job deployment issue by @brijeshpatel-bc in #1695
- Bug-5766,5760 Delegation events not working for x-api-key issue fixed. by @madhumathivenkatesan-bc in #1697
- Feature/5630 manage groups accordians bug when user are in pending state for fleet approval by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1696
- Start date validation included for the Bug-5784 by @madhumathivenkatesan-bc in #1698
- Feature bug 5784 start date enable when go back to edit page from confirmation page by @madhumathivenkatesan-bc in #1699
- Removed a condition for the bug-5787. by @madhumathivenkatesan-bc in #1701
- PR- by @VijayHirudayasamy-bc in #1703
- P3sprint8 Release to sandbox on 24-05-2023 by @boobalanmurugan-bc in #1730
- Added missing service to org-de-reg job by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1735
- Bug 5817, 5818 by @brijrajsinh-bc in #1750
Full Changelog: prod-release-v3.7...prod-release-v3.9,10&11