name | event | category | description | layout | ||||||||||||||||||||
Log Me In (2024) |
CSAW CTF 2024 |
Web |
Writeup for Log Me In (Web) - CSAW CTF (2024) 💜 |
I (definitely did not) have found this challenge in the OSIRIS recruit repository
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
from flask import make_response, session, Blueprint, request, jsonify, render_template, redirect, send_from_directory
from pathlib import Path
from hashlib import sha256
from utils import is_alphanumeric
from models import Account, db
from utils import decode, encode
flag = (Path(__file__).parent / "flag.txt").read_text()
pagebp = Blueprint('pagebp', __name__)
def index():
return send_from_directory("static", 'index.html')
@pagebp.route('/login', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login():
if request.method != 'POST':
return send_from_directory('static', 'login.html')
username = request.form.get('username')
password = sha256(request.form.get('password').strip().encode()).hexdigest()
if not username or not password:
return "Missing Login Field", 400
if not is_alphanumeric(username) or len(username) > 50:
return "Username not Alphanumeric or longer than 50 chars", 403
# check if the username already exists in the DB
user = Account.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
if not user or user.password != password:
return "Login failed!", 403
user = {
token = encode(dict(user))
if token == None:
return "Error while logging in!", 500
response = make_response(jsonify({'message': 'Login successful'}))
response.set_cookie('info', token, max_age=3600, httponly=True)
return response
@pagebp.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def register():
if request.method != 'POST':
return send_from_directory('static', 'register.html')
username = request.form.get('username')
password = sha256(request.form.get('password').strip().encode()).hexdigest()
displayname = request.form.get('displayname')
if not username or not password or not displayname:
return "Missing Registration Field", 400
if not is_alphanumeric(username) or len(username) > 50:
return "Username not Alphanumeric or it is longer than 50 chars", 403
if not is_alphanumeric(displayname) or len(displayname) > 50:
return "Displayname not Alphanumeric or it is longer than 50 chars", 403
# check if the username already exists in the DB
user = Account.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
if user:
return "Username already taken!", 403
acc = Account(
# Add the new account to the session and commit it
return jsonify({'message': 'Account created successfully'}), 201
except Exception as e:
db.session.rollback() # Roll back the session on error
return jsonify({'error': str(e)}), 500
def user():
cookie = request.cookies.get('info', None)
if cookie == None:
return render_template("user.html", display_name='Not Logged in!', special_message='Nah')
userinfo = decode(cookie)
if userinfo == None:
return render_template("user.html", display_name='Error...', special_message='Nah')
name = userinfo['displays']
msg = flag if userinfo['uid'] == 0 else "No special message at this time..."
return render_template("user.html", display_name=name, special_message=msg)
def logout():
response = make_response(redirect('/'))
response.set_cookie('info', '', expires=0)
return response
{% endcode %}
To get the flag, we need to visit the /user
endpoint with our UID set to zero.
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
msg = flag if userinfo['uid'] == 0 else "No special message at this time..."
{% endcode %}
We can register an account and log in; notice how the UID is set?
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
user = {
token = encode(dict(user))
{% endcode %}
It uses a custom encode
function, imported from
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
def is_alphanumeric(text):
pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
if re.match(pattern, text):
return True
return False
def LOG(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, **kwargs, flush=True)
# Some cryptographic utilities
def encode(status: dict) -> str:
plaintext = json.dumps(status).encode()
out = b''
for i,j in zip(plaintext, os.environ['ENCRYPT_KEY'].encode()):
out += bytes([i^j])
return bytes.hex(out)
except Exception as s:
return None
def decode(inp: str) -> dict:
token = bytes.fromhex(inp)
out = ''
for i,j in zip(token, os.environ['ENCRYPT_KEY'].encode()):
out += chr(i ^ j)
user = json.loads(out)
return user
except Exception as s:
return None
{% endcode %}
The JSON object is XORd with the key. Sounds like an OTP issue? If we encode two different user objects (c1
and c2
) and then XOR them together, we should recover the key!
My first attempt at this failed; the username/display name probably needed to be longer (hinted at by the 50-char length limits). The problem was finding 50 char names that hadn't already been taken lol.
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABB = 48674c3731025651282f614a4d5437132579332603202236367628351513723226782c30060a3939302a351b0e313339000f0b28190738107417743b0209702d535e551417281f1c2114361540494e6b36767573360e340e02122a25181b251370220a05280c0d0a083923112904280f3b247604247231760a25071523360c733330114a55604c0f02724d6e7027
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAA = 48674c3731025651282f614a4d543410267a30250023213535752b3616107131257b2f3305093a3a332936180d32303a030c082b1a043b1377147738010a732e535e551417281f1c2114361540494e6b35757670350d370d011129261b182610732109062b0f0e090b3a20122a072b0c38277507277132750926041620350f703033114a55604c0f02724d6e7027
{% endcode %}
I used CyberChef to recover the key:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
{% endcode %}
Last step is to generate a new (signed) cookie with the UID set to zero:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
{% endcode %}
Update the cookie in the browser, then visit the /user
endpoint and you will receive the flag!
Flag: csawctf{S3NS1T1V3_D4T4_ST0R3D_CL13NTS1D3D_B4D_B4D}