Run DAG-SHORTEST-PATHS on the directed graph of Figure 24.5, using vertex
$r$ as the source.
||$r$|$s$|$t$|$x$|$y$|$z$| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |$d$|0|5|3|10|7|5| |$\pi$|NIL|$r$|$r$|$t$|$t$|$t$|
Suppose we change line 3 of DAG-SHORTEST-PATHS to read
3 for the first
$|V| - 1$ vertices, taken in topologically sorted orderShow that the procedure would remain correct.
The out-degree of the last vertex is 0.
The PERT chart formulation given above is somewhat unnatural. In a more natural structure, vertices would represent jobs and edges would represent sequencing constraints; that is, edge
$(u, v)$ would indicate that job$u$ must be performed before job$v$ . We would then assign weights to vertices, not edges. Modify the DAG-SHORTEST- PATHS procedure so that it finds a longest path in a directed acyclic graph with weighted vertices in linear time.
Give an efficient algorithm to count the total number of paths in a directed acyclic graph. Analyze your algorithm.