PhoenixSwagger also includes a testing helper module PhoenixSwagger.SchemaTest
to conveniently assert that responses
from Phoenix controller actions conform to your swagger schema.
In your controller test files add the PhoenixSwagger.SchemaTest
mixin with the path to your swagger spec:
defmodule YourApp.UserControllerTest do
use YourApp.ConnCase, async: true
use PhoenixSwagger.SchemaTest, "priv/static/swagger.json"
Then in each test, the context will contain the swagger_schema, which can be used with
the validate_resp_schema
test "shows chosen resource", %{conn: conn, swagger_schema: schema} do
user = Repo.insert! struct(User, @valid_attrs)
response =
|> get(user_path(conn, :show, user))
|> validate_resp_schema(schema, "UserResponse")
|> json_response(200)