1034 | 1034 | /mob/living/can_hold_items(obj/item/I)
1035 | 1035 | return usable_hands && ..()
1036 | 1036 |
1037 |
| -/mob/living/canUseTopic(atom/movable/target, flags) |
| 1037 | +/mob/living/canUseTopic(atom/target, flags) |
| 1038 | + if(stat != CONSCIOUS) |
| 1039 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You cannot do that while unconscious.")) |
| 1040 | + return FALSE |
1038 | 1041 |
1039 | 1042 | // If the MOBILITY_UI bitflag is not set it indicates the mob's hands are cutoff, blocked, or handcuffed
1040 | 1043 | // Note - AI's and borgs have the MOBILITY_UI bitflag set even though they don't have hands
1041 | 1044 | // Also if it is not set, the mob could be incapcitated, knocked out, unconscious, asleep, EMP'd, etc.
1042 | 1045 | if(!(mobility_flags & MOBILITY_UI) && !(flags & USE_RESTING))
1043 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You can't do that right now!")) |
| 1046 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You cannot do that right now.")) |
1044 | 1047 | return FALSE
1045 | 1048 |
1046 | 1049 | // NEED_HANDS is already checked by MOBILITY_UI for humans so this is for silicons
1047 | 1050 | if((flags & USE_NEED_HANDS) && !can_hold_items(isitem(target) ? target : null)) //almost redundant if it weren't for mobs,
1048 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You don't have the physical ability to do this!")) |
| 1051 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You are not physically capable of doing that.")) |
1049 | 1052 | return FALSE
1050 | 1053 |
1051 |
| - if((flags & USE_CLOSE) && !Adjacent(target) && (target.loc != src)) |
| 1054 | + if((flags & USE_CLOSE) && !CanReach(target) && (recursive_loc_check(src, target))) |
1052 | 1055 | if(issilicon(src) && !ispAI(src))
1053 | 1056 | if(!(flags & USE_SILICON_REACH)) // silicons can ignore range checks (except pAIs)
1054 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You are too far away!")) |
| 1057 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You are too far away.")) |
1055 | 1058 | return FALSE
1056 | 1059 |
1057 | 1060 | else if(flags & USE_IGNORE_TK)
1058 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You are too far away!")) |
| 1061 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You are too far away.")) |
1059 | 1062 | return FALSE
1060 | 1063 |
1061 | 1064 | else
1062 | 1065 | var/datum/dna/D = has_dna()
1063 | 1066 | if(!D || !D.check_mutation(/datum/mutation/human/telekinesis) || !tkMaxRangeCheck(src, target))
1064 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You are too far away!")) |
| 1067 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You are too far away.")) |
1065 | 1068 | return FALSE
1066 | 1069 |
1067 | 1070 | if((flags & USE_DEXTERITY) && !ISADVANCEDTOOLUSER(src))
1068 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You don't have the dexterity to do this!")) |
| 1071 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You do not have the dexterity required to do that.")) |
1069 | 1072 | return FALSE
1070 | 1073 |
1071 | 1074 | if((flags & USE_LITERACY) && !is_literate())
1072 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You can't comprehend any of this!")) |
| 1075 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You cannot comprehend this.")) |
1073 | 1076 | return FALSE
1074 | 1077 | return TRUE
1075 | 1078 |
1076 | 1079 | /mob/living/proc/can_use_guns(obj/item/G)//actually used for more than guns!
1077 | 1080 | if(G.trigger_guard == TRIGGER_GUARD_NONE)
1078 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You are unable to fire this!")) |
| 1081 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You are unable to fire that.")) |
1079 | 1082 | return FALSE
1080 | 1083 | if(G.trigger_guard != TRIGGER_GUARD_ALLOW_ALL && (!ISADVANCEDTOOLUSER(src) && !HAS_TRAIT(src, TRAIT_GUN_NATURAL)))
1081 |
| - to_chat(src, span_warning("You try to fire [G], but can't use the trigger!")) |
| 1084 | + to_chat(src, span_warning("You attempt to fire [G], but cannot pull the trigger.")) |
1082 | 1085 | return FALSE
1083 | 1086 | return TRUE
1084 | 1087 |
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