| 1 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare |
| 2 | + abstract_type = /datum/dream/detective_nightmare |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | + dream_flags = parent_type::dream_flags & ~DREAM_GENERIC |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/WrapMessage(mob/living/carbon/dreamer, message) |
| 7 | + return message |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/proc/get_dream_name(mob/living/carbon/dreamer) |
| 10 | + if(prob(1)) |
| 11 | + return "Harry" |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | + var/list/name_split = splittext(dreamer.mind.name, " ") |
| 14 | + return name_split[1] |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/limbic_system |
| 17 | + abstract_type = /datum/dream/detective_nightmare/limbic_system |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | + dream_flags = parent_type::dream_flags | DREAM_ONCE_PER_ROUND | DREAM_CUT_SHORT_IS_COMPLETE |
| 20 | + weight = 350 |
| 21 | + |
| 22 | + dream_cooldown = 25 SECONDS |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | + /// The fragments are deterministic, just need to replacetext the name. |
| 25 | + var/list/fragments |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/limbic_system/GenerateDream(mob/living/carbon/dreamer) |
| 28 | + . = list() |
| 29 | + var/name = get_dream_name(dreamer) |
| 30 | + |
| 31 | + for(var/fragment in fragments) |
| 32 | + .["<i>[span_statsbad(replacetext(fragment, "%NAME%", name))]</i>"] = fragments[fragment] |
| 33 | + |
| 34 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/limbic_system/super_asshole |
| 35 | + fragments = list( |
| 36 | + "Hello %NAME%, I am so pleased you could join us again. NOT." = 7 SECONDS, |
| 37 | + "This station is tearing your feeble, disgusting excuse for a body to shreeeedssss." = 9 SECONDS, |
| 38 | + "You should've listened to me loooooong aaaggoooo, %NAME%. Maybe you would not be such a violent, waste of space if you had." = 12 SECONDS, |
| 39 | + "Alright then, be that way. I'll be waiting for your next visit." |
| 40 | + ) |
| 41 | + |
| 42 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/limbic_system/calm_asshole |
| 43 | + fragments = list( |
| 44 | + "Here we are again, my broken bird. You stay so long yet always leave, why?." = 7 SECONDS, |
| 45 | + "We think you should give up and stay with us, it will be better that way. Do you truly believe you can keep going how you are?" = 12 SECONDS, |
| 46 | + "Would you rather spend the rest of your days wasting away on an old, rickety station in the corner of the Pool?." = 12 SECONDS, |
| 47 | + "We will see you again soon, %NAME%." |
| 48 | + ) |
| 49 | + |
| 50 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/limbic_system/still_an_asshole |
| 51 | + fragments = list( |
| 52 | + "Welcome back %NAME%, come to visit your old pals again? Stay a while, you always do." = 7 SECONDS, |
| 53 | + "Don't be so hard on yourself, %NAME%. You may be a disappointment to those around you, a useless lump of flesh, lumbering about the station, but, what do they know?" = 12 SECONDS, |
| 54 | + "Was that too mean? I apologize, I will be more positive from here on out." = 7 SECONDS, |
| 55 | + "Oh, we're out of time. See you soon." |
| 56 | + ) |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/wake_up_harry |
| 59 | + dream_flags = parent_type::dream_flags | DREAM_ONCE_PER_ROUND | DREAM_CUT_SHORT_IS_COMPLETE |
| 60 | + weight = 50 |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/wake_up_harry/GenerateDream(mob/living/carbon/dreamer) |
| 63 | + return list( |
| 64 | + "<i>[span_statsgood("... Harrier? Harrier?! ...")]</i>" = rand(1 SECOND, 3 SECONDS), |
| 65 | + "<i>[span_statsgood("... Damn it Harry wake up! ...")]</i>" = rand(1 SECOND, 3 SECONDS), |
| 66 | + "<i>[span_statsgood("... Harry I am <b>not</b> going to be the one to explain to the station how their prized Harrier DuBois overdosed on Pyrholidon, <b>again</b>. ...")]</i>", |
| 67 | + ) |
| 68 | + |
| 69 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/random |
| 70 | + weight = 2000 |
| 71 | + |
| 72 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/random/WrapMessage(mob/living/carbon/dreamer, message) |
| 73 | + return span_statsbad("<i>... [message] ...</i>") |
| 74 | + |
| 75 | +/datum/dream/detective_nightmare/random/GenerateDream(mob/living/carbon/dreamer) |
| 76 | + . = list() |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | + var/name = get_dream_name(dreamer) |
| 79 | + |
| 80 | + var/list/options = list( |
| 81 | + "Wake up!", |
| 82 | + "Help me!", |
| 83 | + "I couldn't, I'm sorry.", |
| 84 | + "Useless.", |
| 85 | + "Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock", |
| 86 | + "I couldn't save them.", |
| 87 | + "*You hear a loud metallic banging.*", |
| 88 | + "Get up, %NAME%.", |
| 89 | + "Get up.", |
| 90 | + "Get out! I SAID GET OUT!", |
| 91 | + "*You hear the sound of water dripping onto ceramic.*", |
| 92 | + "%NAME%? This is the police, we know you're in there, we just want to talk. %NAME%!", |
| 93 | + "*You hear a distant gunshot, unmistakably a .44 magnum.*", |
| 94 | + "*You hear the heart wrenching screech of a terrified woman.*", |
| 95 | + "Don't go... please...", |
| 96 | + "Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease.", |
| 97 | + "Please [dreamer.gender == MALE ? "sir" : "ma'am"] I have nowhere else to turn.", |
| 98 | + "You're a failure.", |
| 99 | + "Give up, %NAME%.", |
| 100 | + "Give up.", |
| 101 | + "Get out of my office.", |
| 102 | + ) |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | + for(var/i in 1 to rand(1, 3)) |
| 105 | + if(prob(33)) |
| 106 | + .["[name]!"] = 2 SECONDS |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | + .[replacetext(pick_n_take(options), "%NAME%", name)] = 3 SECONDS |
| 109 | + |
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