The frontend is written in React using create-react-app
We use to communicate with the backend.
stores most of the state variables alongside the aggregation functions.
The QueryPanel.js
holds mulitple QueryForm.js
which each store the result of the query.
will then take each query result and aggregate it into a single result.
Prism.js is used for syntax highlighting. It has issues with performance since it messes with the dom. The idea is to switch to prism-react-renderer in the future.
We use chakra-ui for styling, it provides some sensible defaults, however it does mess with the styling of the regular html elements.
Composition tree:
└── App.js
├── CodeContainer.js
│ └── ProgramPoint.js
├── UploadCode.js
├── PointInfoPanel.js
├── StateInfoPanel.js
└── QueryPanel.js
└── QueryForm.js
└── RunResume.js
- Run / Resume / Pause / Kill
- Instead of running a query to completion, we can run multiple 10k (or more) step queries in succession, and stream the results to the frontend
- This would allow the results to stream in, so the user can decide to pause it when it looks “good enough”
- Hovering on a line from the stack or path should filter / highlight the program points that take part of the stack:
- When path/stack panel is visible, highlight program points that take part in the path/stack, dim the rest
- Mousing over a line in the path / stack should only highlight the respective program point, and dim the rest
- Conversely, clicking a program point could filter the Answers / Rejected states to show only the states that used that goal in the path
- Adjustable divider in between code and panels on the right
- Aggregation: Disjunction
- Disjunction, take all program points of a, remove any program points that are contained in the other queries
- Footer for path/stack drawer explaining what the path and stack show “The path shows the disjuncts taken to reach the solution”
- Show the encounters failures and successes per query, and have the total displayed up top
- Multiple file support
- Users would be able to upload multiple files, and the code panel would allow them to switch the file they are viewing
- The backend would need to be able to handle multiple files