This file contains a list of Open Science Prize submissions that were drafted or posted in public. The list is likely incomplete — corrections and additions are welcome.
Note that posting or drafting the full proposal in public was not a requirement of the prize, and that executive summaries of all 96 eligible submissions have been made publicly available after the submission deadline (see also the overview in this blog post).
- Aesir
- Code For Science
- ContentMine/ Proposal
- Edge
- Everpub
- InsideDNA & ScienceOpen
- More Inclusive Open Science with Language Workbench Technology
- Open Neuroimaging Laboratory
- Paperity Central: An Open Catalog of All Scholarly Literature
- Roadmap: A Research Data Management Advisory Platform
- SCINDR - The SCience INtroDuction Robot that will Connect Open Scientists
- Thinklab: A platform for open review of research grant proposals