A Directory Pruner. This tool is a terminal UI app, written in Rust, that helps you remove unwanted clutter from your file system.
$ dirp ~
This command will open dirp on your home directory and display something similar to this.
The user can use the keyboard for various things.
Up Arrow, p - Move selection up.
Down Arrow, n - Move selection down.
Left Arrow - Show directory contents.
Right Arrow - Hide directory contents.
f - Toggle directory contents.
d, Delete, Backspace - Toggle selection for removal.
x - Remove marked files, and exit program.
q - Exit program.
NOTE: Nothing is removed from the file system until the user hits the 'x' key. A list of all marked files is then presented and the user is prompted to remove them or just exit.
NOTE: This tool doesn't delete anything. It moves all marked files into the system Trash directory.
Run the following from a terminal to install cpr in /usr/local/bin.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavidHVernon/dirp/master/install.sh)"
Run the following from a terminal to install cpr in /usr/local/bin. (On some systems you might need to sudo this command.)
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
If you don't have rust installed: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install. Then...
$ cargo build --release
$ ./install-dev.sh
David Vernon
- 0.1.0
- Initial release.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license-mit.md file for details.