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Quantum Gates in Quojo-Rust

Quojo-Rust provides a set of quantum gates for building quantum circuits.

Gate Enum

Gates are represented by the Gate enum in the quojo_rust::qcore::gates module:

pub enum Gate {
    X,                       // Pauli-X (NOT) gate
    Y,                       // Pauli-Y gate
    Z,                       // Pauli-Z gate
    H,                       // Hadamard gate
    P(f64),                  // Phase rotation gate
    CNOT { control: usize, target: usize }, // Controlled-NOT
    CZ { control: usize, target: usize },   // Controlled-Z
    SWAP { qubit1: usize, qubit2: usize },  // SWAP
    Toffoli { control1: usize, control2: usize, target: usize }, // Toffoli (CCX)
    Fredkin { control: usize, target1: usize, target2: usize },  // Fredkin (CSWAP)

Single-Qubit Gates

Pauli X Gate (NOT)

The Pauli X gate flips the state of a qubit, similar to a classical NOT gate.

circuit.Apply(Gate::X, Targets(&[0])); // Apply X to qubit 0

Matrix representation:

X = [0 1]
    [1 0]

Pauli Y Gate

The Pauli Y gate.

circuit.Apply(Gate::Y, Targets(&[0])); // Apply Y to qubit 0

Matrix representation:

Y = [0 -i]
    [i  0]

Pauli Z Gate

The Pauli Z gate changes the phase of the |1⟩ state.

circuit.Apply(Gate::Z, Targets(&[0])); // Apply Z to qubit 0

Matrix representation:

Z = [1  0]
    [0 -1]

Hadamard Gate (H)

The Hadamard gate creates a superposition of states.

circuit.Apply(Gate::H, Targets(&[0])); // Apply H to qubit 0

Matrix representation:

H = 1/√2 * [1  1]
           [1 -1]

Phase Gate (P)

The phase gate applies a rotation around the Z-axis.

// Apply π/4 phase rotation to qubit 0 (T gate)
circuit.Apply(Gate::P(std::f64::consts::PI/4.0), Targets(&[0]));

Matrix representation for phase φ:

P(φ) = [1      0]
       [0  e^(iφ)]

Two-Qubit Gates


The Controlled-NOT gate flips the target qubit if the control qubit is |1⟩.

// CNOT with control on qubit 0 and target on qubit 1
circuit.ApplyControlled(Gate::X, 0, 1);

CZ Gate

The Controlled-Z gate applies a Z gate to the target if the control is |1⟩.

// CZ with control on qubit 1 and target on qubit 2
circuit.ApplyControlled(Gate::Z, 1, 2);


The SWAP gate exchanges the states of two qubits.

// Swap qubits 2 and 3
circuit.ApplySwap(2, 3);

Multi-Qubit Gates

Toffoli Gate (CCNOT)

The Toffoli gate applies an X to the target if both controls are |1⟩.

// Toffoli with control1=0, control2=1, target=2
let toffoli = Gate::Toffoli { control1: 0, control2: 1, target: 2 };
circuit.Apply(toffoli, Targets(&[0, 1, 2]));

Fredkin Gate (CSWAP)

The Fredkin gate swaps two target qubits if the control is |1⟩.

// Fredkin with control=0, target1=1, target2=2
let fredkin = Gate::Fredkin { control: 0, target1: 1, target2: 2 };
circuit.Apply(fredkin, Targets(&[0, 1, 2]));

Gate Decomposition

All gates can be decomposed into primitive gates, which is useful for simulation and ZX-calculus.

use quojo_rust::qcore::gates::GateDecomposition;

let gate = Gate::CNOT { control: 0, target: 1 };
let primitives = gate.decompose();

for primitive in primitives {
    println!("{:?} on qubits {:?}", primitive.gate, primitive.qubits);

Primitive Gates

The primitive gates used in decompositions are:

  • PrimitiveGate::X: Pauli X gate
  • PrimitiveGate::Z: Pauli Z gate
  • PrimitiveGate::H: Hadamard gate
  • PrimitiveGate::P(f64): Phase gate
  • PrimitiveGate::Connect: Multi-qubit connection indicator

Common Gate Combinations

Creating a Bell State

// Create a Bell state |Φ⁺⟩ = (|00⟩ + |11⟩)/√2
circuit.Apply(Gate::H, Targets(&[0]));
circuit.ApplyControlled(Gate::X, 0, 1);

Quantum Fourier Transform (2-qubit)

// 2-qubit QFT
circuit.Apply(Gate::H, Targets(&[0]));
circuit.ApplyControlled(Gate::P(std::f64::consts::PI/2.0), 1, 0);
circuit.Apply(Gate::H, Targets(&[1]));
circuit.ApplySwap(0, 1);