This guide will help you get up and running with Quojo-Rust for quantum circuit design and ZX-calculus.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Quojo/quojo-rust
cargo build
use quojo_rust::qcore::{CircuitRepr, Targets, TikzConfig};
use quojo_rust::qcore::gates::Gate;
use quojo_rust::qcore::tikz::TikzCircuit;
fn main() {
// Create a 2-qubit circuit
let mut circuit = CircuitRepr::<2>();
// Apply a Hadamard gate to the first qubit
circuit.Apply(Gate::H, Targets(&[0]));
// Apply a CNOT gate with control on qubit 0 and target on qubit 1
circuit.ApplyControlled(Gate::X, 0, 1);
// Print the circuit
println!("{}", circuit);
// Create a TikZ visualization of the circuit
let config = TikzConfig();
circuit.save_tikz(&config, "bell_state.tex").unwrap();
Here's an example of creating a ZX-graph and visualizing it:
use quojo_rust::zxcalc::graph::{EdgeType, SpiderType, ZXGraph};
use quojo_rust::zxcalc::tikz::{TikzConfig, save_tikz_to_file};
fn main() {
// Create a new ZX-graph
let mut graph = ZXGraph::new();
// Add nodes with specific spider types and phases
let i1 = graph.add_input_node(SpiderType::Z, 0.0); // Input node
let x1 = graph.add_node(SpiderType::X, 0.0); // X spider
let z1 = graph.add_node(SpiderType::Z, std::f64::consts::PI/4.0); // Z spider with π/4 phase
let o1 = graph.add_output_node(SpiderType::Z, 0.0); // Output node
// Connect nodes with edges
graph.add_edge(i1, x1, EdgeType::Regular);
graph.add_edge(x1, z1, EdgeType::Hadamard);
graph.add_edge(z1, o1, EdgeType::Regular);
// Save the diagram
let config = TikzConfig::default();
save_tikz_to_file(&graph, &config, "zx_graph.tex").unwrap();
// Perform graph simplification
let fusion_count = graph.fuse_spiders();
println!("Performed {} fusion operations", fusion_count);
// Save the simplified diagram
save_tikz_to_file(&graph, &config, "zx_graph_simplified.tex").unwrap();
- Build quantum circuits
- List of quantum gates
- Methods for ZX-calculus
- Methods for visualization options