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.dd File Format

MinisBett edited this page Sep 10, 2021 · 5 revisions


Option Value type Description Default value
PreviewPoint Integer Time in milliseconds when the audio preview should start 0
Background String Location of the background image relative to the beatmap directory background.png
Thumbnail String Location of the thumbnail image relative to the beatmap directory thumb.png
Audio String Location of the audio file relative to the beatmap directory audio.mp3
BeatmapID Integer Defines the ID of the beatmap. 0
BeatmapsetID Integer Defines the ID of the beatmapset. -1


Option Value type Description
Title String Song title
Artist String Song artist
Mapper String Beatmap creator
DiffName String Difficulty name


Option Value type Description
Speed Integer Defines the scroll speed
Health Integer Controls how much health is passively lost to health drain
Sensitivity Integer Sets the hitwindow in which the noted neesd to be hit

Hit Objects

Hit object syntax: Offset,Position,Type,Direction,HitSound,Length

  • Offset (Integer): Time when the object is to be hit, in milliseconds from the beginning of the chart's audio.
  • Position (Integer): Either 0 (top lane) or 1 (bottom lane).
  • Type (Integer): Either 0 (short note) or 1 (long note).
  • Direction (Integer): Either 0 (headong in from left) or 1 (headong in from right).
  • HitSound (Integer): Indicating the HitSound of the object. See the hitsound section.
  • Length (Integer): End time of the long note, in milliseconds from the beginning of object.

HitSound The hitSound bit flags determine which sounds will play when the object is hit:

  • 0: Normal
  • 1: Whistle
  • 2: Finish
  • 3: Clap

If no bits are set, the normal hitsound is used by default.


Event syntax: eventType,startTime,eventParams

  • eventType (Integer): Type of the event.
  • startTime (Integer): Start time of the event, in milliseconds from the beginning of the beatmap's audio.
  • eventParams (Integer): Extra parameters specific to the event's type.

Type is 0, 1, 2 which is fever, timingpoint (BPM change) and speedchange

Fever Changes the fever state. Fever point syntax: 0,time,state

  • 0: (Integer): Determines the event being a fever point.
  • time (Integer): Determines the time when the fever change happens.
  • state (Integer): Either 0 (deactivate fever) or 1 (activate fever.).

Timing Changes the BPM at the given time. Timing point syntax: 1,time,BPM

  • 1: (Integer): Determines the event being a timing point.
  • time (Integer): Determines the time when the BPM change happens.
  • BPM (Integer): Changes the BPM until th next timing point.

Speed change Changes the speed value at the given time. Speed change paint syntax: 2,time,multiplier

  • 2: (Integer): Determines the event being a speed change.
  • time (Integer): Determines the time when the speed change happens.
  • multiplier (Integer): Multiplies the
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