- can select tests to run
- can run on simulator or device
- xcode integration
- can not choose which tests to run
- run from command line using xcodebuild
disable the ‘run script’ build phase add break point run tests
- assertions simular to GTM
- runs in seperate application
- (need to initialize app delegate, run initialization, lifespan sequence etc)
can’t be scripted on the device from command line?
- Need a duplicate app target
UISpec protocol
- Returns uiQuery objects that pass through to UIBiew
app.button (first button) app.button.all all of the buttons
- Dynamic calls produce warning
- expectThat
duplicate your main.m
choose specs at runtime with specsAndExamples
no intrisic way to reset to a known state to continue tests, so tests may fail later , they’ll all fail
- simulator has accessability features misconfigured by default
- good , can simulate hardware messages
- can’t be run from command line
- runs only in instruments
- can integrate with other instruments
- eg run with leaks,
- use for perfromance profiling
- use niceMocks (vs regular mocks)
- declare your mock objects as id
- GHUnit for units
- UIAutomaiton
kif, frank