diff --git a/state_of_html.yml b/state_of_html.yml
index a73753f..c1cf58f 100644
--- a/state_of_html.yml
+++ b/state_of_html.yml
@@ -595,37 +595,37 @@ translations:
# ﹤foo type="bar"﹥ (browser incompatibilities, styling limitations, doesn't do X)
- key: usage.html_interoperability_features
- t: Browser Interoperability
+ t: Kecocokan Antar Browser
- key: usage.html_interoperability_features.question
- t: Which existing HTML features or browser APIs are you unable to use because of browser differences or lack of support?
+ t: Fitur-fitur HTML atau API browser manakah yang tidak bisa anda pakai karena perbedaan antar browser atau kurangnya dukungan?
# - key: usage.html_interoperability_features.description
# t: |
# Any type of API the survey has asked about is within scope.
- key: usage.html_interoperability_features.placeholder
t: |
- Feature #{index}
+ Fitur #{index}
- key: usage.html_functionality_features
- t: Limited Functionality
+ t: Fungsionalitas Yang Terbatas
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.question
- t: Which existing HTML features or browser APIs are you unable to use for other reasons (and why)?
+ t: Fitur-fitur HTML atau API browser manakah yang tidak bisa anda pakai karena alasan lain (dan kenapa)?
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.description
t: |
- Good candidates might be existing HTML features that you often have to recreate or augment using JS.
+ Kandidat yang bagus mungkin fitur-fitur HTML yang anda harus buat ulang atau tambahkan menggunakan JS.
- Please also specify the reason, such as lack of functionality, difficult styling, poor accessibility, etc.
+ Tolong juga sebutkan alasannya, misalnya kurangnya fungsionalitas, styling yang sulit, aksesibilitas yang buruk, dll.
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.placeholder.1
t: |
- Feature #1 (hard to style)
+ Fitur #1 (sulit untuk diberi style)
- key: usage.html_functionality_features.placeholder.2
t: |
- Feature #2 (limited functionality, poor accessibility)
+ Fitur #2 (fungsionalitas terbatas, buruknya aksesibilitas)
- key: usage.what_do_you_use_html_for
- t: HTML Usage
+ t: Penggunaan HTML
- key: usage.what_do_you_use_html_for.question
- t: What do you use HTML for?
+ t: Untuk apa anda menggunakan HTML?
- key: options.what_do_you_use_html_for.blogs
aliasFor: options.what_do_you_use_css_for.blogs
- key: options.what_do_you_use_html_for.design_systems
@@ -644,33 +644,33 @@ translations:
aliasFor: options.what_do_you_use_css_for.web_apps
- key: usage.tools_for_other_developers
- t: Ecosystem Impact
+ t: Dampak Terhadap Ekosistem
- key: usage.tools_for_other_developers.question
- t: Other than yourself, how many developers use the libraries, packages, components, APIs etc. that you create or maintain?
+ t: Selain diri anda sendiri, seberapa banyak pengembang yang menggunakan library, package, komponen, API dll. yang anda buat atau kelola?
- key: usage.tools_for_other_developers.description
t: |
- Total, if you work on multiple projects that are used by other developers.
- If you’re not sure, pick the closest to your best estimate.
- For open source code, npm downloads might offer a useful data point.
+ Secara total, jika anda mengerjakan beberapa proyek yang digunakan oleh para pengembang.
+ Jika anda tidak yakin, ambil yang terdekat dengan perkiraan anda.
+ Untuk kode sumber terbuka, jumlah unduhan npm dapat memberikan poin data yang berguna.
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.na
- t: 🚫 None (Just me)
+ t: 🚫 Tidak ada (Hanya saya)
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.a_few
- t: A few other developers (e.g. developers within a small team)
+ t: Beberapa pengembang lainnya (misalnya pengembang dalam sebuah tim kecil)
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.less_than_100
- t: Less than a hundred developers
+ t: Kurang dari seratus pegngembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.less_than_1000
- t: Less than a thousand developers
+ t: Kurang dari seribu pengembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.more_than_100
- t: Hundreds of developers
+ t: Ratusan pengembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.more_than_1000
- t: Thousands of developers
+ t: Ribuan pengembang
- key: options.tools_for_other_developers.more_than_1000000
- t: Millions of developers
+ t: Jutaan pengembang
- key: usage.html_missing_elements
- t: Missing Elements
+ t: Elemen Yang Hilang
- key: usage.html_missing_elements.question
- t: If you could add 3 elements to HTML, what would they be?
+ t: Jika anda dapat menambahkan 3 elemen ke dalam HTML, apa saja kah?
# - key: usage.html_missing_elements.description
# t: |
# If you use any component technologies, the components you find yourself reusing across multiple projects could be good candidates.
@@ -678,59 +678,59 @@ translations:
# These could be things like Accordion, Alert, Calendar, Carousel, Combobox/Autocomplete, Context menu, Data Grid, Rating, Tabs, Image Zoom, Switch, Skeleton loading pattern etc.
- key: options.html_missing_elements.accordion
- t: Accordion
+ t: Akordion
- key: options.html_missing_elements.alert
t: Alert
- key: options.html_missing_elements.calendar
- t: Calendar
+ t: Kalender
- key: options.html_missing_elements.carousel
- t: Carousel
+ t: Karousel
- key: options.html_missing_elements.combobox_autocomplete
t: Combobox / Autocomplete
- key: options.html_missing_elements.command_palette
- t: Command Palette
+ t: Palet Perintah
- key: options.html_missing_elements.context_menu
- t: Context Menu / Right-Click Menu
+ t: Menu Konteks / Menu Klik-kanan
- key: options.html_missing_elements.datatable
- t: Data table (with sorting, filtering, etc.)
+ t: Data table (dengan penyortiran, penyaringan, dll.)
- key: options.html_missing_elements.dropdown_menu
- t: Dropdown Menu
+ t: Menu Dropdown
- key: options.html_missing_elements.image_zoom
- t: Image Zoom
+ t: Pembesaran Gambar
- key: options.html_missing_elements.progress_bar
t: Progress Bar
- key: options.html_missing_elements.skeleton_loading_placeholder
- t: Skeleton UI / Loading Placeholder
+ t: Skeleton UI / Pengganti Sementara Saat Memuat
- key: options.html_missing_elements.switch
t: Switch / Toggle
- key: options.html_missing_elements.tabs
- t: Tabs
+ t: Tab
# - key: options.html_missing_elements.toast_message
# t: Toast Message
- key: options.html_missing_elements.tooltip
t: Tooltip
- key: options.html_missing_elements.offcanvas
- t: Off-Canvas Area
+ t: Area Luar Kanvas
- key: options.html_missing_elements.spinner
- t: Loading Spinner
+ t: Animasi pemuatan
- key: options.html_missing_elements.segmented_button
- t: Segmented Button
+ t: Tombol Terpecah
- key: options.html_missing_elements.scroll_area
- t: Infinite Scroll
+ t: Pengguliran tak terbatas
- key: options.html_missing_elements.icon
- t: Icon
+ t: Ikon
- key: options.html_missing_elements.star_rating
- t: Star Rating
+ t: Penilaian Bintang
- key: usage.html_pain_points_freeform
- t: Other Pain Points
+ t: Titik sakit lainnya
- key: usage.html_pain_points_freeform.question
- t: Any other pain points around using HTML and related technologies?
+ t: Ada titik sakit lainnya terkait dengan penggunaan HTML dan teknologi terkait?
- key: usage.html_css_js_balance
- t: HTML/CSS vs JavaScript/TypeScript Balance
+ t: Keseimbangan HTML/CSS vs JavaScript/TypeScript
- key: usage.html_css_js_balance.question
- t: How do you divide your time between writing HTML/CSS and JavaScript (or TypeScript) code?
+ t: Bagaimana anda membagi waktu dalam menulis kode HTML/CSS dan JavaScript (atau TypeScript)?
- key: options.html_css_js_balance.0
t: 100% HTML/CSS
- key: options.html_css_js_balance.4
@@ -741,46 +741,46 @@ translations:
# other features
- key: features.foo_attribute
- t: "`{id}` attribute"
+ t: "Atribut `{id}`"
- key: features.slot_assignment
- t: Explicit slot assignment (`slot="foo"`)
+ t: Pembagian slot eksplisit (`slot="foo"`)
- key: features.tabindex
- t: "`tabindex` attribute"
+ t: "atribut `tabindex`"
- key: features.respimg
- t: "`srcset` and `sizes` attributes"
+ t: "atribut `srcset` dan `sizes`"
- key: features.model_element
- t: "`` for AR/VR/3D content"
+ t: "`` untuk konten AR/VR/3D"
- key: features.slot_def
- t: Defining slots (`` and `::slotted()`)
+ t: Mendefinisikan slot (`` dan `::slotted()`)
- key: features.controlslist
- t: "`controlslist` attribute"
+ t: "atribut `controlslist`"
- key: features.popover_api
- t: Popover API
+ t: API Popover
- key: features.lazy_loading
t: Lazy loading
- key: features.sandbox_attr
- t: "`sandbox` attribute for iframes"
+ t: "`atribut `sandbox` untuk iframe"
- key: features.details_element
- t: "`` and ``"
+ t: "`` dan ``"
- key: features.crossorigin
- t: "`crossorigin` attribute"
+ t: "atribut `crossorigin`"
- key: features.host_css
t: Styling component host (`:host`, `:host()`, `:host-context()`)
- key: features.element_internals
- t: "`ElementInternals` API"
+ t: "API `ElementInternals`"
- key: features.cors
@@ -789,109 +789,109 @@ translations:
t: Content-Security Policy (CSP)
- key: features.structured_data
- t: Structured data (RDFa, Microdata, Microformats)
+ t: Data terstruktur (RDFa, Microdata, Microformat)
- key: features.extended_builtins
t: Extended built-ins
- key: features.html_modules
- t: HTML Modules
+ t: Modul HTML
- key: features.accordion
- t: Exclusive accordion
+ t: Akordion Ekslusif
- key: features.imperative_slot
- t: Imperative slot assignment
+ t: Pembagian slot imperatif
# - key: features.focusgroup
# t: "`focusgroup` attribute"
- key: features.form_validation
- t: Form validation
+ t: Validasi Form
- key: features.aria
- key: features.rh_preconnect
- t: "Resource Hints: preconnect (``)"
+ t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: preconnect (``)"
- key: features.rh_prerender
- t: "Resource Hints: prerender (``)"
+ t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: prerender (``)"
- key: features.rh_preload
- t: "Resource Hints: preload (``)"
+ t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: preload (``)"
- key: features.resource_hints
- t: Resource Hints (all)
+ t: Petunjuk Sumber Daya (semua)
- key: features.rh_prefetch
- t: "Resource Hints: prefetch (``)"
+ t: "Petunjuk Sumber Daya: prefetch (``)"
- key: features.declarative_shadow
- t: Declarative Shadow DOM (``)
+ t: Shadow DOM Deklaratif (``)
- key: features.referrerpolicy
- t: "`referrerpolicy` attribute"
+ t: "atribut `referrerpolicy`"
- key: features.integrity
- t: Subresource Integrity (`integrity` attribute)
+ t: Subresource Integrity (atribut `integrity`)
- key: features.pwa_manifest
- t: PWA manifest
+ t: Manifest PWA
- key: features.part_attr
- t: Exposing component parts (`part` attribute)
+ t: Mengekspos bagian dari komponen (atribut `part`)
- key: features.part_selector
- t: Styling component parts (`::part()`)
+ t: Memberi styling pada bagian komponen (`::part()`)
- key: features.svg_element
- t: Inline SVG (`