From 3f17a09902d56167311f882a50568ba1a3a452e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KingSit3 Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 07:29:15 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] wip: State of JS 2022 --- state_of_js_2022.yml | 572 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 572 insertions(+) create mode 100644 state_of_js_2022.yml diff --git a/state_of_js_2022.yml b/state_of_js_2022.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f15e5b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/state_of_js_2022.yml @@ -0,0 +1,572 @@ +locale: id-ID +translations: + ########################################################################### + # General + ########################################################################### + + - key: general.results.description + t: Survei tahunan Edisi 2022 seputar trend terbaru dalam ekosistem JavaScript. + + - key: general.livestream_announcement + t: Pastikan untuk mengikuti [siaran langsung hasil survei]( pada 22 Februari! (Bahasa Inggris) + + ########################################################################### + # Introduction + ########################################################################### + + - key: introduction.js2022 + t: | + + Setelah bertahun-tahun stabilitas, sekarang banyak yang mempertanyakan kondisi saat ini. + + Kerangka front-end baru seperti Solid dan Qwik berpendapat bahwa React mungkin bukan solusi untuk segalanya, dan pada posisi server Astro, Remix dan Next.js (beberapa diantaranya) membuat kita memikirkan kembali berapa banyak kode yang harus kita kirim ke klien. + + Kita butuh semua data yang bisa kita dapatkan untuk memastikannya, bahkan survei tahun ini mendapat respon sebanyak **39,472**, hampir dua kali lipat dari tahun lalu! + + Karena banyaknya responden, Anda pasti menyadari hasil yang mengejutkan, seperti beberapa fitur yang turun secara berkala dalam hal kesadaran dan pemakaian. + + Tetapi mendapat banyak data juga berarti dapat membuka potensi baru, oleh karena itu Kami mengembangkan dua cara untuk berinteraksi dengan dataset Kami: **Jelajah Data** membolehkan Anda untuk melakukan referensi silang antara dua variabel dan menyorot hasil tertentu; sementara **Filter Bagan** membolehkan Anda untuk mem-filter spesifik bagan berdasarkan gaji, negara, jenis kelamin, dan variabel demografis lainnya. + + Kita juga mengganti kategori keseluruhan "back-end" dengan yang lebih spesifik **Kerangka Rendering** dan menambahkan sebuah daftar **Kreator Video** pada bagian sumber. + + Yang terakhir, pertanyaan seputar Fitur dan Pustaka juga sudah terdapat popup **Komentar** yang membolehkan Anda untuk melihat apa yang orang-orang pikirkan tentang item yang disebutkan dalam survei! + + Tanpa berlama-lama lagi, mari kita cari tahu bagaimana keadaan JavaScript pada tahun 2022! + + – Sacha Greif + + ########################################################################### + # Tshirt + ########################################################################### + + - key: sections.tshirt.title + t: Kaos + + - key: sections.tshirt.description + t: | + ## Dukung Survei ini Dengan Kaos State of JavaScript + + Antara kualitas video yang buruk, kaset yang tebal, dan perlu memutar ulang lagi, tidak banyak yang bisa kita rindukan dari era VHS. Tetapi ada satu *hal* yang kita rindukan ialah visual luar biasa yang disuguhkan pada kita dari era tahun 90-an yang menghiasi rekaman VHS yang kosong. + + Tetapi sekarang, berkat talenta Christopher Kirk-Nielsen Anda dapat menikmati semua sensasi retro sembari merayakan cinta Kita pada JavaScript! + + - key: tshirt.about + t: Tentang kaos + + - key: tshirt.description + t: | + Kami menggunakan kaos tri-blend berkualitas tinggi yang sangat lembut dengan bentuk ramping yang dicetak dari mitra kami di Cotton Bureau. + + - key: tshirt.getit + t: Dapatkan + + - key: tshirt.price + t: USD $29 + pengiriman + + - key: tshirt.designer.heading + t: Tentang perancang kaos + + - key: + t: Christopher Kirk-Nielsen + + - key: + t: | + Berasal dari Prancis namun sekarang tinggal di Amerika Serikat, Chris bukan hanya seorang pengembang front-end yang menakjubkan, namun juga seorang ilustrator bertalenta dengan spesialisasi dalam bidang visual retro. Kami mendorong anda untuk melihat [desain kaos lainnya darinya](! + + ########################################################################### + # Sections + ########################################################################### + + - key: sections.user_info.description + t: | + Pada tahun ini, **39,471** responden mengambil bagian untuk mengisi survei. dan untuk membantu + menyorot suara dan wawasan mendalam yang berbeda, kita melakukan perlakuan khusus + untuk memberikan cara baru untuk membagi data kita. + + - key: sections.features.description + t: | + JavaScript mungkin bergerak cepat, tapi sepertinya para pengembang JavaScript bergerak lebih cepat, karena sudah terdapat banyak fitur baru yang mendapat level adopsi yang tinggi. + + - key: sections.technologies.description + t: | + Hasil tahun ini menunjukkan fregmentasi yang tinggi dalam dunia JavaScript. Terkadang hal ini membuat kita sakit kepala, tetapi kompetisi tersebut berhasil membuat sebuah ekosistem yang sangat dinamis. + + - key: sections.tools_others.description + t: | + Memilih sebuah teknologi sering berujung pada pilihan sulit antara memilih prioritas, dan pada tahun ini Kami berusaha untuk menangkap proses tersebut dengan menggunakan gaya format pertanyaan baru ala pertandingan. + + - key: sections.environments.description + t: | + Aksesibilitas selalu jadi renungan saat mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis web, tetapi banyak pengembang yang sekarang sadar akan pentingnya mendahulukan fitur itu. + + - key: sections.resources.description + t: | + Blog yang disorot, podcast, dan situs web adalah awal yang bagus, tapi tahun ini kita memutuskan untuk selangkah lebih jauh lagi dan bahkan menyorot orang-orang yang membangun komunitas JavaScript! + + - key: sections.opinions.description + t: | + Baik itu hal yang merepotkan, atau fitur hilang yang diharapkan untuk segera bisa digunakan, ini adalah kesempatan Anda untuk membagikan keluhan seputar JavaScript! + + ########################################################################### + # Charts + ########################################################################### + + - key: options.features_categories.language + aliasFor: sections.language.title + - key: options.features_categories.browser_apis + aliasFor: sections.browser_apis.title + - key: options.features_categories.other_features + aliasFor: sections.other_features.title + + - key: blocks.tools_quadrant.description + t: | + Bagan ini menunjukkan **rasio retensi** dari setiap teknologi berdasarkan total **jumlah pengguna**. + yang di mana akan dipecah menjadi 4 kuadran: + + - **1**: Pemakaian rendah, retensi tinggi. Teknologi yang patut diperhatikan. + + - **2**: Pemakaian tinggi, retensi tinggi. Teknologi yang aman untuk diadopsi. + + - **3**: Pemakaian rendah, retensi rendah. Teknologi yang sulit untuk dijadikan rekomendasi. + + - **4**: Pemakaian tinggi, retensi rendah. Harap pertimbangkan kembali teknologi ini jika Anda sedang memakainya. + + ########################################################################### + # Notes + ########################################################################### + + - key: blocks.gender.note + t: | + Jika Anda tertarik untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, Kami [telah menulis sebuah postingan blog]( tentang survei dinamika jenis kelamin. + + - key: blocks.css_missing_features.note + t: | + Anda dapat menjelajahi keseluruhan dataset jawaban pertanyaan ini pada [proyek sampingan ini]( + + - key: blocks.source.note + t: > + + Bagan ini menggabungkan campuran dari referensi, parameter URL, dan jawaban bebas. + + - State of JS: daftar surat [State of JS]( + + - State of CSS: daftar surat State of CSS; juga mencocokan `email`, `by email`, dll. + + - Work: mencocokan `work`, `colleagues`, `coworkers`, dll. + + ########################################################################### + # Awards + ########################################################################### + + - key: award.feature_adoption_delta_award.comment + t: Dengan peningkatan **{value}** pada tahun 2022, **top-level await** telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari JavaScript. + + - key: award.tool_usage_delta_award.comment + t: | + **Vite** baru berumur 2 tahun, tetapi dengan peningkatan **{value}** dalam setahun terakhir membuatnya mendapatkan posisi pertama. + + - key: award.tool_satisfaction_award.comment + t: Vite meraih posisi teratas dengan rasio retensi tertinggi sebesar **{value}**! + + - key: award.tool_interest_award.comment + t: Dengan **{value}** rasio ketertarikan, Vite sekali lagi mendapatkan medali emas! + + - key: award.most_write_ins_award.comment + t: Banyak pertanyaan dan juga jawaban write-in yang diterima, dan dengan **{value}** kali penyebutan **Astro** berhasil menjadi item yang paling populer. + + - key: award.most_commented_feature_award.comment + t: Dengan **{value}** komentar, tidak ada fitur yang bahkan mendekati jumlah peraihan umpan balik sebanyak Private Fields. + + - key: award.most_commented_tool_award.comment + t: Dengan **{value}** komentar, React menunjukkan bahwa itu masih menjadi pustaka yang paling banyak dibicarakan. + + ########################################################################### + # Conclusion + ########################################################################### + + - key: conclusion.js2022 + t: | + JavaScript dan TypeScript menjadi lebih hidup dari sebelumnya. + + Kita melihat banyak inovasi-inovasi berkelanjutan, banyak diantaranya dalam reaktivitas dan hydration (atau kekurangannya). Contohnya, [Svelte]( took on simplicity in developer ergonomics and leaned into the compiler. Solid’s explored [new approaches to reactivity](, while Qwik [shifted our mental model with resumability]( + + Innovation is also exciting to see in multi-platform solutions like Tauri, Ionic and Flutter, which opens the door to see applications that span across even more platforms. + + We see globally distributed talent- like Nigeria and now India [having the highest developer growth on GitHub]( Around the world, there are amazing projects like Segun Adebayo's [Chakra UI](, or Liyas Thomas's [Hoppscotch](, and folks supporting other people’s growth and learning like Ada Nduka Oyom who founded [SheCodeAfrica](, a non-profit organization that has helped empower over 17K women across Africa. + + When we look at established frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue we often see a drop in satisfaction, and people may wonder what it means for the future. I believe that this decline is a function of the tool being battle-tested and used in production, of finding the rough edges and experiencing the trade-offs every tool has. It’s a sign of maturity and clear-eyed appreciation for what these tools can offer. They will also learn from innovation in the space and continue to evolve. + + Finally, I couldn’t be happier to see Vite’s absolute resounding presence in the award section for the second year in a row. Build and serve tech is truly making massive strides and we all benefit from this hard work. Bravo! + + - key: + t: Director of Engineering and Web Infrastructure, Google + + ########################################################################### + # Picks + ########################################################################### + + - key: picks.my_pick + t: "My 2022 Pick: " + - key: picks.intro + t: We asked members of the JavaScript community to share their “pick of the year” + + # + - key: + t: SvelteKit 1.0 + - key: + t: VP of Developer Experience at Vercel + - key: picks.lee_robinson.description + t: | + Two years in the making, SvelteKit is finally ready for production – + and it has no shortage of amazing features for developers. + + # - key: + # t: Server-Side Rendering + # - key: + # t: DevRel, Podcaster & Web Standards Advocate + # - key: picks.vadim_makeev.description + # t: | + # The time has come to get our priorities straight. + # UX > DX, and it has always been like that. Performance FTW! + + # - key: + # t: Lee Robinson + # - key: + # t: Ben Ilegbodu, Principal Frontend Engineer @ Stitch Fix + # - key: picks.ben_ilegbodu.description + # t: | + # Lee has been great at shepherding and advocating for Next.js. + # He's helped me a ton with Next and continues to build excitement + # for where it's going + + # - key: + # t: Supabase + # - key: + # t: Head of DX at Temporal + # - key: picks.shawn_wang.description + # t: | + # Supabase is making Postgres accessible to more developers and showing + # everyone how a small focused team can out-ship peers 10x their size. + + # - key: + # t: Pawel Kozlowski + # - key: + # t: Director of Engineering, Core Developer Web at Google + # - key: picks.sarah_drasner.description + # t: | + # Pawel Kozlowski is the kind of developer who can be open-minded to different + # approaches with humility and curiosity with the interest of improving things. + + # - key: + # t: Paul Henschel + # - key: + # t: International Agent of JS Bullshit + # - key: picks.sara_vieira.description + # t: | + # Paul's work on animations and ReactThreeFiber + # have made doing any kind of 3D work on the web way easier. + + # - key: + # t: Ryan Carniato + # - key: + # t: Redux Maintainer + # - key: picks.mark_erikson.description + # t: | + # Ryan's reactive JS framework SolidJS hit 1.0, + # and he wrote numerous articles analyzing advanced + # JS framework implementation concepts. + + # - key: + # t: BroccoDev's Twitch Stream + # - key: + # t: Sr. Developer Advocate at Progress + # - key: picks.alyssa_nicoll.description + # t: | + # Mike Brocchi recently started streaming to Twitch. He is a brilliant programmer, + # developer, and most importantly teacher. + # I always have a blast watching his streams and learning from him. + + # - key: + # t: esbuild + # - key: + # t: Co-founder of Remix + # - key: picks.michael_jackson.description + # t: | + # We have been building the Remix compiler on top of esbuild and it + # has definitely raised the bar as far as JS bundlers are concerned. + # It's incredibly fast and the plugin API allows us to do pretty much anything we want. + + # - key: + # t: Remix + # - key: + # t: Pianist and founder of Stately + # - key: picks.david_khourshid.description + # t: | + # Remix is a full-stack web framework that feels old-school, but in a good way, + # by putting you on the path to create fast, complex, and accessible modern web apps. + + # - key: + # t: + # - key: + # t: Director of Developer Experience, Remix + # - key: picks.kent_c_dodds.description + # t: | + # Fly enabled me (a frontend engineer with a distain for DevOps) + # to confidently deploy a real-world, globally-distributed, production-grade + # app. + + # - key: + # t: Joe Haddad + # - key: + # t: Web Developer, Conference Speaker, and Director of DevRel at Xata + # - key: picks.tejas_kumar.description + # t: | + # Joe works on Next.js at Vercel and is constantly looking to proudly + # demonstrate its power while actively listening + # to feedback from the community to support them better. + + # - key: + # t: TC39 Proposals + # - key: + # t: JavaScript Teacher & Podcast Host + # - key: picks.wes_bos.description + # t: | + # A Git repo full of all the things that have been proposed to be added to JavaScript. It's really fun to read through all the ideas people have for the language and see them go through the stages. + + # - key: + # t: SvelteKit + # - key: + # t: Creator of Level-Up Tuts, co-host of Syntax + # - key: picks.scott_tolinski.description + # t: | + # Svelte Kit provides the amazing developer experience of Svelte with all + # of the modern features of expected from a web platform. + + # + - key: + t: Astro + - key: + t: Twitch Coding Streamer & Content Creator + - key: picks.miguel_angel_duran.description + t: | + Astro is a new exciting static site generator. + Zero client JavaScript by default, lazy-loading hydration, + and framework-agnostic. Built on top of Vite, it's blazing fast and easy to use. + + # + - key: + t: Sandpack + - key: + t: Software developer and educator + - key: picks.josh_comeau.description + t: | + The folks at CodeSandbox open-sourced their ridiculously + powerful in-browser bundler, and packaged + it up in a world-class embedded code editor. Such an amazing tool! + + # + - key: + t: Type Annotations Proposal + - key: + t: Principal Software Engineer, Vercel + - key: picks.rich_harris.description + t: | + I'm going to nominate the type annotations proposal, which was shared with the world this year. + + # + - key: + t: Moriel Schottlender + - key: + t: CTO at Contenda, Memer and Dreamer + - key: picks.cassidy_williams.description + t: | + Moriel is an inspiring developer who gives passionate, + interesting talks about internationalization and accessibility, + and some of the things she's built with Vue are SO cool, + everyone should check them out! + + # + - key: + t: Diode + - key: + t: Senior Developer Advocate at Stripe, Author and Creative Technologist + - key: picks.charlie_gerard.description + t: | + Diode is an interactive tool to build and simulate hardware projects in the browser. + As a hardware tinkerer, this is really exciting and the interface built with + Three.js is great! + + # + - key: + t: Arisa Fukuzaki + - key: + t: FrontEnd developer working as DevRel at Storyblok + - key: picks.alba_silvente.description + t: | + Arisa is a hybrid between FrontEnd and Dev Rels, lover of React and its ecosystem, + she is always thinking about giving back to the community and contributes by giving talks, + workshops and articles on the subject. + + # + - key: + t: XState + - key: + t: TypeScript educator from the UK, building Total TypeScript. + - key: picks.matt_pocock.description + t: | + If I were given something complicated to build from scratch, + like a spreadsheet, WYSIWYG, or video calling app, I'd use XState. + It's the only library I can rely on to build complex systems. + + # + - key: + t: React Beta Docs + - key: + t: Developer Advocate at Progress + - key: picks.kathryn_grayson_nanz.description + t: | + The new React docs are incredibly well-written, accessible for beginners, + and beautifully designed. + Documentation is one of the hardest things to do well, + so this fantastic example is my pick of the year! + + - key: + t: Astro + - key: + t: Creator of Solid + - key: picks.ryan_carniato.description + t: | + While Astro has been popularizing the "Islands" architecture for the past couple of years, 2022 saw it reach 1.0 and bring on-demand server rendering. It's never been easier to create great sites while shipping less JavaScript. + + - key: + t: tRPC + - key: + t: Youtube Ranter & CEO + - key: picks.theo_browne.description + t: | + 2022 was a big year for fullstack type-safety, and tRPC deserves most of the credit. tRPC is one of those rare libraries that makes everything you used before feel… awful, honestly. Never felt more productive as a full stack engineer. + + - key: + t: Remotion + - key: + t: This Week In React founder and Docusaurus maintainer + - key: picks.sebastien_lorber.description + t: | + The ability to create videos with React is rad. We can get creative and use any cutting-edge web technology, not only DOM/CSS. With the GitHub Unwrapped project, it has proved it can scale, render thousands of videos and be an awesome marketing tool. + + - key: + t: Zod + - key: + t: Open source maintainer at Astro + - key: picks.ben_holmes.description + t: | + Runtime safety came to define 2022 with tRPC's rise to stardom. + Now, with Astro using Zod for type-safe Markdown and Remix users bringing Zod to form validation, + it's becoming an must-have for any JavaScript developer + + - key: + t: TanStack + - key: + t: Founder, + - key: picks.tyler_mcginnis.description + t: | + My JavaScript pick of the year is TanStack, or anything else that + Tanner and Dominik make. + + - key: + t: Sarah Drasner + - key: + t: Senior Software Engineer, Netflix + - key: picks.shaundai_person.description + t: | + Sarah continues to give back to the community through blog posts, public speaking, and most recently - her book "Engineering Management for the Rest of Us". + + - key: + t: + - key: + t: + - key: picks.xxxx.description + t: | + + ########################################################################### + # Sponsors + ########################################################################### + + - key: sponsors.frontendmasters.description + t: Advance your skills with in-depth, modern front-end engineering courses. + - key: sponsors.google_chrome.description + t: Thanks to the Google Chrome team for supporting our work. + - key: sponsors.renderatl.description + t: This is a tech conference focused on Front-End Engineering. + + ########################################################################### + # FAQ/About + ########################################################################### + + - key: about.content + t: | + The 2022 State of JS survey ran from November 21 to December 22 2022, and collected 39,472 responses. The survey is run by [Sacha Greif]( and [Eric Burel](, with help from a team of open-source contributors and consultants. + + This year's logo and t-shirt were designed by [Christopher Kirk-Nielsen]( + + ### Survey Goals + + This survey was created to identify upcoming trends in the web development ecosystem in order to help developers make technological choices. + + As such, the survey is focused on anticipating what's coming over the next few years rather than analyzing what's popular now, which is why the features or technologies that are currently most widespread are not always included. + + It should also be taken as a **snapshot of a specific subset of developers**, and is not meant to speak for the entire ecosystem. + + ### Survey Design + + The survey was designed in part based on last year's survey, with an open feedback period where the survey outline was discussed [on GitHub]( + + All survey questions were optional. + + ### Survey Audience + + The survey was openly accessible online and respondents were not filtered or selected in any way. Respondents were primarily a mix of respondents from past surveys (alerted through a dedicated mailing list) and social media traffic. + + Note that frameworks, libraries, etc. were free to encourage their audience to participate in the survey and some of them did take advantage of this via banners, tweets, etc. A detailed breakdown of traffic sources is included in the "Sources" chart. + + ### Representativeness & Inclusivity + + While we believe it's important to give a voice to every community, the reality is that an open survey like this one will always struggle to properly represent everybody, especially when operating through systems that already carry their own inherent biases. + + In order to counter-balance this, we are implementing three distinct strategies: + + - **Outreach**: we always try to reach out to different organizations (such as BIPOC- or LGBTQ-focused organizations, or online teaching platforms) to try and diversify our own audience. + + - **Data Analysis**: through features like facets and variants, we're always trying to make it easier to surface the voices of any demographic segment, no matter how minoritized it might be in our data. + + - **Barrier Lowering**: making the survey too long, inaccessible, slow to load, English-only, etc. can all contribute to imposing an "effort tax" that cuts off the parts of the community that can't afford to pay it. Fixing these issues can lower the barrier to entry and in the process make our audience more diverse. + + ### Project Funding + + Funding from this project comes from a variety of sources: + + - **T-shirt sales**. + + - **Chart Sponsorships**: members of the community can donate to the survey in exchange for having their name featured in the report. + + - **Sponsored links**: the links to recommended resources at the bottom of each page are provided by our partners [Frontend Masters]( and [RenderATL]( + + - **Other Funding**: this year, [Google]( and [Nijibox]( funded my work on the survey directly. + + Any contribution or sponsorship is greatly appreciated. I would especially like to work closely with more browser vendors, since they play such a central role in the web ecosystem. + + ### Technical Overview + + You can find a more in-depth technical overview of how the surveys are run [here]( + + - **Data collection**: custom [Vulcan.js]( app. + + - **Data storage/processing**: MongoDB & MongoDB Aggregations. + + - **Data API**: Node.js GraphQL API. + + - **Results Site**: [Gatsby]( React app. + + - **Data Visualizations**: [Nivo]( React dataviz library. + + - **Type**: [IBM Plex Mono]( and [Bebas Neue](