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Simple (relatively) augmentation of crop and tree drops.


Thanks to the hard work of xFier and ProgrammerDan and testing support from Diet_Cola, DevotedMC is proud to present CropControl; another plugin pushing forward the possibilities of economic design for servers looking to support the emergence of Civilization, like Devoted.

This plugin has compatibility with other Civ-series plugins, as of latest releases of those plugins.

Features and limitations

Placements of growth-starting blocks are tracked, including who placed it (if available). Growth-starting blocks that spread also share-forward this placement information, so we can effectively answer if the player breaking a growable was the player who placed the seeds.

Some edge cases, especially for Chorus Fruit, are not well supported at the moment. Known issues:

  • Chorus Flowers placed alongside existing Chorus Plant blocks will result in a ghost tree entry when the whole tree is later broken

  • Chorus plants broken by block placements over bend-junctions might not be captured at all, depending on nature of placement.

Basically, maybe don't use Chorus plants right now, they are still kind of broken. Other then that things seem to work quite well.

We're testing Physics-capture for breaks, those are represented by BreakType PHYSICS; this captures things like light level breaks, other plugins modifying blocks & forcing updates, etc.

We do currently make a best-effort to capture breaks and drops from pistons, flowing liquids, block placements, "supporting" block breaks, fire breaks, and direct breaks.

The nature of the break (was it by a person? Piston? Liquid? ) can be used to tweak the chance and size of any drops, as can the biome. As will be described, for many plants you can even control drop augments based on lifecycle.

We also internally track a harvestable flag, to prevent players from accelerating augment opportunities by immediately breaking a block they just placed. This applies most strongly to saplings, mushroom, cactus, pumpkins, melons, sugar cane, and chorus fruit as they all "spread". The blocks they spread to will be marked as harvestable. It's configurable however if your augmentation cares. See example config for details.

Long term we hope to control drops as well, although doing so without breaking other plugins is a challenging endeavor and Minecraft makes it much harder by splitting the various ways that crops will break through a number of events (including Physics). Keep an eye on this space for updates as we make progress on that goal.


This plugin is currently compatible with Spigot / Craftbukkit 1.10.2 and Java 8.

Please note that any plugin that modifies crop behavior will interfere with this plugin's operation.

RealisticBiomes: To ensure compatibility, modifications were made to RealisticBiomes. See the com.programmerdan.minecraft.cropcontrol.handler.RealisticBiomesEventHandler for one route, and the corresponding code in RealisticBiomes. As a result, RealisticBiomes is a compile-time dependency. It is not required during runtime. Compatibility begins at version 1.3.0 of RealisticBiomes.

Citadel: Citadel forces breaks via Acid blocks without firing Bukkit's break event. It does, however, fire an Acid event with much the same information; for compatibility, we capture that Acid event if Citadel is installed on your server. It is not required at runtime, just for compile. Compatibility begins at 3.7.02 of Citadel.

In general, we also fire off a CropControlDropEvent whenever breaking a thing results in drops. Handlers of the event can modify the drops or cacnel the event entirely, allowing smooth integration with outside plugins.


Configuration is straightforward.

database: section defines the host and other connection primitives. See example config.

drops: section defines all the things that can be dropped, leveraging templates. Use SimpleAdminHacks for easier template generation.

tools: section defines all the tools you care about. (TODO)

crops: section describes for each type of crop and life stage (if meaningful) the drops associated. You can hang off of these modifiers for biomes, break type and unique break conditions and eventually, tool used. This can be defined for each growth stage, allowing unprecedented augment control.

saplings: section describes for each sapling if drops are associated with them. Probably not leveraged often but could be used to provide rare unique items from uprooting saplings.

trees: section describes for each tree type is drops are associated with them. You can hang off of these modifiers for biomes, break type unique break conditions and eventually, tool used. Eventually this will be definable for each block type within the tree, for now just the tree as a whole.

That's about it.

One important note: The minimal drop reference for a specific crop, sapling, or tree must have at least one entry that ends in a literal to be valid. An example:

    harvestableOnly: false

Where TestingPlaceholder is configured in drops.

Valid Crops list and stage enumeration

Only ever list the crops and stages you want to augment, don't bother listing everything. If you do want to though, here's the list as of Minecraft 1.10.2:




BEETROOT_BLOCK. In-game beetroot. Stages: SEEDED, SMALL, TALL, RIPE.


MELON_STEM. In-game melon stem. Stages: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Flagged Unharvestable.

MELON_BLOCK. In-game melon. No stages.

PUMPKIN_STEM. In-game pumpkin stem. Stages: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Flagged Unharvestable.

PUMPKIN_BLOCK. In-game pumpkin. No stages.

COCOA. In-game cocoa plant. Stages: SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE.

CACTUS. In-game cacuts. No stages. Base flagged Unharvestable.

SUGAR_CANE_BLOCK. In-game sugarcane. No stages. Base flagged Unharvestable.

BROWN_MUSHROOM. In-game brown mushroom. No stages. Original placed flagged Unharvestable.

RED_MUSHROOM. In-game red mushroom. No stages. Original placed flagged Unharvestable.

Valid Saplings list

Similar to crops, only list the saplings you care to augment. As of Minecraft 1.10.2:

OAK_SAPLING: Oak tree sapling.

SPRUCE_SAPLING: Spruce tree sapling. Can be 2x2, any drop attempt will apply to each separately so keep that in mind.

BIRCH_SAPLING: Birch tree sapling.

JUNGLE_SAPLING: Jungle tree sapling. Same 2x2 warning as Spruce.

ACACIA_SAPLING: Acacia tree sapling.

DARK_OAK_SAPLING: Dark Oak tree sapling. Same 2x2 warning as Spruce.

Valid Trees list

Similar to Saplings, only list the trees you care to augment. As of Minecraft 1.10.2:

CHORUS_PLANT: Chorus plant part (includes flowers, nodes, and the like)

TREE: Oak tree

BIG_TREE: Very large Oak tree

REDWOOD: Normal Spruce

TALL_REDWOOD: 2x2 Spruce

BIRCH: Birch tree

JUNGLE: 2x2 Jungle tree

SMALL_JUNGLE: Jungle tree, 1 block, small

COCOA_TREE: Jungle tree with cocoa

JUNGLE_BUSH: Tiny Jungle bush

RED_MUSHROOM: Giant Red Mushroom

BROWN_MUSHROOM: Giant Brown Mushroom

SWAMP: Swamp tree (oak with vines)

ACACIA: Acacia tree

DARK_OAK: 2x2 Dark Oak tree

MEGA_REDWOOD: 4x4 redwood tree

TALL_BIRCH: Extra tall Birch tree

Valid Break Types

NATURAL: Decay caused break, or a mob broke it.

PLAYER: A player broke it directly (or first-order indirectly -- breaking supporting block is still considered a player-break)

PHYSICS: During a block update the block failed its internal physics check and was broken

FIRE: The block was burned or the supporting block was burned (COCOA on a log, the log burned up)

PISTON: A Piston broke it

LAVA: Lava washed it away

WATER: Water washed it away

EXPLOSION: Something blew it up

More Details

Check the example src/main/resources/config.yml for further details on each individual value and its meaning.

To see a full enumeration of all states for use, check out src/main/resources/config-devotedmc.yml.