Welcome to the Pangeo Tutorial at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting. This is a live session from which you can run Jupyter notebooks showing how to Xarray, Dask, Jupyter. Pangeo is a community effort and big-data platform for the geosciences. This collection of tutorials is intended to demonstrate some of the operations that can be performed using Pangeo.
A file browser listing example notebooks is available to the left. There are overview notebooks about how to use dask, and a variety of scientific use cases.
Dask dashboard plots are available to the right. These will activate when you
run the cells in your Jupyter notebooks that create a Dask Client
(these are already written for you).
To get started, double click on a notebook on the left, like getting_started.ipynb
, and start running through the Jupyter notebook cells.
Links are available within each notebook for additional documentation on that topic.
- For more information about Pangeo in general please visit pangeo.io.
- For more information about this tutorial please visit: https://github.com/pangeo-data/pangeo-tutorial-agu-2018
This session is running on binder.pangeo.io, a service designed by the Jupyter community, and operated by the Pangeo community. This Binder is running on Google Cloud Platform.
Pangeo is supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Google provided compute credits on Google Cloud Platform.