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User Manual

1. Access the Dashboard

For access the dashboard, just access the base url and you will directed to admin login page email: [email protected] password: rahasia123

2. Update Company Profile

First thing first. After you successfully install this software, you most likely want to update the logo or update the apps name. The first appereance will looks like this. image You can update the icon and logo in Settings > Company > Profile image

3. Managing Role and Permissions

You can manage user roles in Settings > Systems > Role Management. image You will have 3 default roles. This role can't be deleted, but you can still update the name. On the add/edit role page. You can assign available permission that can affect this dashboard. For example, if you disable view dashboard overview permission. A user that has the role, can't access this dashboard. So also all permissions will affect the dashboard according to the existing information image

4. Creating an Employee

Before creating an employee, you will need to know some data you must create first.

  1. Create the NPWP You can go to Settings > Company > NPWP. This data is needed when you create Branch, but will not affect any flow in this HR System now. So if you don't have any NPWP, just create a new one. And use it when you create the branch. image
  2. Create the branch
  • To create the branch, you can go to Settings > Company > Branches. Click Add Branch to create a new one. Or if you want to update the branches or delete branch, click the dot icon like the picture below. image
  • In the add/edit form, you must notice several fields when you input the data. Max radius used in attendance system, to check if user clock in/clock out outside radius or not. For the timezone, this will affect in attendance system too for calculating the timezone between the dashboard and branch timezone. image
  1. Create BPJS Kesehatan This data will relate to payroll later as a deduction component. If your company didn't have this deduction, just skip this step and go to the next step. You can go to Settings > Company > BPJS > Kesehatan.
    image image The minimum value field will be used in calculating the payroll deduction component. So input based on your need.
  2. Create BPJS Ketenagakerjaan This data also relate to payroll later as a deduction component. If your company didn't have this deduction, just skip this step and go to the next step. You can go to Settings > Company > BPJS > Ketenagakerjaan. image image
  3. Setting Editable Employee External Id You can set this to active if you want to employee's external id is editable.
  4. Create Designation You can create the designation of an employee in Settings > Employee > Designation. This will be used when you create/edit employees later. image
  5. Create Employment Status Here you can create employment status that will be related to the employee's data. This will be used in end contract validation when you use the API later. Like Fulltime/Freelance Employee, you can create the status here. image
  6. Create an Employee Finally the last step, you can create an Employee. Go to Employee > Employee and click the add employee button. You will see the modal with 3 sections in there. Each section will validate your input when you click next, but you still can go back to the previous section with a click of the previous button. You must take note in the basic info section, for the user device field just let it empty. Because normally, it will be generated by mobile. And API will handle it to update the user device field later. image image In the finance section, just let it be nonactive in BPJS Kesehatan or BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. If you didn't have that deduction in your company. But if you have, change to active and fill in the requirement of each deduction so payroll will detect this employee deduction payroll later based on this field. image And for the last section, just fill it based on data you created before. The validation will tell you if the input was wrong.

5. Creating a Shift and Schedule

  1. Creating a Shift To Create a Schedule, you must create a shift first. Go to Attendance > Shift and click generate shift button. You will see the modal form to create a shift. Create the shift base on your need. This will affect attendance flow for several features. Like detecting late, clock out early, etc. image image
  2. Creating a Schedule After you create a shift, you can assign that shift to the schedule with go to Attendance > Schedule. Here you can see, the list of all employees of the branch selected. You can update the schedule of each employee in each column that represents the date of the month. The base month is the current month, but you can change the month in the filter icon and month selector like in the picture below. You can also create multiple schedules at once by clicking generate schedule button. But before that, you must create an employee group first in Settings > Employee > Group and you will be fine to create multiple schedules. image

6. Activating Approval

To activate the approval feature, you must set the approval rules first. Go to Settings > Approval > Rules. And you can see, the available type rule for now that you can use in this HR System.
Each type will affect different features that represent the name. This is the thing you must know. This approval implemented multi-level approval. When you click the dot icon and click detail, you will redirect to the config rule page.
image On this page, you must set the rule in each branch. So each branch will have a different rule for each approval. You can click the dot icon and click edit, you will see the modal pop-up like the picture below. image

  1. If you activate the branch that needs approval, then the feature for example creates leave. When an employee from this branch creates leave, the leave will need approval from the approver's list based on your input here.
  2. Level approval has 2 types. Direct Manager and Designated Person. The direct manager will take the manager that you inputted when creating an employee. The designated person will take employees inputted in this approval rule configuration.
  3. You can add as much as you want to level the approver. If you select direct manager, that will use the direct manager of person in each level in the next 2, 3 ++ levels.
  4. You can also disable this approval with deactivate branch needs approval. So employees in this branch will implement any approval feature.

The approval that is generated, will appear in the sidebar Approval. This will only appear if you have any data that you need to approve.

7. Managing Employee Leave

You can see all leave requests in the sidebar Leave Management menu. As a super admin or maybe you permit another role, you also can create the leave for an employee on this page. image By clicking add leave, the modal for you to create a leave will appear. Just fill in the data that is needed. Just for the note, leave that is created from here will not pass an approvals feature. That means you can direct approve the leave from here. But leave that has approvals, can't be approved from here. You can see the status by clicking the detail button.

8. Managing Employee Resign

You can see all resignation requests here. Go to Employee > Resign Management. As a super admin or who has the permissions. You can also create the resignation from here. Just for note, the resignation management will affect the API flow. Because the API has middleware to check the end contract of the employee, which means that the employee can't log in if the date is greater than the end contract date. Resigning the employee will update the end contract automatically, so the employee can't log in anymore when the current date is greater than the end contract date.

9. Creating a Notice Board

You can create a notice board in the Notice Board sidebar menu. This will be used in API for showing the notice board later. To add the new notice board, you can create add notice board and the modal will appear. You just need to fill in all requirements and the notice board will appear in API. Just for note, the notice board only will appear between the start date and end date that you inputted. image

10. Generating a Payroll

Before generating a payroll, you must create several data first. The first thing you must do is create an employee base salary. You can go to Settings > Payroll > Employee Base Salaries image

The thing you must note is salary has 3 types. Monthly means, the payroll will generate based on 1 month. So if you select the date in payroll later that has a total of 2 months. That means employees have 2 times their salary from the current amount. The second type is Daily. This type will be related to the total employee present in attendance. So when the employee did 5 times attendance, that means the employee has 4 times the salary from the current amount. The third type is Hourly. Same with Daily, but this will use the total work hours of attendance that the employee doing. The employee will have total Hourly work hours * current amount as base salary.

After creating an employee base salary, you may want to create a custom component. You can go to Settings > Payroll > Payroll Components. And you will see the default component named "Potongan Terlambat". When you click edit, you will see the modal popup and you can update the configuration. Late tolerance means if the total late in each attendance of an employee is greater than this late tolerance, the employee will get this deduction when payroll is generated.
image image You also can make your custom component by click Add Component Button and you can decide the customization based on your needs.

To make the amount of each component you can click the set value button and you will be directed to Setting Value Component Page. Here you can choose if you want this component applied to all employees in the branch. Go to the branch tab, but if you want this component applied only to several employees go to the Employee tab. Click the dot icon and edit button, and the modal will appear. You can insert the amount and switch the status to active to make the component applied in payroll later. image image

Finally, go to Payroll > Run Payroll. You can click generate payroll, and input the date you want to generate payroll and which branch. Just wait and the system will automatically generate payroll for you based on your configuration before. Just for note, payroll will not appear in API if you did not change the status to Paid. Click the show button, and click the button paid all in detail slippage. Fill in the date and all the payroll will change status to paid. image image