A very idiosyncratic/incomplete list of resources, with an emphasis on visualizations and code repos.
- JHU CSSE US Map – by ocunty
- JHU SSE Dashboard (canonical source of data for most forecasters and many other trackers, despite some issues with the underlying data)
- NYTimes maps/trackers (URL changes daily)
- Toronto Star Interactives
- CityTV Case Tracker/interactive
- CityTV Canada vs. World comparison
- Dalla Lana School of Public Health Dashboard (see dataset below)
Curve-fitting, optimistic assumptions, aimed at forecasting healthcareresource crises, centre previously mainly concerned w/ less=developed countries
Epidemiology group at the non-linear/complex systems LANL institute
Short term only, tends to be pessimistic, was involved in UK’s ill-fated decision to put off social distancing
- projections , includes estimates for R, very helpful
Uses Reich lab data, see below for gh repo
- JHU COVID Resource Center
- The Guardian Coronavirus Hub
- IHME Covid Hub (mostly their own pubs)
- WHO COVID-19 hub
- CovidLit db of publications
- U of T Coronavirus Guide page
- Gov’t of Canada hub
- Duke UP “Navigating the thread of Pandemic” – links to other syllabi o n the DUP site as well.
- “Teach the Virus” #CoronavirusSyllabus – well-organized, extremely helpful syllabus crowdsourced by many humanities professors
- Another prominent Coronavirus syllabus crowdsourcing project, less well-organized but still hugely helpful.
- The Atlantic’s COVID Tracking Project
- Nature “Pick of the Coronavirus Papers”
- JHU Newsletters (Archive)
- Das Coronavirus-Update mit Christian Drosten (German Transcripts, English Summaries)
- This Week in Virology (somewhat longwinded and occasionally dull, but with very interesting nuggets sometimes)
- NYTimes Live Updates (URL changes daily)
- NYTimes Newsletter
- The Guardian Live COVID Feed (URL changes daily)
- The Guardian Newsletter
- The Nocturnists – healthcare worker pandemic storytelling podcast
- Critical Inquiry Posts from the Pandemic (some pretty good stuff here)
- Covid Comics
- COVID 19 Archive An Omeka site collecting images, texts, and links in an archive of mostly ephemera from the plague year
- Corona Times – an occasional blog, collectively written, with an emphasis on social scientific and humanities themes, organized out of the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
- JHU COVID data repo
- Compare IHME and LANL forecasts over time (source code)
- Canadian Data
- Reichlab metatracker (US Only, but still cool)
- - IHME CurveFit Model, finally, some freaking code –
- MIT Operations Research Center model (code)
- Reichlab data source
- SSRC series (includes studies of democracy, insecurity, Africa-specific issues, disasters)
- The syllabus coronavirus politics readings
- consortuin of social science assoc pandemic resources (links to many other info hubs)
- covid impact survey data sources (pdf reports but also xlsx, csv, spss)
- dataset of research articles (for text mining, etc.)