| 1 | +MSU_STATUS = $2000 |
| 2 | +MSU_READ = $2001 |
| 3 | +MSU_ID = $2002 |
| 4 | +MSU_SEEK = $2000 |
| 5 | +MSU_TRACK = $2004 |
| 6 | +MSU_VOLUME = $2006 |
| 7 | +MSU_CONTROL = $2007 |
| 8 | +SCRATCH_MSU_VOL = $00C2 |
| 9 | +SCRATCH_MSU_DEC = $00C3 |
| 10 | + |
| 11 | +lorom |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +ORG $04EC1C |
| 14 | +CheckForMSU: ;Is the MSU-1 chip present? If not, then go to PullAAndPlay() |
| 15 | +PHA ;Push A onto the stack |
| 16 | +LDA MSU_ID ;Load the MSU-ID's address |
| 17 | +CMP #$53 ; 'S' |
| 18 | +BNE PullAAndPlay ;MSU-1 not detected. |
| 19 | + |
| 20 | +MSUFound: ;We have an MSU-1 chip detected, so let's use it. |
| 21 | +PLA ;Pull A off the stack |
| 22 | +SEP #$30 ;Set registers to 8-bit |
| 23 | +STZ SCRATCH_MSU_DEC ;stop any fade out that we might be doing |
| 24 | +STA $0130 ;Store our BGM command |
| 25 | +CMP #$F1 ;Is the command to fade out? |
| 26 | +BEQ PlayNonMSUTrack ;If so, call FadeOut() |
| 27 | +CMP #$F2 ;Is it to set to half volume? |
| 28 | +BEQ HalfVol ;If so, call HalfVol() |
| 29 | +CMP #$F3 ;Is it to set to full volume? |
| 30 | +BEQ FullVol ;If so, call FullVol() |
| 31 | +CMP #$08 ;Is it the mirror warp sound? |
| 32 | +BEQ PlayNonMSUTrack ;Don't play the mirror warp sound over MSU because we're not going to have it. |
| 33 | +STA MSU_TRACK ;If it is none of the above special commands, then tell the MSU-1 what track to look for. |
| 34 | +PHA ;Push A |
| 35 | +STZ $2005 ;Clear $2005 so that the MSU-1 will load the new track |
| 36 | +LDA #$FF ;Load max volume into A |
| 37 | +STA MSU_VOLUME ;Set volume to max |
| 38 | +loop: |
| 39 | +BIT MSU_STATUS ;Wait for the MSU-1 to finish seeking |
| 40 | +BVS loop ;BVS loop (?) |
| 41 | +LDA #$03 ; |
| 42 | +STA MSU_CONTROL ; Set audio state to play, with repeat. |
| 43 | +LDA #$F1 ; |
| 44 | +STA $2140 ;If the audio track is not missing, then |
| 45 | +STA $0133 ;we need to mute the game audio |
| 46 | +; We need to status check here. If the track is no good, then we need to branch to PlayNonMSUTrack |
| 47 | +LDA MSU_STATUS ;Load A into MSU_Status |
| 48 | +AND #$08 ;AND the error bit |
| 49 | +BNE PullAAndPlay ;If the error bit is set, the audio track is missing |
| 50 | +PLA ;Pull A off the stack |
| 51 | +RTL ;Return to where we were in code |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +PullAAndPlay: |
| 54 | +PLA ;Pull A off the stack |
| 55 | +BRA PlayNonMSUTrack ;Play the non-MSU track |
| 56 | + |
| 57 | +PlayNonMSUTrack: |
| 58 | +STA $2140 ;Load the bgm command normally into $2140 |
| 59 | +STA $0133 ;Also set it here |
| 60 | +PHA ;Push A onto the stack |
| 61 | +LDA #$00 ; |
| 62 | +STA MSU_CONTROL ;Make the MSU-1 stop playing audio |
| 63 | +PLA ;Pull A off the stack |
| 64 | +RTL ;Return |
| 65 | + |
| 66 | +FadeOut: |
| 67 | +;lda MSU_VOLUME ;This doesn't work and causes problems. So I'm just going to cut the music out entirely when I get the fade out command until I can fix it. |
| 68 | +;sbc #$0F |
| 69 | +;sta MSU_VOLUME |
| 70 | +;sta SCRATCH_MSU_VOL |
| 71 | +;lda #$0F |
| 72 | +;sta SCRATCH_MSU_DEC |
| 73 | +LDA #$00 ;Load the lowest volume setting |
| 74 | +STA MSU_VOLUME ;Set the volume of the MSU-1 |
| 75 | +RTL ;Return |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +HalfVol: |
| 78 | +STA $2140 ; |
| 79 | +STA $0133 ;Send the fade out command to the SPU |
| 80 | +LDA #$7F ;Load the half volume setting |
| 81 | +STA MSU_VOLUME ;Set the volume of the MSU-1 |
| 82 | +STA SCRATCH_MSU_VOL ;Store this value to the Scrach RAM for the MSU volume |
| 83 | +RTL ;Go play the non-MSU-1 track |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | +FullVol: |
| 86 | +STA $2140 ; |
| 87 | +STA $0133 ;Send the fade out command to the SPU |
| 88 | +LDA #$FF ;Load the full volume setting |
| 89 | +STA MSU_VOLUME ;Set the volume of the MSU-1 |
| 90 | +STA SCRATCH_MSU_VOL ;Store this value tot he scractch RAM for the MSU volume |
| 91 | +RTL ;Go play the non-MSU-1 track |
| 92 | + |
| 93 | +;Single hijack point for playing music |
| 94 | +ORG $0080F3 |
| 95 | +JSL CheckForMSU |
| 96 | +NOP |
| 97 | +NOP |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | +ORG $0080FD ;Overwrites the game's efforts to write a track number itself. |
| 100 | +NOP |
| 101 | +NOP |
| 102 | +NOP |
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