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Package Management

Eamon O'Dea edited this page Apr 12, 2019 · 3 revisions

Command-line cheat sheet

The user drakelab has the ability to install and remove software. This can be done using the graphical menus, but often it is faster to enter commands in a terminal. Any commands that modify system-wide files must be prefixed by sudo, which may prompt you to enter the password for user drakelab.

  1. To update the list of available packages, enter sudo apt-get update.
  2. To search for available packages, use apt-cache. For example, to see if there is a jags package available, use apt-cache search jags.
  3. To install an available package, use apt-get install. For example, to install the jags package, enter sudo apt-get install jags.
  4. To remove a package, use apt-get remove. For example, to remove the jags package, enter sudo apt-get remove jags.
  5. To update all of the system's packages to the version found at the last apt-get update, enter sudo apt-get upgrade. To update packages and also allow packages to be removed and installed to handle changes in dependencies, enter sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.

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