432.All-O-one-Data-Structure (H)
380.Insert-Delete-GetRandom-O(1) (M+)
381.Insert-Delete-GetRandom-O1-Duplicates-allowed (H-)
716.Max-Stack (M+)
355.Design-Twitter (H)
535.Encode-and-Decode-TinyURL (M)
631.Design-Excel-Sum-Formula (H)
642.Design-Search-Autocomplete-System (M+)
895.Maximum-Frequency-Stack (H)
1146.Snapshot-Array (H)
1172.Dinner-Plate-Stacks (H)
1381.Design-a-Stack-With-Increment-Operation (H-)
1352.Product-of-the-Last-K-Numbers (M+)
1418.Display-Table-of-Food-Orders-in-a-Restaurant (H-)
1622.Fancy-Sequence (H+)
146.LRU-Cache (H-)\
- Brute force: Use a single dictionary impl, key -> (value, timestamp)
- Get: O(1)
- Set: O(n) because need to pop out elements if exceed maximum capacity
- Complexity optimal: Dictionary + LinkedList
- Get: O(1)
- Set: O(1)
- Simplest: Use the Python bulit-in OrderedDict impl (not SortedDict which order items based on keys) https://www.kunxi.org/2014/05/lru-cache-in-python/
- Get: O(1)
- Set: O(1)
- Brute force: Use a single dictionary impl, key -> (value, timestamp)
460.LFU Cache (H)\
- Brute force: Use a single dictionary impl, key -> (value, frequency)
- Get: O(1)
- Set: O(nlogn)
- Direct inherit from LRU: Dictionary + linkedlist. Sort linkedlist using bubblesort https://www.kunxi.org/2016/12/lfu-cache-in-python/
- Get: O(1)
- Set: O(N) in LRU there is no sorting needed, but in LFU there is.
- Dictionary + BST tree:
- Get: O(1) + log(N) because BST needs to be balanced
- Set: O(1) + log(N) because BST needs to delete element
- MY original solution: https://www.kunxi.org/2016/12/lfu-cache-in-python/
- One dictionary: key -> freq, another dictionary freq -> defaultdict(ordereddict)
- Get: O(1)
- Set: O(1)
- Brute force: Use a single dictionary impl, key -> (value, frequency)