This lecture takes you through the steps to create and administer PIDs employing the HTTP restful API of the handle server version 8.
Below you find three different PIDs and their corresponding global resolver
PID: 11304/cf8956a2-39d3-11e5-8a18-f31aa6f4d448
PID: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00289
PID: ark:/13030/tf5p30086k
You can either go to the resolver in your web browser and type in the PID to get to the data behind it. You can also concatenate the resolver and the PID.
Try to resolve the handle PID with the DOI resolver and vice versa.
In the handle resolver you will find a box "Don't redirect to URLs", if you tick this box, what information do you get?
Each PID consists of a prefix which is linked to an administratory domain (e.g. a journal) and a suffix. The prefix is handed out by an issuer such as CNRI for handle or DataCite for DOIs. Once you are admin of a prefix, you can register as many data objects as you want by extending the prefix with a suffix. Note, that the suffixes need to be unique for each data object.
The code is based on cURL. cURL is an open source command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax. cURL is used in command lines or scripts to transfer data.
- Please check the dependencies before you start.
- You will also need test credentials for the epic server.
CURL: is an open source command line tool and library for transferring data with URL syntax. On the training machines (Ubuntu) we installed cURL for you with:
apt-get install curl
apt-get install uuid-runtime
In case you are working on your own laptop with your own python, please install:
easy_install curl
easy_install uuid-runtime
Final check
curl --help
The handle server works with certificate authentication and openssl. On a MAC you need to install curl via homebrew and specify that it should use openssl:
brew install curl --with-openssl
For your convenience you can export this location to a variable and call it by
$CURL --help
Please replace <version> with the version you installed on your MAC.
If you write the code described below to a file, do not forget to change the permissions.
You should make each file executable with #!bash
in the very first line.
Suppose you have a file called
you can make it executable by typing this on a shell:
chmod +x
so it will execute when you type on the shell:
The main command
curl [options] [URL...]
Before we start, we explain the main parameters of CURL used as options
- -X, --request : (HTTP) Specifies a custom request method to use when communicating with the HTTP server. The specified request method will be used instead of the method otherwise used (which defaults to GET). Common additional HTTP requests include PUT ,POST and DELETE . ( -X GET)
- -U, --proxy-user user:password: Specify the user name and password to use for proxy authentication. (ex: -u :)
- -H, --header : Extra header to include in the request when sending HTTP to a server. You may specify any number of extra headers. (ex: -H "Accept: application/json" so as to accept json data)
- -d, --data : (HTTP) Sends the specified data in a POST or PUT request to the HTTP server, in the same way that a browser does when a user has filled in an HTML form and presses the submit button.
- -D, --dump-header : Write the protocol headers to the specified file.
- -v: get verbosed information about the connection with the server
These are the main parameters we are going to use in our examples. For more parameters please check [cURL]C
To connect to the handle server you need to provide a prefix and its respective private key and certificate, the latter two are pem-files. We will use the prefix 21.T12995, a test prefix at SURFsara. Since we use these parameters everytime we call curl, it is handy to store them in shell variables:
You will find the key and certificate in the folder credentials on the provided VMs. If you are using your own laptop, please contact us to obtain a test prefix and the respective pem-files.
## Registering a file with PUT
### We will register a public file from figshare.
We are going to create a new PID by using the PUT request.
The request method is -X PUT followed by the actual json data
-X PUT --data '{"values":[
"data": {
"format": "string",
"value": ""
The second member of the list behind values sets the ownership of the handle and permission.
It will appear as index 100 in the handle entry. The permissions correspond to
[create hdl,delete hdl,read val,modify val,del val,add val,modify admin,del admin,add admin]
where 1 means allowed and 0 prohibited.
- Create a universally unique identifier (uuid)
- Take the function uuidgen for this
- Concatenate your PID prefix and the uuid to create the full PID
Since the prefix is unique and we employed a uuid to create the suffix, we now have an opaque string which is unique to our resolver ($PREFIX/$SUFFIX).
The URL in the CURL request:$PREFIX/$SUFFIX
or when you set the variable PID_SERVER
Register the PID, link the PID and the data object. Here we use a public csv file as data which is stored on figshare and publicly available.
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data \
'{"values": [
"data": {"format": "string",
{ "index": 100,"type": "HS_ADMIN",
"data": {"format": "admin",
"value": {"handle": "0.NA/'$PREFIX'","index": 200,"permissions": "011111110011"}}}
]}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX | python -m json.tool
This gives the response:
indicating, that the handle was created.
- 1: Success (200 OK or 201 Created)
- 2: An unexpected error on the server (500 Internal Server Error)
- 100: Handle not found (404 Not Found)
- 101: Handle already exists (409 Conflict)
- 102: Invalid handle (400 Bad Request)
- 200: Values not found (in resolution, 200 OK; otherwise 400 Bad Request)
- 201: Value already exists (409 Conflict)
- 202: Invalid value (400 Bad Request)
- 301: Server not responsible for handle (400 Bad Request)
- 402: Authentication needed (401 Unauthorized)
- 40x: Other authentication errors (403 Forbidden)
Let us go to the resolver and see what is stored there
We can get some information on the data from the resolver.
We can retrieve the data object itself via the web-browser.
You can retrieve the PID record using the GET option of cURL from the local handle server directly
$CURL -k -X GET $PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX | python -m json.tool
or from the global handle resolver
$CURL -k -X GET$PREFIX/$SUFFIX | python -m json.tool
Here we do not need to authorise since the handle record is public.
- File and metadata retrieval
- How can you retrieve the document behind the PID?
- Download the file via the resolver. Try to use wget when working remotely on our training machine.
- How is the data stored when downloading via the browser and how via wget?
- How can you retrieve the handle record in a web browser?
- Inspect the HS_ADMIN field**
- What happens if you try to reregister the file with the same PID?
NOTE Keys in the Handle entry should always be capitalised, i.e.
We saw in the last exercise, that the data in the handles can be overwritten. That is useful in some cases, as we will see later. However, upon registration you might want to check that you do not overwrite existing data. A secure way to create handles is:
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data \
"data": {"format": "string",
]}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX?overwrite=false | python -m json.tool
This will return the response 101, inidicating that the handle already exists.
Lets say that we want to add a new type with data 'Data Carpentry pandas example file'. We have to update the json data
-X PUT --data \
"data": {"format": "string",
"value":"Data Carpentry pandas example file"},
]}' \
And the actual request to add this to the existing handle is:
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data \
"data": {"format": "string",
"data": {"format": "string",
"value":"Data Carpentry pandas example file"}},
"data":"csv"}]}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX | python -m json.tool
The handle API works with indexes. The very first index index 1 is used by the resolver which expects a url. That is why we use "URL" as type, which makes it easier to debug if something goes wrong. It is a convention to use capital letters to define keys. Index 100 is reserved for the HS_ADMIN. All other indexes can be determined by the user. The other indexes are free and can be customised.
With the resolver we can access this information. Note, this data is publicly available to anyone.
In the previous example we have actually not overwritten the data in the handle but we created a new handle with the same suffix but different content. Now let us see how we can add and modify entries.
We want to store information on the identity of the file that we have registered in the previous example, e.g. the md5 checksum. The file is called surveys.csv. We first have to generate the checksum. However, we can only create checksums for files which we have locally on our computer. In the step above we downloaded the file. So now we can continue to calculate the checksum. NOTE the filename might depend on the download method.
MD5VALUE=` md5 surveys.csv | awk '{ print $4 }'`
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data '{"index":3, "type":"MD5","data": {"format": "string","value": "'$MD5VALUE'"}}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX?index=3 | python -m json.tool
We can also update or add more fields at one time:
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data '{"values": [
{"index": 2, "ttl": 86400, "type": "TYPE", "data": {"format": "string","value": "Data Carpentry file"}},
{"index": 4, "type": "SIZE", "data": {"format": "string","value": "N/A"}},
{"index": 5, "ttl": 86400, "type": "FORMAT", "data": {"format": "string","value": "csv"}}
]}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX?index=2\&index=4\&index=5 | python -m json.tool
Let us label the downloaded copy of the csv file with a new PID. The file should reside in your download folder or at a location that you specified when using wget to download the file. Replace with the appropriate path and filename.
MD5SUM=` md5 $FILELOC | awk '{ print $4 }'`
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data \
{"index":1,"type":"URL", "data": {"format": "string","value":"'$FILELOC'"}},
{"index":2,"type":"TYPE", "data":
{"format": "string","value":"Data Carpentry pandas example file"}},
"data": {"format": "string","value":"'$MD5SUM'"}},
]}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX2 | python -m json.tool
Try to fetch some metadata on the file from the resolver. Try to resolve directly to the file. What happens?
We used a local path as "URL" pointing to a personal machine where the data is protected. That means you can no longer download the data directly, but you have access to the data stored in the PID.
- Information stored with the PID is ALWAYS public
- Data itself can lie on a protected server/computer and not be accessible for everyone
We have now two PIDs one pointing to the public file
and one pointing to our local copy of that public file
We will link the two files using the keywork REPLICA and we will use index 4.
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data '{"index":4, "type":"REPLICA","data": {"format": "string","value":"'$PREFIX'/'$SUFFIX2'"}}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX?index=4 | python -m json.tool
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
-X PUT --data '{"index":4, "type":"REPLICA","data": {"format": "string","value":"'$PREFIX'/'$SUFFIX'"}}' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX2?index=4 | python -m json.tool
How does the handle resolver actually know to which data object to resolve to? In the cases above we explicitely defined the field URL at index 1. What happens if index 1 contains different information, i.e. a different key buta URL as value.
Exercise Create some PIDs and test these options:
- Change the key URL at index 1 to something else
- Change the value of the URL field to something that is not a URL.
- Define a key avlue pair URL and the respective value at a higher index and put somethig else in index 1.
Given a certain entry in the PID record, how can you find the repsective PID? This feature is NOT part of the standard Handle API. Handle servers in the EUDAT domain offer a special reverse-lookup servelet to facilitate this function. To authorise with the servelet you need a password with your prefix. The command has the following structure:
$CURL -k -u "21.T12995:<password>" $PID_REV?<KEYWORD>=*
Note that you do not have to access the api on the handle server but the handle reverse lookup servelet (hrls).
To get a list of PIDs under the handle instance:
$CURL -k -u "21.T12995:<password>" $PID_REV?URL=*
This shows the first 1000 PIDs on the server.
And you can set extra parameters:
$CURL -k -u "21.T12995:<password>" $PID_REV?URL=*\&limit=10
Exercise What does the parameter page do? Compare the output of the two following commands:
$CURL -k -u "21.T12995:<password>" $PID_REV?URL=*\&limit=10\&page=1 |python -m json.tool
$CURL -k -u "21.T12995:<password>" $PID_REV?URL=*\&limit=10\&page=2 |python -m json.tool
In case we wish to remove the information on the checksum from the handle do this:
$CURL -k --key $PRIVKEY --cert $CERTIFICATE \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H 'Authorization: Handle clientCert="true"' \
$PID_SERVER/$PREFIX/$SUFFIX?index=101 | python -m json.tool
Note, if you do not specify the index in the URL pointing to your PID, the whole PID will be deleted.