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Managing Namespaces

John Kellerman edited this page Jan 30, 2025 · 3 revisions

Guidelines on Namespace Requests

The general concept of namespaces is described in Managing Namespaces. This page provides guidelines for handling namespace-related requests, which are submitted as issues to

Namespace Ownership

Issue Labels

Namespace ownership requests are marked with a namespace label. After processing the request, we assign either the granted or the denied label (the latter should happen very rarely).

Checking Namespace Ownership Requests

We don't check the legitimacy of ownership requests. We regard the requirement to create a public issue to request ownership as sufficient, as it provides full transparency. Any information provided by the requesting user serves as a public record that can be disputed in case of conflict.

Namespace ownership should not be granted to bots / service accounts, but only to accounts associated with real persons. They will have the opportunity to add more accounts to the namespace by themselves (see below).

Processing Namespace Ownership Requests

  1. From the Admin page, select the Namespaces option and enter the requested name.
  2. In most cases, the namespace will exist and will have the requester as a contributing member. In this case, make them an Owner. Add the granted label to the GitHub issue, tag the requester in a comment and close the issue.
  3. If the namespace does not yet exist, select the option to create it. Then attempt to add the requester as an Owner. If the owner appears in the typeahead prompt, add them as an Owner and proceed to close the GitHub issue as above.
  4. If the requester does not appear in the type ahead prompt, it means they have not yet signed a Publisher Agreement. Comment in the GitHub entry that they first need to sign the Publisher Agreement.
  5. In some cases, the namespace will already exist and have an Owner. In this case, add a comment in the GitHub issue tagging both the requester and the current Owner to see in the ensuing discussion if the current Owner is willing to relinquish ownership or agree to co-ownership. If so, make the requester the new Owner and mark the GitHub issue as above.
  6. If not, then use the denied label and close the GitHub issue.

Technical Prerequisites

The requesting users must have logged in to at least once so we can find them in our database and they must have signed the Publisher Agreement.

In most cases the namespace in question has already been created by the requesting user. If the namespace does not exist yet, the administrator can create it. If unsure whether the spelling of the namespace is correct, the administrator should clarify this in the issue.

Upper and lower case is irrelevant when searching extensions and namespaces. However, the namespace will appear in the UI exactly as it has been created.

Previous Publishers

The administrator should check all extensions that have been already been published in the requested namespace (these are listed in the dashboard). If they have been published by other users (not requesting ownership), the respective extensions will be displayed with warning signs after ownership has been granted. Those warnings will disappear as soon as the new owner publishes new versions of the extensions. However, the owner has the right to request deletion of the previous versions. Preferably this should happen after publishing new versions in order to avoid breaking downstream users, since deleting all current versions would mean deleting the whole extension.

The authority to publish new extension versions in the requested namespace is exclusive to the new owner. However, there is an exception with the @open-vsx, which publishes extensions from a JSON list. If an extension in the requested namespace is being published from that account, an issue should be created in the publish-extensions repository requesting to remove the extension from the list.

Multiple Owners

It is OK for multiple users to request ownership of a namespace together. However, they can administrate the namespace in their settings page and add or remove members as they wish. Members can be either owners with full administration access or contributors with publishing access.

Renaming Namespaces

Requests to rename a namespace will come in as issues to An admin submits to rename a namespace (and optionally merge it with another) through the admin panel. These requests are processed asynchronously. If there are dependencies on any of the extensions in the namespace, the rename will fail.

Deleting Namespaces

Requests to delete a namespace will come in as issues to Currently, there is no explicit support to delete a namespace. Once there are no extensions in the namespace, an admin can accomplish a delete by 'renaming' the namespace to an existing namespace and marking the converge option.