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express-typed is an end-to-end typesafe TypeScript wrapper for Express.js, designed to streamline the development process by providing strong typing support throughout your Express-frontend codebase.

express-typed infers types from your backend codebase, unlike libraries such as ts-rest and zodios, which often require separate type definitions. This approach offers a developer experience akin to trpc, just in Expressjs, without the need to switch to an entirely different framework.

This type of inference becomes especially useful when working with dynamic backend types such those handled when using prisma!


This library is still in its early stages, and API changes are expected. A stable version will be released once the API is finalized, after feedback from the community.

By the way, this library is just a tiny wrapper written in a single file, so you can simply copy over the express-typed.ts file into your project instead of installing it, and modify it as you see fit.


Install express-typed on your backend.

You can install express-typed by:

pnpm add express-typed

# or

yarn add express-typed

# or (why?)

npm install express-typed

Hello World Example

express-typed is focused on your express routers because that's where you define your API routes, and that's what's important for end-to-end type safety.

use TypedRouter from express-typed instead of express.Router, the rest of the code remains the same:

import express from "express";
import { TypedRouter, ParseRoutes } from "express-typed";

const app = express();

//// THIS:
const router = express.Router();

router.get("/", async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  res.send("Hello World!").status(200);
});"/", async (req, res) => {

//// -->
const typedRouter = new TypedRouter({
  "/": {
    get: (req, res) => {
      return res.send("Hello World!").status(200);
    post: (req, res) => {
      return res.send(req.body).status(200);


// this type can be imported and used by your frontend code
export type AppRoutes = ParseRoutes<typeof typedRouter>;

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Server is running on port 3000");


Open in StackBlitz

This demo opens a full-stack react+express project in StackBlitz, demonstrating end-to-end type safety with express-typed on the left pane and a simple react app on the right pane. play with the types on the backend and watch them reflect on the frontend immediately.

this demo if from this example.

see prisma example here


NOTICE: the next types should be defined on your side, using the helper types from express-typed.

unfortunately, typescript does not support higher-order generic type aliases, so some of the next types are going to be quite verbose, but they are still very useful, and defined using the helper types from express-typed.

this approach was designed in such a way that you would never need to install express-typed on your frontend, only on your backend, and then import the types you need to your frontend codebase.


Once your TypedRouter is defined, You start by extracting the relevant types from your TypedRouter instance by using the ParseRoutes type.

export type AppRoutes = ParseRoutes<typeof typedRouter>;

ParseRoutes is a helper type that extracts all routes information from the TypedRouter and flattens nested TypedRouters.

AppRoutes would be now used with all the helper types from express-typed to extract the information you need from the routes. never pass typeof typedRouter directly to the helper types, always use AppRoutes.

if this lib does not provide the type you need, you can always extract it from AppRoutes entirely yourself, or by utilizing helper types from express-typed.


RouteResResolver is used to extract the response type from a specific route.

import { GetRouteResponseInfo, GetRouteResponseInfoHelper } from "express-typed";
//// RouteResResolver
export type RouteResResolver<
  Path extends keyof AppRoutes,
  Method extends keyof AppRoutes[Path],
  Info extends keyof GetRouteResponseInfoHelper<AppRoutes, Path, Method> | "body" = "body"
> = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, Path, Method, Info>;


// get the response from the home page
// the info passed to res.send, res.json, or res.jsonp
type HomePageResponse = RouteResResolver<"/", "get">;
//   ^? "Hello World!"

by default, RouteResResolver would return the information passed to the res.send, to the res.json or to the res.jsonp functions in the route handler, but you can also extract other information like the status code, headers, etc.

// get specific info from the response (here, the status code)
type HomePageStatus = RouteResResolver<"/", "get", "status">;
//   ^? 200

then you can use these types on your frontend codebase to ensure type safety. for example using axios and react-query(from here):

// queries.ts
import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import axios, { type AxiosStatic } from "axios";
import type { AppRoutes, RouteResResolver } from "your-backend-package/src/routes/index.routes";

// an hook to fetch response from server, for any possible method(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
export const useAppQuery = <Path extends keyof AppRoutes, Method extends Extract<keyof AxiosStatic, keyof AppRoutes[Path]>>(
  path: Path,
  method: Method
) => {
  return useQuery<RouteResResolver<Path, Method>>({
    queryKey: [path],
    queryFn: async () => {
      const res = await (axios as any)[method](`/api${path}`);
      return as RouteResResolver<Path, Method>;

and usage(see here):

import { useAppQuery } from "./queries";

function App() {
  const query = useAppQuery("/", "get");
  const data =;
  //    ^? const query: UseQueryResult<"Hello world", Error>

  console.log("data", data);

  return <>{JSON.stringify(data)}</>;

export default App;


RouteReqResolver is defined on your side with the help of GetRouteRequestHelper and GetRouteRequest:

import { GetRouteRequestHelper, GetRouteRequest, TypedRouter } from "express-typed";

export type RouteReqResolver<
  Path extends keyof AppRoutes,
  Method extends keyof AppRoutes[Path],
  Info extends keyof GetRouteRequestHelper<AppRoutes, Path, Method> = Extract<keyof GetRouteRequestHelper<AppRoutes, Path, Method>, "body">
> = GetRouteRequest<AppRoutes, Path, Method, Info>;

const typedRouter = new TypedRouter({
  "/": {
    get: (req: TypedRequest<{ body: "bb"; query: "qq" }>, res) => {
      const body = req.body;
      const test = res.send("Home").status(200);
      return test;

type HomePageBody = RouteReqResolver<"/", "get">;
//   ^? "bb"
type HomePageQuery = RouteReqResolver<"/", "get", "query">;
//   ^? "qq"

example of using this info with react-query mutation( see here):

import { DefaultError, useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import axios from "axios";
import { AppRoutes, RouteReqResolver, RouteResResolver } from "express-typed-demo/src/routes/index.routes";

const useAppMutation = <Path extends keyof AppRoutes, Method extends keyof AppRoutes[Path]>(path: Path, method: Method) => {
  const mutation = useMutation<RouteResResolver<Path, Method>, DefaultError, RouteReqResolver<Path, Method>>({
    mutationKey: ["mutation", path, method],
    mutationFn: async () => {
      const res = await (axios as any)[method](`/api${path}`);
      return as RouteResResolver<Path, Method>;
  return mutation;

// completly type safe
const testMutation = useAppMutation("/mutate", "post");
testMutation.mutate({ name: "test" });


RoutesWithMethod is used to extract all the routes with a specific method from the routes object.

import { GetRoutesWithMethod, GetRouterMethods } from "express-typed";
//// RoutesWithMethod
export type RoutesWithMethod<Method extends GetRouterMethods<AppRoutes>> = GetRoutesWithMethod<AppRoutes, Method>;

usage(see here):

// get all routes that have a "get" method, and their response types
type GetRoutes = RoutesWithMethod<"get">;
//   ^? type GetRoutes = { "/": "Hello world"};

// get all routes that have a "post" method, and their response types
type PostRoutes = RoutesWithMethod<"post">;
//   ^?  type GetRoutes = { "/": typeof req.body};

then in your frontend codebase, you can define the following react-query hooks:

import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import axios from "axios";
import type { RoutesWithMethod } from "express-typed-demo/src/routes/index.routes";

// an hook to fetch response from server, for GET method
type GetRoutes = RoutesWithMethod<"get">;
export const useAppGetQuery = <P extends keyof GetRoutes>(path: P) => {
  return useQuery<GetRoutes[P]>({
    queryKey: [path],
    queryFn: async () => {
      const res = await axios.get(`/api${path}`);
      return as GetRoutes[P];

// an hook to fetch response from server, for POST method
type PostRoutes = RoutesWithMethod<"post">;
export const useAppPostQuery = <P extends keyof PostRoutes>(path: P) => {
  return useQuery<PostRoutes[P]>({
    queryKey: [path],
    queryFn: async () => {
      const res = await`/api${path}`);
      return as PostRoutes[P];

Complete Example

see full example here

import {
} from "express-typed";

const typedRouter = new TypedRouter({
  // your routes here

export default typedRouter;

// these should be defined in any express app, and later be used in your frontend codebase
//      |
//      v

export type AppRoutes = ParseRoutes<typeof typedRouter>;

export type RouteResResolver<
  // example usage
  Path extends keyof AppRoutes,
  Method extends keyof AppRoutes[Path],
  Info extends keyof GetRouteResponseInfoHelper<AppRoutes, Path, Method> | "body" = "body"
> = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, Path, Method, Info>;

export type RouteReqResolver<
  Path extends keyof AppRoutes,
  Method extends keyof AppRoutes[Path],
  Info extends keyof GetRouteRequestHelper<AppRoutes, Path, Method> = Extract<keyof GetRouteRequestHelper<AppRoutes, Path, Method>, "body">
> = GetRouteRequest<AppRoutes, Path, Method, Info>;

export type RoutesWithMethod<Method extends GetRouterMethods<AppRoutes>> = GetRoutesWithMethod<AppRoutes, Method>;

Quick walkthrough

This demo highlights the key usage and features of express-typed, including type inference, explicit typing, and nested routes. follow the comments line by line to understand the usage better.

import { TypedRequest, TypedResponse, TypedRouter, ParseRoutes } from "express-typed";

const typedRouter = new TypedRouter({
  // returned type is inferred
  "/": {
    get: (req, res) => {
      return res.send("get: /").status(200);
    post: (req, res) => {
      return res.send("post: /").status(200);
  // request body is explicitly typed, response is inferred based on the return value
  "/explicit-req": {
    get: (req: TypedRequest<{ body: { name: string } }>, res) => {
      const body = req.body;
      //    ^?
      return res.json(req.body).status(200);
  // response body is explicitly typed, retrun type must at least extend { name: string }
  "/explicit-res": {
    get: (req, res: TypedResponse<{ body: { name: string } }>) => {
      return res.json({ name: "eliav" }).status(200);
  // nested router are allowed, and fully typed
  "/nested": new TypedRouter({
    "/": {
      get: (req, res) => {
        const test = res.send("get /nested/").status(200);
        return test;
      // async methods are supported
      post: async (req, res) => {
        const test = (await (await fetch("")).json()) as {
          userId: number;
          id: number;
          title: string;
          completed: boolean;
        return res.json(test).status(200);
    // any of "all" | "get" | "post" | "put" | "delete" | "patch" | "options" | "head" is allowed as a method
    "/all": {
      all: (req, res) => {
        return res.send("responding to all methods");

export default typedRouter;

export type AppRoutes = ParseRoutes<typeof typedRouter>;

// the types below can be imported and used by your frontend code
type HomeGetResponse = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, "/", "get">;
//   ^? "get: /"
type HomePostResponse = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, "/", "post">;
//   ^? "post: /"
type ExplicitReqGetResponse = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, "/explicit-req", "get">;
//   ^? { name: string }
type ExplicitResGetResponse = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, "/explicit-res", "get">;
//   ^? { readonly name: "eliav" }
type NestedGetResponse = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, "/nested/", "get">;
//   ^? "get /nested/"
type NestedPostResponse = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, "/nested/", "post">;
//   ^? { userId: number; id: number; title: string; completed: boolean }
type AllMethodsResponse = GetRouteResponseInfo<AppRoutes, "/nested/all", "all">;
//   ^? "responding to all methods"

and pretty much, that's it! you can now use the types defined in AppRoutes to ensure type safety in your frontend codebase.


This library is still in its early stages, and that's exactly the time to suggest significant changes.

Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

The technique that was used in this lib could be used to create similar typesafe adapters for other backend frameworks like Fastify, Koa, etc.

Pull requests to the dev branch only, please.


  • basic router support
  • nested routers support
  • backend return type inference(the type that the backend returns)
  • backend request type inference(the type that the backend expects in the request)
  • explicitly typed request/response
  • type-safe path parameters
  • type-safe query parameters