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Development Environment Notes

Table of Contents

Project Build Steps

Most work is in the development branch of the repository. Any documentation work is done in the documentation branch.

  1. Download prequisites and tooling as needed. See Prerequisites.MD for more information. NOTE: If you are cloning the code from GitHub, you need only the Java SDKs, Spring Tool IDE, Apache Tomcat Server and MySQL server.

  2. Install the MySQL Server on your machine

  3. Clone the current project into your local machine. Checkout may require the -f flag. (Substitute the repository you're working with as necessary)

git clone  
git checkout development  
git pull origin development
  1. Import the project into your SpringTool IDE

  2. Select options from the popup menu from right-clicking the project to build the project

Additional Information

NIST-CTS-Agents uses Spring Tools 4 and Maven for enterprise tools. The Maven Users Centre provides documentation and tutorials on how to use Maven in a development setting.

This project also uses git and Github for its version control needs. If you are unfamiliar with git, tutorials and a cheat sheet can be found at

Running your code

To run your code in the IDE You should have a working MySQL database locally with a database named njit_cts_eml. See the Running documentation for more information.

For more detail on creating the MySQL database. Login user (root@localhost) and password are in src/main/resources/

In Eclipse

(right click on project -> run as -> Spring boot app

This will start your tomcat server automatically.


See Testing documentation for details.