- 👀 I'm Peter Atef, a student in the faculty of Engineering, at Cairo University, Computer Department.
- ✨Graduation Year is 2024. My current GPA is 3.6
- ⚡ I'm passionate about software engineering and building systems that solves real problems.
- 💎 Also, I'm passionate about data analysis and getting insights from the data and making decisions based on my analysis. I got this passion due to my previous experience in college projects and courses. Also, applying machine learning on real problems to predict what may happen!!!
- 💞️ I'm looking to collaborate on projects related to machine learning, flutter development, reac-native development, and python development.
You can find all the detials about my career on my webiste: link
- via my email [email protected]
- via my phone number 01212773495
- via my Linkedin account