- Fork the repo and clone it.
- Go in the repo and setup virtualenvironment using
python -m venv env
- Then activate the environment using
On Windowssource env\Scripts\activate
On MacOS/Linuxsource env/bin/actiavte
- At the root of your project directory
pip install -r engbook/requirements.txt
Put the
file in/engbook
set secret key for your django project. -
You can use [https://djecrety.ir/] to generate your secret key
DEBUG = True
during development in.env
file -
After the above setup, run
python engbook/manage.py makemigrations
python engbook/manage.py migrate
Start the backend server (testing server)
python engbook/manage.py runserver
Runs the backend server at default port8000
Open http://localhost:8000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
- Start the production server (nginx)
sudo docker-compose up --build
Runs the backend server, bound to This will NOT hot reload, and needs sudo permissions to run. Do not use this with debug=True in the .env file.
Open http://localhost to view it in the browser.
To spin down :
sudo docker-compose down --remove-orphans
- If you are adding any new requirements for the project, make sure that you are adding it to
in the engbook folder. - Use only
npm install package_name
to add new packages to the frontend part.