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71 lines (52 loc) · 5.04 KB


File metadata and controls

71 lines (52 loc) · 5.04 KB



  • Added a Nuget Package
  • Added a ToJson() method to all browser information classes (Cookie, Login, Bookmark, ...) that serializes the class into a JSON string
  • Added Unit Tests for the different browser grabber classes.
  • It's now possible to retrieve the form history and saved credit cards from browsers (for now, credit cards only from Blink-based browsers).
  • CockyGrabber does now support the gathering of data on multiple blink browser profiles.
  • The BlinkGrabber and GeckoGrabber classes now have two methods for each browser information that check if the related file that stores that information exists: [name of the data]Exist(string) and Any[name of the data]Exist() (e. g: CookiesExist(string) and AnyCookiesExist()). The former returns a bool indicating if the, to the information corresponding, file of a specified browser profile exists, and the latter returns a bool indicating if that file exists on any browser profile (given that the browser supports having different profiles).
  • Added a SameSiteType enum in each of the Blink and Gecko cookie model classes, replacing the return type of the SameSite fields.


  • Browser file paths are now dynamic (they now use Environment.GetFolderPath(Appdata) instead of C:\\Users\\{Environment.UserName}\\AppData...) and support other drive letters than C:\
  • Improved the UniversalGrabber Get-methods by using Parallel.ForEach insead of foreach making them faster by a LOT.
  • Changed the GetKey() method of the BlinkGrabber to virtual so that it can be overwritten by the user.
  • Fixed a bug in the GetKey() method of BlinkGrabber class that caused it to crash when the JSON object os_crypt, that stores the value encrypted_key, contained other values than encrypted_key. (Changed regex expression from \"os_crypt\"\\s*:\\s*{\\s*\"encrypted_key\"\\s*:\\s*\".*?\"\\s*} to \"os_crypt\"\s*:\s*\{\s*.*?(?=\"encrypted_key)\"encrypted_key\"\s*:\s*\"(?<encKey>.*?)\"\s*\})
  • The Universal GetAllBlink...() methods are now checking if the related file and the Local State file, which stores the key, exist before grabing the information to avoid any errors
  • Fixed the wrong expiry dates in the GetGeckoCookies() & GetGeckoCookiesBy() methods (Their cookie expiry dates used to always be: 01.01.1970 00:00:00 +00:00)
  • Some variables have been renamed to make them more readable
  • The arrays which contain the browser classes in the UniversalGrabber (BlinkGrabbers[] and GeckoGrabbers[]) are now public instead of private so that the user can change them if needed (e.g. to add a new browser)
  • The Timestamp conversion methods like UnixTimeInMillisecondsToDate(milliSeconds) or WebkitTimeStampToDateTime(microSeconds) in the EngineGrabbers have been moved to the new Time class in the Utility namespace
  • Some paths in the grabber classes (e.g: BraveGrabber; ChromeGrabber; OperaGrabber) have changed



  • Added a custom implementation of the BouncyCastle library for value decryption making the use of the external library obsolete
  • System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData is not being used anymore because of the new way of extracting the blink master key from Local State
  • Added History, Downloads and Bookmark grabbing
  • Item-classes like Cookie, Login, and Site can now be converted into strings with the ToString() method. On conversion, the ToString() method will return only the most important information


  • Improved the GetKey() Method of the BlinkGrabber class
  • Improved the Get Methods
  • Improved the UniversalGrabber



  • Chromium changed to Blink, and Firefox changed to Gecko
  • Added BlinkGrabber and GeckoGrabber which replace ChromeGrabber and FirefoxGrabber
  • Added Firefox Login Decryption
  • Added GrabberException which replaces CookieDatabaseNotFoundException, LoginDatabaseNotFoundException, and LocalStateNotFoundException


  • Fixed the bug where you couldn't call the Method GetAllChromiumCookies() with the UniversalGrabber without it throwing an exception when at least one of the Browsers was not installed (same thing goes for GetAllChromiumLogins() and their Get-By equvalents)
  • Moved the documentation from to the Github Wiki
  • Added support for mutliple Profiles on gecko based browsers like Firefox
  • Changed Timestamps from long to DateTimeOffset
  • Improved the use of the DynamicJsonConverter



  • Added Changelog (Changelog.MD)
  • A custom JavaScriptConverter for JSON deserialization has been added, making the use of the Newtonsoft.JSON library obsolete
  • Added a MIT license
  • Added the UniversalGrabber() class which can grab multiple items at once
  • Added custom exceptions: CookieDatabaseNotFoundException(), LocalStateNotFoundException(), LoginDatabaseNotFoundException()


  • Get() functions now trigger the new custom exceptions when an error occurs