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File metadata and controls

178 lines (145 loc) · 8.83 KB

FIWARE implementation of the TMFORUM-APIs


The project is setup as a maven multi-module project, to ease the development of independent implementations for each API.

Functionality required by most of the implementations is contained in the common-module. Beside that, the project relies on the ngsi-ld-java-mapping library, to provide an annotation based mapping between NGSI-LD object and Java-Pojos to support the usage of a decoupling layer.

The api-implementations are inside modules, producing jar-files and oci-containers according to the definitions in the parent-pom. Since some models are used in multiple apis, there are modules for shared-models. They should only include models that are used by other modules, too.

The project also contains 3 non-module folders:

  • api - contains the OpenApi-Specifications of the NGSI-LD API used by the project. It does not contain the TMForum-API specs, since they are downloaded on built-time.
  • k3s - contains kubernetes manifests to be used in the integration-test environments or for setting up a dev-environment. Currently includes:
  • conformance-test - contains a dockerfile to be used for running the TMForum-Conformance Tests inside the K3S setup. Also contains a kubernetes manifest for running the api-implementations.


The current implementation supports multiple layers of testing:

  • Unit-Tests, using JUnit5 and Mockito to test on a function-level
  • Unit-Tests, using JUnit5,Micronaut-Test and Mockito to test on component level(e.g. running parts of the application, while mocking all external dependencies)
  • Integration-Tests, using JUnit5,Micronaut-Test and k3s to test the application with its real external dependencies running
  • Conformance-Test, using the CTK-Implementations provided by TMForum and k3s to test conformance of the implementations

In order to reduce the overhead of test implementation, the OpenAPI-Generator provides the following test-helpers:

  • Test-Interface: an interface, defining a test for all endpoint-response combinations possible from the OpenAPI-spec - see OrganizationApiIT as an example
  • Test-Examples: for each model generated(f.e. Organization), a test example builder is generated, that provides pre-filled(from the spec-examples and default values) test-objects - see OrganizationApiIT as an example

Running unit-tests

The unit-tests are integrated into the maven-lifecycle's test-phase via the surfire-plugin. They can be executed via mvn test. Since they don't have any external dependencies, they also can be run via the IDEs(only tested with IntelliJ) integrated test runners. All tests with suffix *Test will be executed.

Running integration-tests

The integration-tests are integrated into the maven-lifecycle's integration-test phase via the failsafe-plugin. Since the tests require a running broker at localhost:1026, the k3s-plugin is integrated in the pre-integration-test and post-intgeration-test phases to spin-up a k3s-cluster inside docker and deploy the components. The tests can be executed via: mvn integration-test. After running the tests, the k3s-cluster will be automatically destroyed. All tests with suffix *IT will be executed.

In order to run the tests from the IDE, you have to setup an environment before that. This can be achieved via the dev-profile. With mvn install -Pdev, a k3s-cluster will be setup but not destroyed after running the tests. In order to connect to the cluster, install the kubectl-client and run export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/k3s-maven-plugin/mount/kubeconfig.yaml && kubectl get all --all-namespaces. To clean up the environment, use mvn clean k3s:rm -Pdev.

Running conformance-tests

TMForum does provide conformance-test tooling for the API-implementations: Open API Conformance The tests are integrated into the maven lifecycle with the "conformance-test" profile. To execute them, run "mvn clean install -Pconformance-test --projects common,mapping,<THE_MODULE> -DskipTests -DskipITs". The tests are mounted into a docker container and executed using them, after the API-implementation and Orion-LD are started. Currently, they need to run individually for each API-Module, since the tests expect them under the same port on localhost. To integrate a new module into the tests:

  • set find the test url of the module(at the TMForum OpenAPI table in the column "CTK")
  • insert it to the property <module.ctk.url> in your module
  • check the structure of the zip-file, containing the test and set the following properties accordingly(example from the parties-api)


To get a dev-environment, the k3s-plugin can be used: mvn install -Pdev After running this, the context broker is available at http://localhost:1026 See the logs via:

  export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/k3s-maven-plugin/mount/kubeconfig.yaml && kubectl get all --all-namespaces
  kubectl logs <BROKER_POD>

Extension with @schemaLocation

TMForum supports the extension of API entities through the @schemaLocation property. In order to extend an entity, the property should contain a valid(and reachable) URL to a JSON-Schema, defining the extension. When a schema is provided, the entity is validated against it during deserialization on insertion or update. For example, in order to extend the ProductOfferingTerm with a policy, the following schema could be used:

  "$schema": "",
  "$id": "http://localhost:3000/ProductOfferingTerm-schema.json",
  "title": "Test Schema - Extension with a policy",
  "description": "Test Schema - Extension with a policy",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "policy": {
      "type": "object"
  "required": [

With that schema, a product offering could be created as following:

  "id": "string",
  "href": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "productOfferingTerm": [
      "description": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "validFor": {
        "endDateTime": "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z",
        "startDateTime": "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z"
      "policy": {
        "the": "policy"
      "@baseType": "ProductOfferingTerm",
      "@schemaLocation": "http://localhost:3000/ProductOfferingTerm-schema.json",
      "@type": "ProductOfferingTermWithPolicy"

The API will validate the policy is present and actually an object. Its possible to define in detail the properties of the policy itself and let them be validated, too.


  • All schemas need to define there meta-schema. When using the meta-schemas from, only draft/2020-12/schema, draft/2019-09/schema, draft-04/schema, draft-06/schema and draft-07/schema are allowed.
  • It is possible to set additionalProperties: false for the object to be extended. However, in this case the schema needs to contain the full definition of the object, including the properties from the baseType. Else, they will be considered as additional properties and validation will fail.