If you have not already installed MPD, you must do that first.
You must initialize MPD on the system where you intend to use it. This needs to be done only once per system and is achieved by typing:
$ spack mpd init
A successful initialization will print something like:
$ spack mpd init
==> MPD initialized for Spack instance at /scratch/knoepfel/knoepfel-spack
==> MPD configuration directory: /scratch/knoepfel/knoepfel-spack/var/mpd
At this point, you may safely use any MPD subcommand.
Reinitialization of MPD on a given system is not yet natively
supported. If you execute spack mpd init
again on a system that you
have already initialized, you will see something like:
==> Warning: MPD already initialized for Spack instance at /scratch/knoepfel/knoepfel-spack
==> MPD configuration directory: /scratch/knoepfel/knoepfel-spack/var/mpd
If you wish to "start from scratch" you may force a reinitialization, which will remove all existing projects:
$ spack mpd init -f
==> Warning: Reinitializing MPD on this system will remove all MPD projects
==> Would you like to proceed with reinitialization? [y/N] y
==> MPD initialized for Spack instance at /scratch/knoepfel/knoepfel-spack
==> MPD configuration directory: /scratch/knoepfel/knoepfel-spack/var/mpd
If you do not have write access to the Spack instance you are using,
when invoking spack mpd init
you will see an error like:
==> Error: To use MPD, you must have a Spack instance you can write to.
You do not have permission to write to the Spack instance above.
Please contact scisoft-team@fnal.gov for guidance.