Download PsExec Tools from Microsoft Sysinternals using this link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/psexec
Extract the zip file to a preferable location on your drive
Here, lets place it in the C:\ drive directly.
It's best to place in the C:\drive directly or under C;\Windows\System32
PSTOOLS sitting pretty in C: drive
Now, run your Command Prompt as administrator
Use the command below to change to the C: drive
cd \
This places you in the root directory of your drive, where psexec is located.
In this sample, our psexec is under the PSTOOLS so, we can chnage the directory to the location using
Use the command below to run cmd using psexec
psexec -sid cmd
When the command completes, a cmd shell will be launched.
Type whoami; it will say ' nt authority\system" which means you are running cmd through psexec as the System User.