- Profile slow render performance.
- Saving and loading of game world.
- Should be able to save to/load from one of the three profiles.
- Initial phone call conversation (from friend to you): Friend: "Hello, it's <friend_name>! I need your help" Me: "What's going on?" Friend: "There's an infection going around, it's turning the citizens into zombies!" Me: "I'm on my way"
Fade through black to initial town hall scene.
Cannot leave town hall until talk with friend.
Conversation goes something like: Me: "Wow, it's worse than I thought. Where is everyone?" Friend: "I'm so glad you made it. There are people scattered all across the town, I need you to go and rescue them. I'm working on an antidote here." Me: "I'll try - no, I will - get them all!"
Chest in the town hall, with a small weapon.
UI should indicate current objective.
UI should have a point counter, which goes up with each kill. Later on, curing should increase this more.
Exit town hall.
- Outside should be an indicator of where to bring the hostages (rounded rectangle?).
- Maybe a tooltip outlining exactly what to do?
Bring the hostages back to the indicated area.
- Zombies deal damage to the player.
- Zombies deal damage to the hostages.
- Hostages move towards the player, and away from nearby zombies.
Different weapons could be available.
- Pistol: - Range: short - Cooldown: medium - Number of shots: medium - Damage: high
- Rifle: - Range: long - Cooldown: long - Number of shots: low - Damage: high
- Slingshot (shoots multiple projectiles): - Range: short - Cooldown: medium - Number of shots: medium - Damage: low (per projectile)
Weapons should have a stun mode, which only temporarily disables the zombies. - [ ] Perhaps a blue projectile instead of the normal black one? - [ ] To make the choice between shoot and stun more relevant, maybe stun can fail and enrage the zombie (for a limited time?). Enraged zombies would move faster and do more damage. Or perhaps enraged zombies can infect hostages.
UI should indicate number of hostages saved (perhaps in the objective tooltip?).
UI should indicate number of zombies killed (perhaps in the objective tooltip?).
Minimap should show location of remaining hostages.
- Objective should say something like "I should go talk to <friend_name> now".
- Return to the town hall and speak with the friend: Friend: "Great job, you did it." Me: "How else can I help?" Friend: "I'm developing a cure for the infection, but I'm missing some key ingredients. Can you get me some from around the town?"
Products should be in chests around the town (e.g. wheat seeds from farms, beakers from the lab).
Player should place retrieved items in a town hall chest (marked out in UI).
One building might have its lights out, player can choose to go find a torch.
Player has limited inventory space, so they must choose what to keep with them.
Once all the items have been retrieved, friend starts talking again.
Dialogue: Friend: "Excellent. I have everything I need now." Friend: "That should do it. Here, take this and try cure as many zombies as possible."
Weapons should now have a third mode (shoot, stun, cure).
- Curing process may take a second or two.
- Curing may fail.
Player must clear the map of zombies, whether that be by killing or by curing.
- Maybe curing gives more reward points than killing.
Zombies should be able to re-infect cured hostages.
Alternatively, perhaps curing is a melee attack, which incentivises stunning the zombie first (and bringing into play the enragement mechanism).