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Cursor Chat Export

This project provides a command-line interface (CLI) tool to discover and export AI chat data from Cursor. The tool is implemented in and leverages utility classes for querying the database, formatting the chat data, and saving it to files.

Cursor's chat history is stored in sqlite3 databases using state.vscdb files. One such file is for one workspace. All the chats for a workspace are saved here in so-called tabs, one tab means a single chat.

Also see this forum post on this topic.


  • Discover Chats: Discover all chats from all workspaces and print a few lines of dialogue so one can identify which is the workspace (or chat) one is searching for. It's also possible to filter by text.
  • Export Chats: Export chats for the most recent (or a specific) workspace to Markdown files or print them to the command line.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd cursor-chat-export
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


First, find where the state.vscdb files are located on your computer. Confirm that corresponding to your system, the right path is set in the config.yml file. Update it if not set correctly.

Both the discover and export commands will work with this path by default, but you can also provide a custom path any time.

Discover Chats

# Help on usage
./ discover --help

# Discover all chats from all workspaces
./ discover

# Apply text filter
./ discover --search-text "matplotlib"

# Discover all chats from all workspaces at a custom path
./ discover "/path/to/workspaces"

Export Chats

See ./ export --help for general help. Examples:

# Help on usage
./ export --help

# Print all chats of the most recent workspace to the command line
./ export

# Export all chats of the most recent workspace as Markdown
./ export --output-dir "/path/to/output"

# Export only the latest chat of the most recent workspace
./ export --latest-tab --output-dir "/path/to/output"

# Export only chat No. 2 and 3 of the most recent workspace
./ export --tab-ids 2,3 --output-dir "/path/to/output"

# Export all chats of a specifc workspace
./ export --output-dir "/path/to/output" "/path/to/workspaces/workspace-dir/state.vscdb"