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366 lines (262 loc) · 12.5 KB

File metadata and controls

366 lines (262 loc) · 12.5 KB


Tool to help rebuild and patch 32-bit Windows applications.


  • dump - dump information about section of executable
  • genlds - generate GNU ld script for re-linking executable
  • pe2obj - convert PE executable into win32 object file
  • patch - apply a patch set from the .patch section
  • setdd - set any DataDirectory in PE header
  • setvs - set VirtualSize for a section
  • setsc - set Characteristics for a section
  • setts - set TimeDateStamp in FileHeader
  • export - export section data as raw binary
  • import - dump the import table as assembly
  • re2obj - convert the resource section into COFF object
  • genmak - generate project Makefile
  • gensym - generate full sym.cpp with all imports
  • genprj - generate full project directory (Supports drag and drop of 1 Executable)
  • genpatch - compare 2 executables and generate patch macros (Supports drag and drop of 2 Executables)
  • genproxy - generate proxy dll project directory (Supports drag and drop of 1 dll)


Build Requirements

  • GNU make
  • GNU cc


Type 'make' to build the tools on Linux. On Windows you might need to adjust some environment variables to get a successful build. The developers test with GCC on Linux and Windows (via MinGW), but the code aims to be strictly C99-compliant so any C99-supporting platform should suffice.

petool uses fixed-with numeric types wherever possible so building on both 64- and 32-bit architectures is supported. Note however that the code currently supports working with 32-bit portable executable.

Setting up

To begin, generate a project by giving a path to an executable file as the only argument. Dragging and dropping an executable on petool.exe also does this on Windows and the project is generated next to the original executable in a subdirectory.

You should be able to re-link the executable now by executing make without any modifications.

Note: You can port old byte patches to your new repo by dragging and dropping the original executable and the patched one on petool.exe, this will generate the needed macros (Or use genpatch).


Generating the patch set can be done with macros. There are macros available for C/C++ in inc/macros/patch.h, several macros for NASM in inc/macros/*.inc and macros for GNU as in inc/macros/*.s. Runtime patching is supported as well via inc/patch.h (Not recommended, unless you have no other choice).

Below are some C/C++ examples for how these macros are used in practice.

Note: All labels passed to the macros must be prefixed with _ and C++ functions must be defined with EXTERN_C

/* example.cpp */

/* This does NOT work - undefined reference to `doMagic' */
CALL(0x410000, doMagic);
void doMagic()

/* Working example - prefixed with _ and defined with EXTERN_C */
CALL(0x410000, _doMagic);
EXTERN_C void doMagic()

/* Working example - prefixed with _ and using asm labels instead of EXTERN_C */
extern void doMagic() asm("_doMagic");
CALL(0x410000, _doMagic);
void doMagic()


The CALL macro writes a CALL instruction at from to to. It is commonly used to replace an existing function call with a call to your own function. This is the most simple and cleanest way to create a patch (No assembly required).

CALL can be used to replace a 5byte call instruction, CALL_NOP can replace a 6byte instruction.

Note: For functions using the watcom register calling convention you will need to pass the additional <arg_count> arg (C/C++ only).

CALL(<from>, <to>);
CALL(<from>, <to>, <arg_count>);
CALL_NOP(<from>, <to>);
CALL_NOP(<from>, <to>, <arg_count>);


/* Replace function call at 0x410000 with a call to doMagic */
CALL(0x410000, _doMagic);

EXTERN_C void doMagic(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
   /* insert your own code here */

   /* call the orginal function that was replaced by the patch (optional) */
   original(arg1, arg2, arg3);

   /* Note: you will have to insert "original" into sym.cpp and app.h to be able to call it */

/* Same as above, but for functions using the watcom register calling convention */
CALL(0x410000, _doMagic, 3);

EXTERN_C void doMagic(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
   /* insert your own code here */

   /* call the orginal function that was replaced by the patch (optional) */
   original(arg1, arg2, arg3);

   /* Note: you will have to insert "original" into sym.cpp and app.h to be able to call it */

Note: the CALL macro is also available for NASM and GNU as under the name @CALL


The DETOUR macro redirects all calls to an existing function to your own replacement function. It does also clear (INT3) the original function.

Note: For functions using the watcom register calling convention you will need to pass the additional <arg_count> arg.

DETOUR(<from>, <end>, <to>);
DETOUR(<from>, <end>, <to>, <arg_count>);


    Clear all bytes from the start of the function (0x410000) up to the end of the function (0x410200) 
    AND do a long jump from 0x410000 to label doMagic 
DETOUR(0x410000, 0x410200, _doMagic);

EXTERN_C void doMagic(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
   /* insert your own code here */

/* Same as above, but for functions using the watcom register calling convention */
DETOUR(0x410000, 0x410200, _doMagic, 3);

EXTERN_C void doMagic(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
   /* insert your own code here */

You can also keep the original function intact by clearing only the first instructions (just to make enough space for the 5 byte jump to fit) and afterwards create a trampoline in sym.cpp to restore the instructions that were removed.

/* Clear first two instructions AND do a long jump from 0x410000 to label doMagic */`
DETOUR(0x410000, 0x410007, _doMagic);

EXTERN_C void doMagic(int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
   /* insert your own code here */

   /* call the orginal function that was replaced by the patch (optional) */
   original(arg1, arg2, arg3);

/* sym.cpp - Create trampoline to restore the two instructions removed by DETOUR */
TRAMPOLINE(0x410007, original, "sub esp, 8; mov eax, [esp+0x1C]");

/* Same as above, but for functions using the watcom register calling convention */
TRAMPOLINE(0x410007, original, "sub esp, 8; mov eax, [esp+0x1C]", 3);

Note: the DETOUR macro is NOT available for NASM and GNU as but the same can be done via @HOOK instead


The HOOK macro writes a JMP instruction at addr. You can use HOOK in case there is no Call instruction nearby that could be hooked via the CALL macro. HOOK creates a naked function, so be sure you save and restore the values of the registers if needed.

The HOOK macro with 2 args can do a additional CLEAR, make sure you use it in case the replaced instructions don't have a size of 5 bytes (leftover bytes could break your disassembler).

HOOK(<addr>, <end>);


/* Insert a JMP at 0x410000 to your own code */
    /* insert original instructions that were replaced by the patch (5 byte jump) */
    __asm("mov ecx, 0xFFFFFFFF");

    /* save the values of the registers */

   /* insert your own code here */

   /* restore the values of the registers and jump back to the original location */
   __asm("popad; jmp 0x410000 + 5");

Note: the HOOK macro is also available for NASM and GNU as under the name @HOOK

Set instruction

Inserts the given instruction at the chosen address.

SETINST(<addr>, <inst>);


SETINST(0x410000, "mov eax, 1");

Note: the SETINST macro is also available for NASM and GNU as under the name @SET


Both short and long variants are included. No overflow checks are done so do pre-calculate which one you need.

LJMP(<from>, <to>);
SJMP(<from>, <to>);


/* Do a long jump from 0x410000 to label doMagic */`
LJMP(0x410000, _doMagic);

/* Do a short jump from 0x410000 to 0x41000F */`
SJMP(0x410000, 0x41000F);

Note: the LJMP macro is also available for NASM and GNU as under the name @LJMP

Note: the SJMP macro is also available for NASM and GNU as under the name @SJMP


Sets all bytes between from and to (not inclusive) to the 8-bit argument byte.

When you make a LJMP or anything else over the original code that would leave some instructions broken or a dead code block, consider clearing the area before writing the jump. It ensures when you or someone else is following the code in a disassembler or a debugger that they will not get confused by sudden long jumps which have broken instructions just after them.

CLEAR(<from>, <byte>, <to>);
CLEAR_NOP(<from>, <to>);
CLEAR_INT(<from>, <to>);


/* NOP 5 bytes starting from 0x410000 */`
CLEAR(0x410000, 0x90, 0x410005); 

/* Does the same as the one above, NOP 5 bytes starting from 0x410000 */`
CLEAR_NOP(0x410000, 0x410005); 

/* Same as CLEAR_NOP, just that it clears with INT3 instead of NOP */`
CLEAR_INT(0x410000, 0x410005); 

Note: the CLEAR macro is also available for NASM and GNU as under the name @CLEAR

Set values

Change values at a given location.

SETDWORD(<addr>, <value>);
SETWORD(<addr>, <value>);
SETBYTE(<addr>, <value>);
SETBYTES(<addr>, <value>);
SETFLOAT(<addr>, <value>);
SETDOUBLE(<addr>, <value>);


/* Change dword value at 0x410000 to 250000 */`
SETDWORD(0x410000, 250000);

/* Change word value at 0x410000 to 30000 */`
SETWORD(0x410000, 30000);

/* Change byte value at 0x410000 to 150 */`
SETBYTE(0x410000, 150);

/* Change bytes at 0x410000 to 0x146878185001 */`
SETBYTES(0x410000, "\x14\x68\x78\x1B\x50\x01");

/* Change string at 0x410000 to HelloWorld */`
SETBYTES(0x410000, "HelloWorld\0");

/* Change float value at 0x410000 to 1.2 */`
SETFLOAT(0x410000, 1.2);

/* Change double value at 0x410000 to 1.2 */`
SETDOUBLE(0x410000, 1.2);

Note: These macros are NOT available for NASM and GNU as but the same can be done via @SET instead

Existing symbols in original executable (sym.cpp)

SETCGLOB(0x004D2A80, WinMain);

When you need to refer to existing symbols inside the executable, you can export global symbols from assembly source via the SETCGLOB macro. Symbols can be any named memory address: function, data, uninitialized variable. As long as you define them in sym.cpp, you can use them anywhere.

Note: For functions using the watcom register calling convention you will need to pass the additional <arg_count> arg.

SETCGLOB(<addr>, <name>, <arg_count>);

SETCGLOB(0x004D500, doMagic, 4);

Compiling new code

You can use any compilable language that can produce an COFF or ELF object or whatever your build of GNU binutils supports. GNU as, GNU cc, GNU g++ and NASM are the most compatible tools and supported by w64devkit out of the box.

When mixing already compiled executable with new code, you need to make sure of the calling convention of your functions and compiler can be made compatible with everything else.

Patch section

The patch command reads a PE image section for patch data. The format of the patch data is as follows:

<dword absolute address> <dword patch length> <patch data>

These binary blobs are right after each other to form a full patch set. The patch command simply looks up the file offset in the PE image file based on given absolute memory address and writes over the blob at that point.

After the patch is applied, you should remove the patch section with GNU strip as it is not needed in the final product. The default project template includes this additional step.