Releases: GaloyMoney/lana-bank
Releases · GaloyMoney/lana-bank
v0.1.19 Release
v0.1.18 Release
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Admin panel base path only on local (#186)
v0.1.17 Release
v0.1.16 Release
v0.1.15 Release
- Ui for chart of accounts (#165)
v0.1.14 Release
Bug Fixes
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Remove fixed term loan (#171)
- Loan partial payment (#163)
- Remove fixed_term_loan (#164)
- Adding gitkeep for public (#168)
- Change trial balance net to net_debit (#135)
- Display added passkeys (#156)
- Loan create mutation (#158)
- Adding sumsub on frontend (#153)
- Expose termValuesCreate mutation (#157)
- Adding next-runtime-end (#155)
- Customer portal e2e auth tests (#169)
v0.1.13 Release
v0.1.12 Release
v0.1.11 Release
- Portal and kratos through oathkeeper (#125)
- Add trial balance query (#121)
- Dockerize customer portal (#115)
- Add equity to balance sheet (#112)
- Adding authentication (#111)
- Add equity admin operation for external cash (#109)
- Use JWT instead of header (#102)
- Adding primitive components (#103)
- Initializing-frontend (#25)
- Move to use code instead of password for registration (#99)
- Using kratos to create user (#72)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Bump cala (#133)
- Bump cala (#132)
- Bump cala schema and add latest changes (#127)
- Renaming settings to user - withdraw - loan (#120)
- Bump cala
- Rename lava bank front-end (#113)
- Bump cala schema
- Bootstrap USDT_CACHE via tf (#97)
- Misc renaming bats-test to dockerhost-alias (#100)
- Make lava gql queries more idiomatic (#98)
- Rename user details in table view (#94)
- Trial balance types and naming (#130)
- Create bfx integrations from tf (#108)
- Some auth improvements (#96)
- Remove EntityUpdate from codebase
- Assert_assets_liabilities in user.bats and fixed_term_loan.bats (#110)
- Unauthenticated -> unauthorized
v0.1.10 Release
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Rename title for user details (#93)