fn (short for filename) is a utility script, written in bash, replacing special characters in strings to create proper file- or directory names.
Clone GitHub repository
git clone https://github.com/GhostActive/fn.git
Install fn
to local file system
cd fn && chmod +x fn && sudo cp fn /usr/local/bin/fn
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/fn
$ fn -h
fn - converts a list of string arguments to proper file- or directory name
Usage: fn [OPTION]... [STRING]...
All non alphanumeric characters are replaced by '-' (dash). Multiple dashes in
the filename are reduced to single one, e.g '--' or '---' gets to '-'. Dashes
at the begin and the end of a name are removed, too.
-h, --help
Prints this help message.
-t Appends current timestamp (format '%F-%H%M%S') to filename
as suffix.
-v Show version number.
$ fn Hello World
$ fn https://localhost:8443
Writes wget's output to file named like given URL
$ wget -O /tmp/$(fn -t $URL).html $URL