This add-on adds a handy tracking icon to your minimap with a button that lets you easily switch between tracking types.
💀 When you resurrect, Tracking Eye will attempt to reapply the tracking ability you were using before you died.

- Find Herbs
- Find Minerals
- Find Treasure
- Sense Demons
- Sense Undead
- Track Beasts
- Track Demons
- Track Dragonkin
- Track Elementals
- Track Giants
- Track Hidden
- Track Humanoids
- Track Humanoids (Druid, when in Cat Form)
- Track Undead
You can find this on Curseforge.
🟢 World of Warcraft Classic : Classic Era
🟢 World of Warcraft Classic : Hardcore
🟢 World of Warcraft Classic : Season of Discovery
🟢 World of Warcraft Classic : Anniversary Realms
🟢 World of Warcraft Classic : Hardcore Anniversary Realms
🔴 Cataclysm Classic
🔴 World of Warcraft
Please reach out if you would like to be involved with testing!
You can find this project on GitHub.
😈 Gogo1951 on Discord.
This is a continuation of LindenRyuujin's Tracking Eye.