diff --git a/src/main/java/com/greazi/discordbotfoundation/command/SimpleCommand.java b/src/main/java/com/greazi/discordbotfoundation/command/SimpleCommand.java index d33b447..a9b3832 100644 --- a/src/main/java/com/greazi/discordbotfoundation/command/SimpleCommand.java +++ b/src/main/java/com/greazi/discordbotfoundation/command/SimpleCommand.java @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.concrete.TextChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.concrete.ThreadChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.middleman.GuildMessageChannel; +import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.middleman.MessageChannel; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.channel.unions.GuildChannelUnion; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.interaction.command.SlashCommandInteractionEvent; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.DefaultMemberPermissions; @@ -203,13 +204,13 @@ public abstract class SimpleCommand { protected Guild guild; /** - * The Channel where the command was run, only works if the channel is a TextChannel, + * The Channel where the command was run, only works if the channel is a {@link MessageChannel message channel}, * otherwise it will be null *
* This variable is set dynamically when the command is run with the
* last known channel
- protected TextChannel channel;
+ protected MessageChannel channel;
* The Channel where the command was run, only works if the channel is a ThreadChannel,
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ public final boolean isCoreCommand() {
// Execution
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- protected void execute(@NotNull final SlashCommandInteractionEvent event, final SimpleCommand simpleCommand) {
+ protected void execute(@NotNull final SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {
Common.log("Received command: " + this.getCommand() + " User: " + event.getUser().getName());
// First we run the checkers
for (final SlashCommandChecker checker : checkers) {
@@ -301,45 +302,38 @@ protected void execute(@NotNull final SlashCommandInteractionEvent event, final
- // Set the event variable
- simpleCommand.event = event;
+ // Set the event stuff
- // Set the guild where to command is used
- simpleCommand.guild = simpleCommand.event.getGuild();
+ this.event = event;
+ guild = event.getGuild();
+ user = event.getUser();
+ member = event.getMember();
+ channel = event.getChannel();
+ threadChannel = event.getChannel() instanceof ThreadChannel ? event.getChannel().asThreadChannel() : null;
- // Check if the guild is set and if its set to mainguild only
- if (simpleCommand.guild == null || simpleCommand.guild != SimpleBot.getMainGuild()) {
- // Return an error message
- replyErrorEmbed("Command denied", "This command can only be used in the main guild");
+ // Check if the guild is set and if it's set to mainguild only
+ if (guild == null || guild != SimpleBot.getMainGuild()) {
+ responseProvider.error().respond(event);
- // Set the user and member
- simpleCommand.user = simpleCommand.event.getUser();
- simpleCommand.member = simpleCommand.event.getMember();
- // Making sure that the channel is a text channel set to null if it's a thread channel
- simpleCommand.channel = simpleCommand.event.getChannel() instanceof TextChannel ? simpleCommand.event.getChannel().asTextChannel() : null;
- // Making sure that the channel is a thread channel set to null if it's a text channel
- simpleCommand.threadChannel = simpleCommand.event.getChannel() instanceof ThreadChannel ? simpleCommand.event.getChannel().asThreadChannel() : null;
// Check if the user can use the command
boolean canExecute = true;
// Check if the user is in the disabled users list
- if (simpleCommand.disabledUsers != null && simpleCommand.disabledUsers.contains(simpleCommand.user)) {
+ if (disabledUsers != null && disabledUsers.contains(user)) {
canExecute = false;
// Check if the user is in the allowed users list
- if (simpleCommand.allowedUsers != null && !simpleCommand.allowedUsers.contains(simpleCommand.user)) {
+ if (allowedUsers != null && !allowedUsers.contains(user)) {
canExecute = false;
// Check if the user has the permission to bypass the cooldown
- if (simpleCommand.cooldownBypassPermission != null && simpleCommand.member != null) {
+ if (cooldownBypassPermission != null && member != null) {
for (final Permission permission : this.cooldownBypassPermission) {
- if (simpleCommand.member.hasPermission(permission)) {
+ if (member.hasPermission(permission)) {
canExecute = true;
@@ -347,35 +341,35 @@ protected void execute(@NotNull final SlashCommandInteractionEvent event, final
// Check if the user is in the cooldown bypass list
- if (simpleCommand.cooldownBypassUsers != null && simpleCommand.cooldownBypassUsers.contains(simpleCommand.user)) {
+ if (cooldownBypassUsers != null && cooldownBypassUsers.contains(user)) {
canExecute = true;
// Check if the user is in the cooldown map
- if (simpleCommand.cooldownMap.containsKey(simpleCommand.user)) {
+ if (cooldownMap.containsKey(user)) {
// Get the last execution time
- final long lastExecution = simpleCommand.cooldownMap.get(simpleCommand.user);
+ final long lastExecution = cooldownMap.get(user);
// Get the current time
final long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Get the remaining time
- final long remainingTime = (lastExecution + (simpleCommand.cooldownSeconds * 1000L)) - currentTime;
+ final long remainingTime = (lastExecution + (cooldownSeconds * 1000L)) - currentTime;
// Check if the remaining time is greater than 0
if (remainingTime > 0) {
// Check if we should send the cooldown message
- if (simpleCommand.cooldownMessage != null && !simpleCommand.cooldownMessage.isEmpty()) {
+ if (cooldownMessage != null && !cooldownMessage.isEmpty()) {
// Replace the duration placeholder
- final String message = simpleCommand.cooldownMessage.replace("{duration}", String.valueOf(remainingTime / 1000));
+ final String message = cooldownMessage.replace("{duration}", String.valueOf(remainingTime / 1000));
// Check if we should send the message as an embed
- if (simpleCommand.cooldownMessageAsEmbed) {
+ if (cooldownMessageAsEmbed) {
// Send the message as an embed
- simpleCommand.replyErrorEmbed("Command denied", message);
+ replyErrorEmbed("Command denied", message);
} else {
// Send the message as a normal message
- simpleCommand.reply(message);
+ reply(message);
@@ -396,14 +390,14 @@ protected void execute(@NotNull final SlashCommandInteractionEvent event, final
// Check if the command is set to main guild only
if (this.isMainGuildOnly()) {
// Check if the guild is set
- if (simpleCommand.guild == null) {
+ if (guild == null) {
// Return an error message
replyErrorEmbed("Command denied", "This command can only be used in the main guild");
// Check if the guild is the main guild
- if (simpleCommand.guild != SimpleBot.getMainGuild()) {
+ if (guild != SimpleBot.getMainGuild()) {
// Return an error message
replyErrorEmbed("Command denied", "This command can only be used in the main guild");
@@ -411,15 +405,15 @@ protected void execute(@NotNull final SlashCommandInteractionEvent event, final
// Check if the command is in cooldown
- if (simpleCommand.cooldownSeconds > 0) {
+ if (cooldownSeconds > 0) {
// Add the user to the cooldown map
- simpleCommand.cooldownMap.put(simpleCommand.user, System.currentTimeMillis());
+ cooldownMap.put(user, System.currentTimeMillis());
// Try to run the dynamic method, given the options registered:
// First, get all options to store them in a list of pair, containing the (possible null) parsed option and its class type
final List