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Clap provider


The provider of vim-clap is actually a Dict that specifies the action of your move in the input window. The idea is simple, once you have typed something, the source will be filtered or a job will be spawned, and then the result retrived later will be shown in the dispaly window.

There are generally two kinds of providers in vim-clap.

1. Non-pure-async provider

suitable for these which are able to collect all the items in a short time, e.g., open buffers, command history.It will run sync if the source is not large. But it's also able to deal with the list that is huge, let's say 100,000+ lines/items, in which case vim-clap will choose to run the external filter in async. In a word, vim-clap can always be fast responsive. What's more, it's extremely easy to introduce a new non-pure-async clap provider as vim-clap provides the default implementation of on_typed and source_async.

Caveat: if you have some synchronous operations in source, e.g., read multiple files, ensure it won't slow clap down, as in which case the default implementation of source_async won't help.

2. Pure async provider

suitable for the time-consuming jobs, e.g., grep a word in a directory. Checkout out grep provider.

Provider arguments

:Clap [provider_id_or_alias] [++opt] [+opt]

All the opts are accessible via g:clap.context[opt].

The form of [++opt] is ++{optname}={value}, where {optname} is one of:

  • ++externalfilter=fzf or ++ef=fzf.

[+opt] is used for the bool arguments:

  • +async

Clap! [provider_id_or_alias] is equal to Clap [provider_id_or_alias] +async.

++opt and +opt will be stored in the Dict g:clap.context, the rest arguments will be stored in a List of String g:clap.provider.args.

Create non-pure-async provider

For the non-pure-async providers, you could run it in async or sync way. By default vim-clap will choose the best strategy, running async for the source consisted of 5000+ lines or otherwise run it in sync way. See the discussion about the non-pure-async providers.

Field Type Required Has default implementation
sink String/Funcref mandatory No
sink* Funcref optional No
source String/List/Funcref mandatory No
source_type Number optional No
source_async String optional Yes
filter Funcref mandatory Yes
on_typed Funcref mandatory Yes
on_move Funcref optional No
on_move_async Funcref optional No
on_enter Funcref optional No
on_exit Funcref optional No
support_open_action Bool optional Yes if the sink is e/edit/edit!
enable_rooter Bool Optional No
syntax String Optional No
prompt_format String Optional No
init Funcref Optional Yes
action Dict Optional No
  • sink:

    • String: vim command to handle the selected entry.
    • Funcref: reference to function to process the selected entry.
  • sink*: similar to sink, but takes the list of multiple selected entries as input.

  • source:

    • List: vim List as input to vim-clap.
    • String: external command to generate input to vim-clap (e.g. find .).
    • Funcref: reference to function that returns a List to generate input to vim-clap.
  • source_type: type of source, vim-clap can detect it itself, but could be slow in some edge cases, e.g., blines for a file having 1 million lines. Setting this property explicitly can save the time for checking the source type.

    • g:__t_string
    • g:__t_list
    • g:__t_func_string
    • g:__t_func_list
  • source_async: String, job command to filter the items of source based on the external tools. The default implementation is to feed the output of source into the external fuzzy filters and then display the filtered result, which could have some limitations, e.g., the matched input is not highlighted.

  • filter: given what you have typed, use filter(entry) to evaluate each entry in the display window, when the result is zero remove the item from the current result list. The default implementation is to match the input using vim's regex.

  • on_typed: reference to function to filter the source.

  • on_move: when navigating the result list, can be used for the preview purpose, see clap/provider/colors.

  • on_move_async: async preview implementation, normally done by the Rust binary maple, see autoload/clap/provider/filer.vim.

  • on_enter: when entering the clap window, can be used for recording the current state.

  • on_exit: can be used for restoring the state on start.

  • enable_rooter: try to run the source from the project root.

  • syntax: used to set the syntax highlight for the display buffer easier. let s:provider.syntax = 'provider_syntax' is equal to let s:provider.on_enter = { -> g:clap.display.setbufvar('&syntax', 'provider_syntax')}.

  • prompt_format: used for showing some dynamic information, checkout autoload/clap/provider/tags.vim for the usage. Don't forget to call clap#spinner#refresh() to reveal the changes after setting a new prompt_format in the provider.

  • init: used for initializing the display window.

  • action: used for performing some action on the entry, e.g., delete buffer in buffers provider, based on confirm(). Each key except title uses the rule of choices of confirm(), each value is a Funcref called when the shortcut key for the choice is triggered.

    title is a special key for defining the title of this dialog, it's optional, the default one would be Choose action:.

    let s:buffers.action = {
          \ 'title': function('s:actions_title'),
          \ '&Delete': function('s:action_delete'),
          \ 'OpenInNew&Tab': { -> clap#selection#try_open('ctrl-t') },
          \ 'Open&Vertically': { -> clap#selection#try_open('ctrl-v') },
          \ }

You have to provide sink and source option. The source field is indispensable for a synchronous provider. In another word, if you provide the source option this provider will be seen as a sync one, which means you could use the default on_typed implementation of vim-clap.

Create pure async provider

Non-RPC based

Everytime your input is changed, a new job will be spawned.

Field Type Required Has default implementation
sink funcref mandatory No
on_typed funcref mandatory No
on_move funcref optional No
on_enter funcref optional No
converter funcref optional No
jobstop funcref mandatory Yes if you use clap#dispatcher#job_start(cmd)
support_open_action Bool optional Yes if the sink is e/edit/edit!
enable_rooter Bool Optional No
prompt_format String Optional No
syntax String Optional No
  • on_typed: reference to function to spawn an async job.
  • converter: reference to function to convert the raw output of job to another form, e.g., prepend an icon to the grep result, see clap/provider/grep.vim.
  • jobstop: Reference to function to stop the current job of an async provider. By default you could utilize clap#dispatcher#job_start(cmd) to start a new job, and then the job stop part will be handled by vim-clap as well, otherwise you'll have to take care of the jobstart and jobstop on your own.

You must provide sink, on_typed option. It's a bit of complex to write an asynchornous provider, you'll need to prepare the command for spawning the job and overal workflow, although you could use clap#dispatcher#job_start(cmd) to let vim-clap deal with the job control and display update. Take clap/provider/grep.vim for a reference.


The RPC service will be started on initializing the display window when this kind of provider is invoked. Everytime your input is changed, the filtering happens or the request will be send the stdio RPC server powered by the Rust binary maple. The source_typ has to be g:__t_tpc. Additional properties for the provider are:

Field Type Required Has default implementation
on_no_matches funcref optional No
tab_action funcref optional No
bs_action funcref optional No
init funcref mandatory No
  • bs_action: The signature is different between vim and neovim.

    • neovim: bs_action().
    • vim: bs_action(before_bs), the argument before_bs is the input before BS is pressed.

This kind of provider requires you to be experienced in VimScript and Rust. Checkout the source code autoload/clap/provider/filer.vim and src/ directly.

Register provider

Vim-clap will try to load the providers with such convention:

  • vimrc

Define g:clap_provider_{provider_id} in your vimrc, e.g.,

" `:Clap quick_open` to open some dotfiles quickly.
let g:clap_provider_quick_open = {
      \ 'source': ['~/.vimrc', '~/.spacevim', '~/.bashrc', '~/.tmux.conf'],
      \ 'sink': 'e',
      \ }
  • autoload

g:clap#provider#{provider_id}#. See :h autoload and clap/provider.


How to add the preview support for my provider?

Use on_move() and[lines]), ensure it always runs fast.