stringfix : infix operators for strings manipulations
devtools :: install_github(" GuillaumePressiat/stringfix" )
Some infix operators and other functions to make syntax more left to right.
" In a manner of coding, I just want to say..." % % " Nothing."
# >[1] "In a manner of coding, I just want to say... Nothing."
' Hello ' %+ % ' world'
# > [1] "Hello world"
' Your pastas taste like ' %+ % ' %>%'
# > [1] "Your pastas taste like %>%"
' coco' %+ % ' bolo'
# > [1] "cocobolo"
' Hello' % % ' world'
# > [1] "Hello world"
' Your pastas taste like' % % ' %>%'
# > [1] "Your pastas taste like %>%"
' Hello' %,% ' world...'
# > [1] "Hello, world..."
' Your pastas taste like ' %+ % ' %>%...' %,% ' or %>>%...'
# > [1] "Your pastas taste like %>%..., or %>>%..."
' pig' %g % ' The pig is in the cornfield'
# > [1] TRUE
' Pig' %g % ' The pig is in the cornfield'
# > [1] FALSE
Case insensitive (
' pig' %gic % ' The pig is in the cornfield'
# > [1] TRUE
' PIG' %gic % ' The PiG is in the cornfield'
# > [1] TRUE
' NFKA008' %s % ' 1.4'
# > [1] "NFKA"
' NFKA008' %s % .4
# > [1] "NFKA"
' where is' % % (' the pig is in the cornfield' %s % ' 1.7' ) %+ % ' ?'
# > [1] "where is the pig?"
fruit <- c(" apple" , " banana" , " pear" , " pineapple" )
" a" %count % fruit
# > [1] 1 3 1 1
c(" a" , " b" , " p" , " p" ) %count % fruit
# > [1] 1 1 1 3
5 %lpad % ' 0.5'
# > [1] "00005"
5 %lpad % .5
# > [1] "00005"
5 %lpad % ' .5'
# > [1] " 5"
5 %lpad % ' 2.5'
# > [1] "22225"
' é' %lpad % ' é.5'
# > [1] "ééééé"
names of tibbles : tolower and toupper
library(magrittr )
iris %> % toupper_names %> % head
# > 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
# > 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
# > 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
# > 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
# > 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
# > 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa