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A Python Discord bot to monitor and have some control over iPhone's connected to a Mac by USB. To be used along side RDM.


iPhone-Manage will generate a list of iPhones from your RDM manager SQLite database(s). The list will contain the iPhone name, UUID and a generated ID for each iPhone. iPhone-Manage will only accept commands from the Discord role you set and only post in a channel you set. All config settings are in a YAML file.

  • Manage your iphone's by taking screenshot's and have them upload to Discord.
  • Have RDM rebuild and restart Pogo on an iPhone
  • Kill usbmuxd on the Mac (it will auto restart), which should have all iPhone's rebuild.
  • Reboot your iPhone
  • Take a screenshot of your Mac and upload to Discord


iPhone Manager is made using Python3 and will require :




Xcode 10.2.1>

You will also need libimobiledevice installed on the Mac.

Troubleshooting libimobiledevice

After install of libimobiledevice, check it's working. You can test by taking a screenshot on an iPhone. Connect the iPhone to your Mac and get it's UUID from Xcode, in terminal type: idevicescreenshot -u your-uuid-of-iphone This will save a screenshot of the connected iPhone. If you get the error "Could not connect to lockdownd, error code -21" please see google/ios-webkit-debug-proxy#290

Info from page

brew update
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies libimobiledevice
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies usbmuxd
brew install --HEAD usbmuxd
brew unlink usbmuxd & brew link usbmuxd
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
brew link --overwrite libimobiledevice
brew install ideviceinstaller
brew link --overwrite ideviceinstaller

Getting started

Install the Python3 requirements using pip3 install -r requirements.txt

In config.yaml you will need to edit :

  • Path to the database : A Python list, use full path including filename and extension

  • Channel name : The channel you want the bot to post to

  • Discord Role : The role required by the user to control the bot

  • Discord Token : Enter your bot token

Starting the bot

sudo python3


Screenshot device & upload image to discord

!sc {device_id} or {device_name}

Example : !sc iphone-se1   or   !sc 7ab3

Make RDM rebuild & reload pogo

!reload {device_id} or {device_name}

Example : !reload iphone-se1   or   !reload 7ab3

Reboot iPhone

!reboot {device_id} or {device_name}

Example : !reboot iphone-se1   or   !reboot 7ab3

Screenshot the Mac

!mac grab

Kill the usbmuxd process ID

!kill usb

Display the help
