I need to add Items to our stock. Every item has a name, sell-by date, and quality. Quality is an integer always >= 0.
I want to print the list of all items in stock. The print should show today's date, and a list of all items with their name, number of days until sell-by, and their quality.
I want to load the stock list from disk and print it to the screen in the format that we agreed.
I'm sick of the command line. I want to view the stock list in my browser. The format should be the same as previous.
Quality update is going to be complicated, but for now just reduce the quality of each item by one every day.
The Quality of an item is never negative.
Once the sell-by date has passed items reduce in quality by two every day.
Items without a sell by date don't degrade.
It increases in quality by one every day until its sell-by date, then two after. Its quality is capped at 50.
Quality increases by 2 when there are 10 days or less and by 3 when there are 5 days or less. Quality drops to 0 after the concert. Quality is capped at 50
No item can ever have a negative quality. No item should have its quality raised above 50 by updating, but items can be taken into stock with > 50 quality, and then degrade gradually.
Conjured items degrade in quality twice as fast as normal items. Any item can be conjured, and if they get better with time, then conjuring makes them get better twice as fast too.
Magical items are more like used cars than cartons of milk - their identity is important. We might bring three items with the same name, quality and sell-by into stock, but need to know which individual one we sold. Sometimes items have a serial number or distinguishing feature that we can use as identifier. Where they don't, we can attach a label with a code to an item.
Computers can't determine the value of magical items, that requires magic. There are three online interfaces to the required magic, we eventually need to ask all three.
For now though, just get the price from Value Elf and display it in the stock list screen.
Listing items was fast enough, but now that we are adding prices it's too slow (~3s). Can we make it under half a second?
Fetch the price from Price-O-Matic and WeBuyAnyMagicalItem as well as Value Elf.
If two or more agree use that value, otherwise the average. If any service is down (or doesn't respond in time) use those that aren't.
Display the price in the stock list screen.
We are currently reflecting (and updating the quality in) an Excel TSV file that I am editing by hand.
I'd like a way to add and remove items from the stock list through the software.